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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Works perfectly - besides sometimes not depositing every green. Missed 8 greens and 1 lockbox on my first deposit.
edit: I guess its not that big of a deal, since when it vendors it will mail leftover greens.
Indeed it does. To solve the problem with leftover greens I just changed the NumofTimes value from 2 (green font in the text below) to 6, now it works like a charm.

<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" NumOfTimes="2" WaitTime="2000" Lua=" if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then print("|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing Greens.") for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b) do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s) if n and strfind(n,"ff1eff00")then UseContainerItem(b,s) end end end end"/>

Still trying to figure out why it doesn't switch to depositing cloth and greens to the other empty guild bank tabs once the first one is full though.
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why is not working ?!
how i can turnoff "Activity: Moving to corpse" and put in my "<MoveTo .../> ???
In order to add your own navigation you must first override the Death_Main hook.
Although, at the moment there's inconsistencies when replacing the hook itself - sometimes it works sometimes it won't which is why Death support is broken right now.

Works perfectly - besides sometimes not depositing every green. Missed 8 greens and 1 lockbox on my first deposit.
edit: I guess its not that big of a deal, since when it vendors it will mail leftover greens.
Due to Blizzard's new poorly designed inventory system as of patch 6.0.0+, items may get missed.
The only solution to fixing this would be to increase the amount of Lua passes. CTRL+F for NumOfTimes="2" and increase the 2 to 5.
If some greens are still missed, increase it higher.

Indeed it does. To solve the problem with leftover greens I just changed the NumofTimes value from 2 (green font in the text below) to 6, now it works like a charm.

<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" NumOfTimes="2" WaitTime="2000" Lua=" if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then print("|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing Greens.") for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b) do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s) if n and strfind(n,"ff1eff00")then UseContainerItem(b,s) end end end end"/>

Still trying to figure out why it doesn't switch to depositing cloth and greens to the other empty guild bank tabs once the first one is full though.
The API function for switching bank tabs is broken.
I wrote a custom function for it, but it hasn't made it into the profiles yet.

Due to Blizzard's new poorly designed inventory system as of patch 6.0.0+, items may get missed.
The only solution to fixing this would be to increase the amount of Lua passes. CTRL+F for NumOfTimes="2" and increase the 2 to 5.
If some greens are still missed, increase it higher.

thanks, I'll try it out now.

Also, 2nd time I got this error. I wasn't paying attention when it happened so not sure what went on.

Looting High Prophet Barim Guid:0x1C30FC5E602A9700006FAD00004274FC
[Azyul]: Attempting to mount...
[Azyul]: We couldn't mount! Attempting to unstuck...
[DoWhen-v1931(error)] For DoWhenActivity ActivityName(CustomMountHook), predicate ((Me.CurrentTarget == null || Me.CurrentTarget.IsDead) && !Me.Combat && !Me.Mounted && !Me.IsIndoors && Me.IsInInstance && !ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>().Any(u => u.Lootable && u.Distance <= 40)) was not reset by execution.
  This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior.
  The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed.
[Azyul]: Attempting to mount...
since the new release i could not get Grim Batol farming to work. my toon would just round up all the mobs but never attack any of them. and i was getting 5FPS i re-installed version 770 and everything is working fine now.
A suggestion when going to Hellfire from Org (instead of taking the boat in Ratchet):

Go here (the xyz provided is in range of interacting with the portal on the second floor of the building with the Mages):

<Hotspot X="1686.59" Y="-4126.309" Z="66.34061" />

Interact with the portal to go directly to Hellfire:

<GameObject Name="Portal to Hellfire Peninsula" Entry="195142" X="1685.18" Y="-4123.42" Z="66.3376" />
A suggestion when going to Hellfire from Org (instead of taking the boat in Ratchet):
Go here (the xyz provided is in range of interacting with the portal on the second floor of the building with the Mages):

Interact with the portal to go directly to Hellfire:
Thanks, but I already have optimal routes wrote out for the new univerasl navigation scripts.
They're still a WIP though.

The current scripts aren't yet designed for X to Outlands.
It's taking the boat to get to Eastern Kingdoms for the Dark Portal - which of course no longer works.
Thanks, but I already have optimal routes wrote out for the new univerasl navigation scripts.
They're still a WIP though.

The current scripts aren't yet designed for X to Outlands.
It's taking the boat to get to Eastern Kingdoms for the Dark Portal - which of course no longer works.
So I should manually take the portal to Hellfire for the Raven Lord or Ashes runs until the new scripts are released?
Yea, I'll see about adding in the newer ones tonight.
Sounds good.

Another note: If it goes to train riding to fly for the Blue Proto, if you have the gold, it will auto-train all flying that is learnable. In other words, I had no intention of buying 280% flying on the character I used, but it went ahead and spent 5,000g completely unnecessarily. Might want to look into changing that...
can i ask you? EchoTiger
give me please vendor routine code
Sell all
delete all what cant selled
exept heartstone
Does not take the vortex after the first boss in Vortex Pinnacle, possibly because the character was still in combat due to skipped mobs attacking him? If you manually interact with the vortex, once the character reaches the new platform, the profile continues as intended.

EDIT: Since this VP profile requires me to baby sit it, I won't be running it until the vortex issue is resolved.
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Grim Batol drops seem nerfed since today, on EU at least, can someone else confirm?
Seems like this, inventory full off blue boss drops, gph down to ~300. Can some one confirm nerf of other instances like Gundrak, Botanica, Drak"tharon?
I´ve got a Question.
There are so many profiles atm. Im on Botanika but for me it looks like the Gold gain isnt that much.
Is Gundrak better one to farm gold or are there any other Profiles which are good for goldfarming?
Tested and nerfed on US server:

Grim Batol, Stonecore, Lost City of Tol'Vir, Gundrak, Halls of Lightning, Botanica, Drak'theron Keep.

Gold went from 800-1200gph down to less than 200gph. Seems Blizzard is nerfing all older dungeons again. No longer really profitable.
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Tested and nerfed on US server:

Grim Batol, Stonecore, Lost City of Tol'Vir, Gundrak, Halls of Lightning, Botanica, Drak'theron Keep.

Gold went from 800-1200gph down to less than 200gph. Seems Blizzard is nerfing all older dungeons again. No longer really profitable.

Seems like most trial suicide druids moved to HoL, piles and piles of bones & random named druids on the vendor close to it .... ran it once for science, gold after vendoring was like 120ish, it looks like it still drops grays,whites & greens ... but i'm pretty sure it will get hit just like all the other money makers, too bad :(

EDIT: I'm on EU.
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