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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

for deathcharger reins there is a problem, it loot the boss only at the first run, after all other runs it don't loot it, so have to babysit the bot and loot manually all other runs

Edit : another problem with deatchcharger reign, when the army of skel incoming outside boss house, 1/2 the bot don't kill them all, and go wait the Guard spawn inside the house so guard never spawn as the skeleton are not all killed

Hello Echo, just tu say I have the same problem that he has on my hunter. My hunt is looting the first time but after that he doesn't kill all the adds and stay at the entrance of the house doing nothing.

Thanks ;)
Hello Echo, just tu say I have the same problem that he has on my hunter. My hunt is looting the first time but after that he doesn't kill all the adds and stay at the entrance of the house doing nothing.

Thanks ;)
It's probably because you're level 91+ and they aren't aggroing properly.
The profile was made with a level 90's aggro tolerance.

As far as the looting issue goes, this is all new to me. Whatever is randomly (now) causing this issue isn't something I could guess at.
I'd need a log to see what's going on.
Hi EchoTiger

Many thanks for the profiles I have just recently started using them and have found them amazing.
I got a question, would you mind telling me how can I set one of the Gundrak profiles to save the borean leather. I am running the profile with a skinner and the borean leather can fetch 600g for a stack of 200 on my server.
I do apologize if this has been addressed before but the tread is 500+ pages long.

Thanks again

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Hi EchoTiger

Many thanks for the profiles I have just recently started using them and have found them amazing.
I got a question, would you mind telling me how can I set one of the Gundrak profiles to save the borean leather. I am running the profile with a skinner and the borean leather can fetch 600g for a stack of 200 on my server.
I do apologize if this has been addressed before but the tread is 500+ pages long.

Thanks again

There's a "Deposit Leather" profile floating on the cloud if you want that.
Azyul Cloud
If you don't want all the other features, I can add the deposit/save leather code into another profile.

Two account baned on gundrak.
Sorry to hear. : /
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Hi Echo!

I am running the Northwind Drake farm profile in the Vortex Pinnacle, and everything works perfectly until the boss has been looted. I then don't move, and honorbudy says "moving to hunting ground waypoint "hunting ground center."" and "no viable mobs in the area."

Looting Altairus Guid:0x1C3B0852202AD8400075520000259C4D
Looting Altairus Guid:0x1C3B0852202AD8400075520000259C4D
[InteractWith-v1857(warning) @line 494]: Attribute 'RunOnce' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.

When I start the bot it also says "Run Macro 1/1 times," so I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it or how it can be changed.

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Hi Echo!

I am running the Northwind Drake farm profile in the Vortex Pinnacle, and everything works perfectly until the boss has been looted. I then don't move, and honorbudy says "moving to hunting ground waypoint "hunting ground center."" and "no viable mobs in the area."

Looting Altairus Guid:0x1C3B0852202AD8400075520000259C4D
Looting Altairus Guid:0x1C3B0852202AD8400075520000259C4D
[InteractWith-v1857(warning) @line 494]: Attribute 'RunOnce' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.

When I start the bot it also says "Run Macro 1/1 times," so I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it or how it can be changed.
I have no idea how that got in there, 'RunOnce' is a attribute for Wildbuddy's Interact code.
Should be removed in the latest SVN update.
Read this if death-support isn't working for you for profiles that should have death support.

In the latest version of Honorbuddy the DoWhen behavior was set so it doesn't work while the player is dead.

I stripped the code form the behavior that prevents activation while dead, which you can download here:
View attachment DoWhen.cs
Paste this behavior here: Honorbuddy Folder -> QuestBehaviors -> Hooks -> and override your current one.

I've sent in a request that they add AllowUseWhileDead="true" to the behavior so you guys won't have to use modified versions.
This won't be added until the next Honorbuddy + My SVN update.

Please note that this "fix" hasn't been confirmed yet.
I just happen to glance at the DoWhen behavior and notice the "prevention while death" code in there.
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hi could you confirm the zip file is updated and is last version same as svn file?
Hi, i have the same problem...
I tried using the Botanica sell all profile, and after it finished the first run, the bot exit the dungeon waits a few secs, and then summon ground mount and runs at the edge of the ramp, and stays there.
Bags arent full, i have flying mount.

heres the log..


hi could you confirm the zip file is updated and is last version same as svn file?
It's not. I'll be doing away with the zip on the next Honorbuddy update.
Jimmy06 is working on a SVN plugin that will be preinstalled onto Honorbuddy. This plugin will become the standardized method of obtaining profiles.


