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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Hello Echo.
I tried to fix the Halls of Lightning Profile when the Bot dies.
I used the Code from your Tol'vir Profile and changed the ZoneID/Waypoints. But i cant get it to work. The Bot still stands in front of the Instance Portal and send "Clicking corpse popup..." to the Log.
Maybe you could take a look over it if i forgot something?



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Hello Echo.
I tried to fix the Halls of Lightning Profile when the Bot dies.
I used the Code from your Tol'vir Profile and changed the ZoneID/Waypoints. But i cant get it to work. The Bot still stands in front of the Instance Portal and send "Clicking corpse popup..." to the Log.
Maybe you could take a look over it if i forgot something?

ThanksView attachment 165119
The replacement of the Death_Main hook is currently undergoing some issues.

You can try adding AllowExecutionWhileNotAlive="true" to the CustomBehavior line, but I doubt it will help much.

The replacement of the Death_Main hook is currently undergoing some issues.

You can try adding AllowExecutionWhileNotAlive="true" to the CustomBehavior line, but I doubt it will help much.

Yep. Still dont work. So there is currently no Solution? Drink Tea and wait for a Fix? :D
hey Echo i tried to make some changes on ur profile hall of lighiting 85 gold farm, i change some waypoints cus those bloody coins gangers are killing me with hours, all its fine but i cant figure it out, why when dungeon is complete he run out, when run reset instance macro, running down on the stairs than he run go back to the portal (all the other bots that i watch they just run out reset and enter) thats about 10-30 sec stayin out and has more chance to be ganked. REALLY appreciate that what you do, and thanks :)
Well as you said regarding optimizing the gph, dont sell the greens, rather save them and de/ah them. Where is there an option for me to not sell these? I cant find it when running the AM gundrak one?

Best regards, andreas!
From EchoTiger: I'll send an experimental update, but I can't guarantee it'll fix all the problems.

u alrdy send the update for the Deathrun Plugin?

been using these profiles for a while must say thank you to the creator.

i have a few questions if anyone could please assist me!

i found gundrak and botanica gives roughly same GPH but botanica epic boe such as blade of wiz and some recipes can sell for quite a bit. the GPH im getting is between 1000-1200 in both dungeons. any tips to increase this ?

what is the best profile for GPH? i am running on lvl 100 mage/paladin is it better to run on a feral druid for all profile?

also can i get perm banned if im caught and never got a account ban before?

been using these profiles for a while must say thank you to the creator.

i have a few questions if anyone could please assist me!

i found gundrak and botanica gives roughly same GPH but botanica epic boe such as blade of wiz and some recipes can sell for quite a bit. the GPH im getting is between 1000-1200 in both dungeons. any tips to increase this ?

what is the best profile for GPH? i am running on lvl 100 mage/paladin is it better to run on a feral druid for all profile?

also can i get perm banned if im caught and never got a account ban before?

I'll leave the other questions to other people who know more, but for the last question... yes, you're botting, you can get perma banned if you get caught.
A) Someone reported this before. Would be an easy fix to have the mount hook disable/enable pre/post boss fight. I'll see about adding it in.
B) Yes, there's probably one here: Azyul - not entirely sure exactly how those profiles operate, if you don't find what you need then I'll make one.

The mailing routine is always ran last - the bot sells the Embersilk as a "failsafe" just in case the player doesn't have a mail recipient set (and the guild bank fails).
If the embersilk wasn't sold, it would cause the bags to max out which causes the bot to stop.
A profile could be edited to do what you want.

A quick update. I've switched to the "[N] Lost City of the Tol'vir - (x1) - Keep Greens, Guild Bank Money+Embersilk" profile which you've recently updated on your Cloud space, and removed the Mount Hook since that was what was causing me the most problems.
Still, I am accumulating no Embersilk at all, the bot keeps selling it due to the full-bags-prevention method you explained. The thing is, I have both a guild bank summon (pretty much) always available and enough common sense to fill in the mail recipient field in my bot settings. How would I go about forcing the profile to reverse the order of said operations? (i.e. gbank > mail > vendor instead of vendor > gbank > mail)?

