Indeed it does. To solve the problem with leftover greens I just changed the NumofTimes value from 2 (green font in the text below) to 6, now it works like a charm.Works perfectly - besides sometimes not depositing every green. Missed 8 greens and 1 lockbox on my first deposit.
edit: I guess its not that big of a deal, since when it vendors it will mail leftover greens.
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" NumOfTimes="2" WaitTime="2000" Lua=" if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then print("|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing Greens.") for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b) do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s) if n and strfind(n,"ff1eff00")then UseContainerItem(b,s) end end end end"/>
Still trying to figure out why it doesn't switch to depositing cloth and greens to the other empty guild bank tabs once the first one is full though.
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