Replaced the dowhen file but still didn't rez properly at grim batol
Did you restart you bot after copying the behavior?
Also, could you post a full log?

Hi, i have the same problem...
I tried using the Botanica sell all profile, and after it finished the first run, the bot exit the dungeon waits a few secs, and then summon ground mount and runs at the edge of the ramp, and stays there.
Bags arent full, i have flying mount.

heres the log..
I checked the log and the bot is behaving exactly as it should.
However the coordinate it's preceding to when it leaves the dungeon shouldn't be taking it off the ledge - it should be (instead) walking the bot back up to the instance.

Why it's walking off the ledge instead of something I've never seen before.
Considering this same coordinate is also used to enter the portal the first go-around.

I'll check the coordinate and see what's up.

Could you try with the latest SVN update?​

Hello again, you sent the fix did but he can only use Moonfire on 1 mob only.
Try this then.
View attachment [SK-Suicide (x1)] Sra'Vess - Druid Fix 1.xml
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Hey guys could you share some of your success stories and the best farming spots? I have been doing Gundrak for around 24 hours strait got about 10k gold. I was wondering if thats decent or not.
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\Dowhen DeathHook Issue Possible Fix

First off thank you for your efforts Echo. I tried just replacing the DoWhen and it did have some effect, however it still continued to stop working after one death inside the instance i looked over the DoWhen.cs and i added some AllowUse's and Deleted the CustomBehavior that Disables the Hook, for whatver reason it wouldnt enable it after the first death no matter how many different ways i tried.

This is how i have been able to fix my profiles,

Step:1 Replace the old DoWhen.cs with Echo's stripped version

Step:2 Use this..
CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="CustomDeathHook" AllowUseWhileFlying="True" AllowUseWhileMounted="True" AllowUseDuringCombat="True" UseWhen="Me.IsGhost">
].. to replace the first custom behavior file for the death hook ( adding AllowUseWhileMounted="True" AllowUseDuringCombat="True")

Step:3 Delete the Custom Behavior that disables the hook

This should work for anyone who is looking for a solution while Echo/Pook Figure Out, Implement in the next HB update :)

Unsure if GoThruPortal Behavior works with this or not, Try changing it to..
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="MoveForwardStart();" WaitTime="3000"/>
.. if you encounter issues

if you test this out let me know if it works:) enjoy!
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I like to leave the profiles running for a while, but I come to realize that the profile doesn't sell potion items. If I check the profile Grey/Whites/Greens/etc.. are all True to be sold, but all food items are kept. Is there a way to get them to be sold along with the greens/etc..?
I like to leave the profiles running for a while, but I come to realize that the profile doesn't sell potion items. If I check the profile Grey/Whites/Greens/etc.. are all True to be sold, but all food items are kept. Is there a way to get them to be sold along with the greens/etc..?
If you're wanting to just sell everything - then use the 'Sell All' variant of the profile (if there is one.)
If there's not, the Food/Water+Potion removal is explained in the Solution Center already.

Food and Water can be 'sold' by disabling your Refreshment Detection plugin, and by removing the Food/Water entries from your Settings & Tools menu.

As far as potions go, the last time I checked they were internally protected by 'whatever' and I couldn't figure out what was protecting them.
I think they were protected by the "DrinkPotions" plugin - but now the combat routine handles potions so it may be safe to assume that there's a protection code in there that you may be able to disable through "Settings & Tools."

The 'Sell All' profiles use a custom selling script that uses the game-client to sell rather than the bot's logic.
This way everything is controlled directly by the profile instead of the bot.
hi echo , i would know how kill laj boss with feral druid in the botanica . he skipped him
Hi Azyul! First of all thanks for the wonderful profiles and the time you take to help the community! We really appreciate all what you are doing for free! Kudos to you SIR, not here for bugs as your profiles offer many ways to adapt to what anyone needs like sell all or the amazing AM capabilities, just got into the DoWhen.cs but I couldn't figure how to make hunters cast aspect of cheetah out of combat and then clear on combat, any help would be amazing! ( as hunters kinda suck in GPH ) Thanks again and keep the good work!