Also, the green items do not actually get deposited in my guild bank/mailed to my alt either, they are just stockpiled in my character's bags, eventually draining it of free bagspace.

Again, thank you in advance for the time you dedicate to all of us fellow users.
Yep. Still dont work. So there is currently no Solution? Drink Tea and wait for a Fix? :D
There's "solutions", but they aren't reliable.

I noticed the other day that having a "lot" of predicates for the UseWhen triggered the DoWhen more persistently than just having 1 or 2.

Ex: UseWhen="Me.IsDead || Me.IsGhost || Me.HealthPercent == 0 || !Me.IsInInstance || Me.MapId != XX"
(for XX add in the dungeon's MapId)

This hasn't been heavily tested, but seemed to work for someon else.
Of course it's not really a solution - it's just a blunt work-around.
hey Echo i tried to make some changes on ur profile hall of lighiting 85 gold farm, i change some waypoints cus those bloody coins gangers are killing me with hours, all its fine but i cant figure it out, why when dungeon is complete he run out, when run reset instance macro, running down on the stairs than he run go back to the portal (all the other bots that i watch they just run out reset and enter) thats about 10-30 sec stayin out and has more chance to be ganked. REALLY appreciate that what you do, and thanks :)
It's because you're using the old "85 gold farm" profile.

Use the ones in the Optimized Gold Farms folder.

Well as you said regarding optimizing the gph, dont sell the greens, rather save them and de/ah them. Where is there an option for me to not sell these? I cant find it when running the AM gundrak one?

Best regards, andreas!
Checking "Sell All" will make it ignore Honorbuddy's vending logic - if you use this option you will need to modify the selling Lua to prevent it from selling them.

If "Sell All" is unchecked, then you could open the profile up and CTRL+F for <SellGreens>true</SellGreens> and change that to false.

From EchoTiger: I'll send an experimental update, but I can't guarantee it'll fix all the problems.

u alrdy send the update for the Deathrun Plugin?
The update was sent, but the bot still seems to refuse the hook replacement - it's more of an internal issue that must be invetigated by the core-devs.
There's "work arounds" but they don't work persistently.


been using these profiles for a while must say thank you to the creator.

i have a few questions if anyone could please assist me!

i found gundrak and botanica gives roughly same GPH but botanica epic boe such as blade of wiz and some recipes can sell for quite a bit. the GPH im getting is between 1000-1200 in both dungeons. any tips to increase this ?

what is the best profile for GPH? i am running on lvl 100 mage/paladin is it better to run on a feral druid for all profile?

also can i get perm banned if im caught and never got a account ban before?
Gundrak and The Botanica are the easy 'go-tos' in dungeon botting.
If you want to increase the GPH for these areas, then you will need to invest in bigger bags + a traveler's mammoth.
Using "Sell All" or "Sell All + Deposit Netherweave/Frostweave" will be your most efficient methods since it will avoid going to the mailbox.

There's other dungeons that are farm worthy such as:
Tol'vir, Stonecore, Grim Batol, and Drak'tharon.
There may be others, but I haven't ran any numbers in a while.

Feral Druids typically are the most perferred runners simply because of their movement efficiency.

As far as bans go, it depends.
If you're on a RAF Battle Chest account botting a level 90 thats only existed for 3 days - then you'll most-likely get perma-banned.
If you're botting on an older account with a level 100 main/etc that has never been banned before - then you'll most-likely get a 72 hour ban.
In the ends, it all depends on who investigates+initiates the bans.

A quick update. I've switched to the "[N] Lost City of the Tol'vir - (x1) - Keep Greens, Guild Bank Money+Embersilk" profile which you've recently updated on your Cloud space, and removed the Mount Hook since that was what was causing me the most problems.
Still, I am accumulating no Embersilk at all, the bot keeps selling it due to the full-bags-prevention method you explained. The thing is, I have both a guild bank summon (pretty much) always available and enough common sense to fill in the mail recipient field in my bot settings. How would I go about forcing the profile to reverse the order of said operations? (i.e. gbank > mail > vendor instead of vendor > gbank > mail)?

