I do have some add-ons enabled, but I figured it wasn't that generating the issue at hand, since they posed me no problem when running your HoL (guild bank - deposit Frostweave) profile. I have now disabled all of them, however, just in case.
As for the guild bank itself, it gets successfully placed anytime it needs to be, and no errors seem to appear on that end, besides the fact that my character only deposits the gold (since Embersilk Cloth always gets previously sold to the vendor).
I have just switched to the new version you kindly uploaded, and will let you know how it goes as soon as the bags are full.
On a side note, I have added a few lines to have it deposit lockboxes as well, which I took from another of your profiles, hopefully it will do the trick without having to bother you again.
Again, thanks for all the help thus far!
Update: sadly, it keeps selling all the Embersilk Cloth to my Mammoth vendor before it has a chance to deposit it into the guild bank. For some reason I cannot fathom, it seems to be running this order: Mobile Vendor > Guild Bank.