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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

I have a german Client and using the bot (bot was downloaded in canada) with proxy (have my own proxy - works 100%)
Playing with a Warrior lvl 100
Bot is always running 10 meters infront Laj than it stopps wait a second start killing all mobs with bladestorm and goes to next waypoint.
I've downloaded your full pack. I open it likte this [Azyul] Full Pack\Azyul\Optimized Gold Farms\Dungeons\Outlands than open [AM - Alpha] The Botanica

Thanks for help :)


Edit: What does Ban mean? I had never something like this bevor! Does it mean permanent ban? Or just some hours or something like that?
What class are you using?

Bans vary, it depends on how you were banned whether it be by Warden, or a Game Master.
If it's a temporary ban it'll be 72 hours.
Well, I think I messed up. I had the CombatPuller plugin on while running the profile. I think there might have been some crosstalk there.

I noticed that a lot of your profile uses the same logic. Is there a way that you could extract that information out into separate xml files so you have a consistent interface?

Also, how do you go about making your own hotspots? I tried making a profile and got annoyed by switching back and forth between hb client and wow to click the add hotspot location. I added you to skype.

Thanks for your responsiveness to all the forum posts (including mine)!
I'm not familiar with CombatPuller at all but I 'doubt' it uses the same Logic on a code-level considering it's a plugin and what you're using is a profile.
This plugin may be trying to achieve a similar goal as my profile, but in no way are they using the same logic. Which if this is the case then yes, there could be conflicts.

I have no idea what you're requesting here:
"Is there a way that you could extract that information out into separate xml files so you have consistent interface."
I think you're confusing terminology, lol.

For these profiles, you shouldn't be using any plugins since most of the functionality any plugin would bring is already hard-coded into the profile.

As for hotspots, just use Honorbuddy's Developer Tools.
You don't really need that many since the bot targets/kills mobs between them.
Really you could just have about four hotspots that vector the location you're farming.
As the bot traverses the hotspots, it'll pickup mobs along the way.

I tried to use the svn vision of Gundrak profile, but it says "There was an error requesting the profile resource at https://e-mog-pack.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Optimized%20Gold%20Farms/Dungeons/Northerend/%5bAM%20-%20Alpha%5d%20Gundrak.xml"
Can you explain the steps you took prior to this error appearing?

Echotiger, i think you remember about my problem with Botanica Dungeon, my warrior and rogue dont kill boss Laj again. I know that you doing patch and problem with warrior was delete, but i am download last version of Optimized Gold Farms and view that problem again.View attachment 168658
It's probably because your game-client is in Русский.
Laj translates to Laj in most languages, but Русский uses a different unicode - causing this error.

Could you try with an English client to see if it fixes it? If that's not an option, then I'll modify a profile for you.
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EchoTiger;1864871[COLOR="#3E87D1" said:
Can you explain the steps you took prior to this error appearing?[/COLOR]

I copied the address on the svn and pasted it on the web source, then it just popped out.

Just found another problem, everytime the bot killed the first boss, it never loot them. I'm using hunter, i don't have pet on dungeon


EchoTiger, I will be grateful if you correct the error. Unfortunately I can not turn on English in Russian servers. Blizzard do this felt that European players will go to the Russian server, because russian the subscription price by more than 2 times lower than in EU.
Why the ress at spirit healer dont work with the profiles anymore?
What do you mean?
Death support has been broken for some time now.

I copied the address on the svn and pasted it on the web source, then it just popped out.

Just found another problem, everytime the bot killed the first boss, it never loot them. I'm using hunter, i don't have pet on dungeon
Could you try turning up your Loot Radius?

EchoTiger, I will be grateful if you correct the error. Unfortunately I can not turn on English in Russian servers. Blizzard do this felt that European players will go to the Russian server, because russian the subscription price by more than 2 times lower than in EU.
You should still be able to change the client language though.
Anywho, what's the (exact) name of the profile you're using?
EchoTiger, I am use Heavy Pools The Botanica - Sell Everything. I checked, when you change the language to English, you can go to any realm, other than Russian. Warrior and Rogue dont kill Laj.
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I tried to use the svn vision of Gundrak profile, but it says "There was an error requesting the profile resource at https://e-mog-pack.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Optimized%20Gold%20Farms/Dungeons/Northerend/%5bAM%20-%20Alpha%5d%20Gundrak.xml"

When you go to put the SVN link in clear that one out and go to your browser and copy and paste the link into where that was at.
lord aurius rivendare profile gets stuck!:(

the bot runs fin it takes out all 3 ziggs and also kills the 1st wave of mindless undead but it runs inside rivendares spawn (outiside his locked door) and just keeps trying to run in with the door still closed because it doesntkill the 2nd waveof mindless undead :( help plz im using my lvl 100 hunter


This is a profile pack designed farm Mounts, Pets, and other items of interest!
This mini-pack is a subcategory of the Azyul project.
If you have the [Azyul] master-SVN already, then you shouldn't have to SVN this.