Also, the green items do not actually get deposited in my guild bank/mailed to my alt either, they are just stockpiled in my character's bags, eventually draining it of free bagspace.

Again, thank you in advance for the time you dedicate to all of us fellow users.
The profile is designed to: Guild Bank > Mobile Vendor > Town Vendor > Mail.
If it's not guild banking, then there's something preventing it. Is the bot placing the guild bank at all? Are you using any addons? If it is placing it, is it outputting "Guild bank not found" in your chat?

To have it mail before vendoring, you'd need to move the vendor logic below the mail logic.
See image:

That profile only 'keeps' greens - it doesn't deposit them.
It was made upon request by someone else.

Re-check the cloud, I've added one that should deposit the greens.
Azyul Cloud - Lost City of Tol'vir
hi echo thanks for the reply.

ive had some issues with botanica profile, so i swapped over to gundrak and working perfect.

the issue with botanica one is it pulls and gets stuck in a corner on a table sometimes end up with red gear then logs out. i had the same issue on paladin & mage not sure if its a problem with my bot or the profile.

characters im on have 22-30 slots bags and both vendor mount, what profile would you recommend me?

I do have some add-ons enabled, but I figured it wasn't that generating the issue at hand, since they posed me no problem when running your HoL (guild bank - deposit Frostweave) profile. I have now disabled all of them, however, just in case.
As for the guild bank itself, it gets successfully placed anytime it needs to be, and no errors seem to appear on that end, besides the fact that my character only deposits the gold (since Embersilk Cloth always gets previously sold to the vendor).
I have just switched to the new version you kindly uploaded, and will let you know how it goes as soon as the bags are full.
On a side note, I have added a few lines to have it deposit lockboxes as well, which I took from another of your profiles, hopefully it will do the trick without having to bother you again.

Again, thanks for all the help thus far!

Update: sadly, it keeps selling all the Embersilk Cloth to my Mammoth vendor before it has a chance to deposit it into the guild bank. For some reason I cannot fathom, it seems to be running this order: Mobile Vendor > Guild Bank.
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hi echo thanks for the reply.

ive had some issues with botanica profile, so i swapped over to gundrak and working perfect.

the issue with botanica one is it pulls and gets stuck in a corner on a table sometimes end up with red gear then logs out. i had the same issue on paladin & mage not sure if its a problem with my bot or the profile.

characters im on have 22-30 slots bags and both vendor mount, what profile would you recommend me?

Do you have a log of it getting stuck?

I'd reccomend Gundrak or The Botanica, but I haven't personally botted in years.

I do have some add-ons enabled, but I figured it wasn't that generating the issue at hand, since they posed me no problem when running your HoL (guild bank - deposit Frostweave) profile. I have now disabled all of them, however, just in case.
As for the guild bank itself, it gets successfully placed anytime it needs to be, and no errors seem to appear on that end, besides the fact that my character only deposits the gold (since Embersilk Cloth always gets previously sold to the vendor).
I have just switched to the new version you kindly uploaded, and will let you know how it goes as soon as the bags are full.
On a side note, I have added a few lines to have it deposit lockboxes as well, which I took from another of your profiles, hopefully it will do the trick without having to bother you again.

Again, thanks for all the help thus far!

Update: sadly, it keeps selling all the Embersilk Cloth to my Mammoth vendor before it has a chance to deposit it into the guild bank. For some reason I cannot fathom, it seems to be running this order: Mobile Vendor > Guild Bank.
Try the latest cloud update for the Deposit Greens+Money+Embersilk profile. It should fix the issue.

why is not working ?!
how i can turnoff "Activity: Moving to corpse" and put in my "<MoveTo .../> ???
Try the latest cloud update for the Deposit Greens+Money+Embersilk profile. It should fix the issue.

Works perfectly - besides sometimes not depositing every green. Missed 8 greens and 1 lockbox on my first deposit.
edit: I guess its not that big of a deal, since when it vendors it will mail leftover greens.
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