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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Could you try this one?:
Azyul Cloud: Halls of Lightning - Move Lag

There's wait timers between the pulls that will give the bot time to "think" between the pulls.
The timers will terminate if no combat is detected so they won't waste time.

thx works can you add gbank depost?

edit nvm i think i got it, i copied/pasted your vendor code from another profile seems to be working right
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Can profile send gold to X character ?
I see Mailing Min [20] but I don't understand where bot send , and what bot send
Can profile send gold to X character ?
I see Mailing Min [20] but I don't understand where bot send , and what bot send
Honorbuddy is designed to only mail items.

It's possible to mail gold as well, but it would either: Require a plugin. Or require Lua code.
I've created several profiles already that mail gold, but the Lua code requires you to input your mail recipient's name - so they aren't public for this reason.
Is it possible to have a Reins of Poseidus Farming profile?
Thank you for your attention.
It along with several other farms have been suggested.
However I just haven't had the time to get around to it.

Also I'm not entirely sure how Honorbuddy will handle swimming around in Vashj'ir.
Succes!! I was running your Stratholme profile and feeling SAD. Mount just refused to drop. I said to myself: "One last run before bedtime" And the mount fucking drops!!!!! It took me like 50 runs
Succes!! I was running your Stratholme profile and feeling SAD. Mount just refused to drop. I said to myself: "One last run before bedtime" And the mount fucking drops!!!!! It took me like 50 runs
Lol, nice. Grats!
Yea, it can take a while.

Sometimes 5 runs, sometimes 500.
Hi, i'm trying to use Trashmob farm profiles, but my char is only pulling, it never dismount or attack any mob.

Log for "[150% - 280% Mounts] Sapph, and Baelok" profile test: View attachment 167801
Hmm, it could be an aggro tolerance issue.
The farm itself is meant to pull the mobs while on the mount - but it should dismount after the pull is complete.

As it's pulling with the mount, are the mobs being aggro'd?
I started it in my Garrison. It just ran to a wall and stopped. No logs.
I HSed to Stormwind, started it there. It decided it was Ravenlord time, went to Outlands just fine. Got stuck at the Alliance area. No log.
I mounted, flew up in the air, started the bot. The bot went straight to a Horde camp to try and repair & mail stuff. It didnt recognize me being Alliance. No log.
I manually went to Terokkar forest. Started the bot in Allerian Stronghold. Bot went ahead ON FOOT, got stuck in a PvP tower, then managed to break free after 2 mins, then got stuck at a piece of stone from a destroyed tower, managed to break free after two minutes, ran to a wall at Auchindoun, got stuck again and havent broken free after 10 mins of trying. Log attached.View attachment 5592 2015-02-12 18.05.txt
I started it in my Garrison. It just ran to a wall and stopped. No logs.
I HSed to Stormwind, started it there. It decided it was Ravenlord time, went to Outlands just fine. Got stuck at the Alliance area. No log.
I mounted, flew up in the air, started the bot. The bot went straight to a Horde camp to try and repair & mail stuff. It didnt recognize me being Alliance. No log.
I manually went to Terokkar forest. Started the bot in Allerian Stronghold. Bot went ahead ON FOOT, got stuck in a PvP tower, then managed to break free after 2 mins, then got stuck at a piece of stone from a destroyed tower, managed to break free after two minutes, ran to a wall at Auchindoun, got stuck again and havent broken free after 10 mins of trying. Log attached.View attachment 167846
Garrison support is still a bit iffy. I haven't played WoW in nearly a year and any navigational data I could get for Draenor was from a friend's account.
Any technicalities beyond that are relied on Honorbuddy's navigation system.

What 'Alliance Area' ?

Starting the bot while needing to repair/sell will invoke Honorbuddy's Vendor logic - the profile has no control over this.

The last issue is another issue where you started with your bags being nearly full. >17 bagslots.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Alliance Area as in the area you get to when you run through the Dark Portal. I didnt need repairs btw. Is there a way to change how much bag space is required? I think 17 slots is PLENTY
Thanks for the quick reply.
Alliance Area as in the area you get to when you run through the Dark Portal. I didnt need repairs btw. Is there a way to change how much bag space is required? I think 17 slots is PLENTY
17 slots was the calculated average consumption per dungeon.
But yea, just CTRL+F for 17" it should bring you to the settings.
There may be multiple ones, so be sure to change them all.
echotiger, i'm running bots in gundrak also, when you get time could you add a mobile bank to the light pull version?
Echo, i have an a little problem with HoL Insane Guild bank deposit, well everythings fine, selling repairing, interacting with my guild bank, BUT he is not depositing anything at all items, gold nothing.
Is something wrong with this section of the code ?

		<!--Vendor Code -->	
		<If Condition="(Me.FreeBagSlots &lt; 17)" >
			<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="ShowRecoveryMessage = GetMoney();" />
			<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.DeepSkyBlue, &quot;[Azyul]: Moving to Sell, Repair and Mail.&quot;);" />

			<If Condition="Me.KnowsSpell(61425) || Me.KnowsSpell(61447) || Me.KnowsSpell(122708)" >
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="750" />
				<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/cast Тундровый мамонт путешественника\n/cast Traveler's Tundra Mammoth\n/cast Tundramammut des Reisenden\n/cast Großes Expeditionsyak\n/cast Большой як для путешествий\n/cast Grand Expedition Yak" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
					<CustomBehavior File="ForceSetVendor" DoSell="true" DoRepair="true" />
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CastSpellByID(83958);" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3500" />
				<If Condition="Me.IsAlliance" > 
				    <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="206602" WaitForNpcs="false" ObjectType="GameObject" Range="10" WaitTime="2000" /> 
				<If Condition="Me.IsHorde" > 
				    <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="206603" WaitForNpcs="false" ObjectType="GameObject" Range="10" WaitTime="2000" /> 
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="
					if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then
						MyMoney = GetMoney();
						print(&quot;|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing &quot;..GetCoinTextureString(MyMoney));
					print(&quot;|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Your mobile guild bank wasn't detected, continuing run.&quot;)
					end" />
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="
					if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then
						print(&quot;|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing Frostweave Cloth and Cristallized.&quot;)
						for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b)
							do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s)
								if n and strfind(n,&quot;33470&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37702&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37705&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37700&quot;) then
					end" />