Just like it was with 6.8, 6.9 and 7.0. Yes, every major update will from now on be a major banwave. And that's just because Blizzard are nice people.
It really doesn't matter anymore what Bossland does, Blizzard can ban at will. Nothing Bossland did after that first banwave has had any effect whatsoever on detectability of HB.
Yes, the rule is "don't bot what you can't lose". But that was because there was always a chance for a ban. That is now over. Every time you open HB you are guaranteed to lose that account with the next major update. Plain and simple.
We are not "guaranteed", but it is most likely to happen, indeed!
While we truely had banwaves 1st of Feb, with the Nighthold launch, and in November for Patch 7.1, Blizzard truely failed to banwave us for the most important WoW update in the last 2 years - the Legion launch in late August. Yes, this was the best moment to roll a HB banwave - no doubt! But Blizz thankfully failed with it, and succeeded 2.5 months later - in november, when half the WoW population was already bored with the content and froze their subs.
But it is not like they didnt tried to - The most other bots received banwaves just before Legion - and this was explained by them as "side effect" from Blizzard's attempts to ban Honorbuddy.
Nearly in the same time Blizzard banwaved even the 64bit rotation bots, like SBR and FH! While a lot of people assumed, that the 64bit ones had some "glory" of not being able to be detected for some unknown reason, Blizzard proved that this assumption is wrong, but they were just not paying enough attention to 64bits until then.
On the other side, the first detection banwave for HB took place in May 2015 but the HFC patch was 1 month later - in late june 2015.
Then Banwave #2 was in Dec 2015 and #3 was in May 2016 - both was in the middle of the 1 year-long HFC patch so I cant get any correlate WoW event, which to "bound" to them.