are you a young boy, or mature man already to dodge the difference?
You can dream anything, but just because you lack experience, does not gives you the will to call anything which you clearly not comprehend "bullshit". But anyway, that's fine. You just lack maternity and the years are still in front of you to get the experience required!
On the question - of course Blizz will auto-ban your gathering bots, especially if you run them in suicide mode - their online behavior is clear!
And the above auto-ban mechanisms are getting stronger if certain factors are met - like the recent bans on the system, the number of bots, ran by the system miscellaneously or the different behaviors done.
If you do not believe, try duplicate the botting characters behavior with your non-botting account, then you are welcome to mourn here again.
Explain it to the thousands of AutoIt botters, which had the same idea in mind, indeed, but still got banned like everyone else in the D3 banwaves.
Blizzard never used just a single way for banning botters, while injection bots are fragile for detection, the passive/pixel ones are fragile for behaviors and Blizzard clearly uses this!