All profiles on this pack use the Questing botbase.
When using any profile in this pack, start it outside of the dungeon.
The profiles *will not* loot anything except the boss that drops the mount.
Load the profile, start the bot, and go! No setup required.

These profiles have Mage teleportation support!
If you're wanting to farm the mounts quickly, I recommend using a Mage!




The Zul'gurub profile is complete.
However there is no mechanic to it. Once I get the mechanics coded in, it will be released.

This thread is still under development.


sorry to ask a stupid question...
Im trying to run this casual farms...
i use the Questing botbase, but it show me
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
Am i choose the wrong botbase?
EchoTiger, I am use Heavy Pools The Botanica - Sell Everything. I checked, when you change the language to English, you can go to any realm, other than Russian. Warrior and Rogue dont kill Laj.
The issue is on the bug tracker and will be addressed soon.

Echotiger say please - do we need use releasespirit plugin now or is there new core with death update already released and no bugs with death now with honorbuddy without plugin? Thanks for your answer. I see you are very busy now. Or in which version this plugin worked well ? .765 ?
As far as I'm aware there's no persistent solution.
I've not had a lot of time to work on it myself, but when I did look into it - all the solutions relied on a similar function, and all of which only worked for 'some' people.
For other people the bot would behave completely different.
the bot runs fin it takes out all 3 ziggs and also kills the 1st wave of mindless undead but it runs inside rivendares spawn (outiside his locked door) and just keeps trying to run in with the door still closed because it doesntkill the 2nd waveof mindless undead :( help plz im using my lvl 100 hunter
Don't quote the entire original thread. It's unecessary and takes up a lot of room.
As stated before in the previous posts, the Deathcharger's Reigns profile hasn't been optimized for level 91+ yet.

The profiles were designed for a level 90's aggro tolerance since they were made months before Draenor was released.

sorry to ask a stupid question...
Im trying to run this casual farms...
i use the Questing botbase, but it show me
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
Am i choose the wrong botbase?
Yes that's correct.
Try reinstalling your bot.
If that doesn't work, then I can't provide anymore suggestions unless you give me a log.
Hi EchoTiger, I would just have a question, is it always profitable to chain donjons tomake gold since the last patch on the old dungeon ?

i've got a lot of problems at the moment! My 5 bots are farming Gundrak, but atm they dont loot very often and after a bossfight (or in) they stop attacking and wait 15min, sometimes many hours and today they farmed only 1k(!) in cause of this. There are probably problems with Singular and TuanHa Monk and Hunter (tried Singular and TuanHa on all bots) and I reinstalled honorbuddy many times, but when I start it the program want to update the files and if I click "yes" it stucks at the DOWNLOAD (1274/1902 or so).


ps: an other problem with Gundrak -> when they move to the vendor it happens sometimes that they dont use the gryphon and run to the vendor.
I've added a log from a Monk and one from a Hunter.


Hey is there a fix yet to the grim batol bot saying clinking corpse popup when it dies instead of actually running back in the dungeon?
I maxed the loot radius, still doesnt work
I don't know what else to tell you.
Looting isn't handled by the profile, and nobody else has reported issues with looting the last boss.

Hi EchoTiger, I would just have a question, is it always profitable to chain donjons tomake gold since the last patch on the old dungeon ?
What do you mean by "always profitable?" All dungeons will guarantee some sort of profit for as long as you farm it.


i've got a lot of problems at the moment! My 5 bots are farming Gundrak, but atm they dont loot very often and after a bossfight (or in) they stop attacking and wait 15min, sometimes many hours and today they farmed only 1k(!) in cause of this. There are probably problems with Singular and TuanHa Monk and Hunter (tried Singular and TuanHa on all bots) and I reinstalled honorbuddy many times, but when I start it the program want to update the files and if I click "yes" it stucks at the DOWNLOAD (1274/1902 or so).


ps: an other problem with Gundrak -> when they move to the vendor it happens sometimes that they dont use the gryphon and run to the vendor.
I've added a log from a Monk and one from a Hunter.
Looting is handled by the bot, not the profile.

Since these issues have never existed until now, I'm guessing something's broken in the bot itself and a future update will fix it.
It running to the vendor is the vending routine activating prematurely which should never happen. Again I'm assuming the bot broke something since this has never been an issue before.

There's nothing that needs (or can be) fixed on a profile level.
I could possibly write "temporary fixes" but there's no need to add extra unecessary code to a profile when the bot itself is what's causing it.

Hey is there a fix yet to the grim batol bot saying clinking corpse popup when it dies instead of actually running back in the dungeon?
There's not a 'reliable' fix since the bot is broken.
There's methods and "solutions" - but only work for some people.
How do you make gold on timeless isle with chests? Its listed under optimized gold farms, but I havent seen any gold drop yet from timeless isle.
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