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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

Thanks for the help, I truly appreciate the time you take to read and solve everyone's issues and bugs. Smalls gestures like that mean a lot, and I feel as if not enough people take the time you developers put out for granted. So I would like to take a moment to say thank you for the help you give to not only myself, but the entire the HonorBuddy community.

I completely agree with the statement above:)
Is there a way to set the bot for Stone core to also loot trash mobs? Know its not many pulls but itd be nice to atleast cover cost of running it?
I have it on quest and also set to loot mobs but it seems to not do it?
Thanks for the help, I truly appreciate the time you take to read and solve everyone's issues and bugs. Smalls gestures like that mean a lot, and I feel as if not enough people take the time you developers put out for granted. So I would like to take a moment to say thank you for the help you give to not only myself, but the entire the HonorBuddy community.
Glad to see you appreciate it. ^^

Just want to report in, Beware in running this on main chars. The bot sold many of my blue items, including the rewards from WOD content... Items that I farmed in instances are gone too.
My intent was to run each wing in auchindoun for transmog gear, but somehow I forgot to leave the bot running. :(
It should be generally known that if you plan on using (any) profile for farming specific items, that you should protect the items manually as a profile developer cannot protect every-single item in the game that it's assumed to be valuable.

Either set <SellBlues> to false, or add the items to your protected items files (or the via profiles <ProtectedItems> tag.)

Alternatively, if you're using any of the specilized profiles (Sell All, etc) - then you will need to modify the Lua script as simply editing your protected items won't work.

US Item Recovery: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/battle-net-item-restoration
EU Item Recovery: https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/battle-net-item-restoration

So, my bot is drinking potion of treasure finding everytime it enters the dungeon? That wastes the potion.

How can i stop this? why does it do this? ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;
These profiles are designed to use it so that the chests drop while the dungeon is being farmed to increase GPH.
If you don't want it to happen, then put your potions in the bank.

I've noticed this too with the Heavy pull-sell everything (Tol'vir dungeon) profile. It just continues to pull all the way to the third boss without stopping. I tried adding pauses here and there but to no avail. Also I noticed the very same profile does not (for some reason) kill any of the bosses, it gets to the third boss (if you don't die by then) and gets stuck. I assume you need to add in the code you put up earlier to kill bosses?

<MoveTo X=".." Y=".." Z=".." /> <!-- Area that does not aggro boss but is near it. -->
<CustomBehavior File="SwitchTarget" BossId="1234" AddId1="1234" X=".." Y=".." Z=".." />
At the time of creation, it wasn't optimal to kill the bosses.
It took too long and they just weren't worth it GPH-wise.

Of course now, most can be almost 1-hitted, and the dungeon completion bonus is a nice addition.

The bot (used to) get stuck after the dungeon completed because it's trying to use a OffMeshConnection that only spawns when the second-to-last boss dies.
However, in the latest updates, it shouldn't be doing this.

Alternatively, there's a Suicide profile for Tol'vir that uses newer pathing and actually kills the bosses.
I'd recommend using that if your character can handle the pulls.

i used tol'vir light, medium, heavy gold farming profile, it pulls mobs but doesnt attack them

how can i solve this problem?

here is log

sorry im not good at english
As discussed above, this is a rare issue that happens for some people.
It's an internal issue where the bot has troubles activating the Combat Routine between pulls.

I'll be adding wait timers to lag the bot between each pull in the next update - hopefully this will help it.

May not be right place to ask, but how do I make my boomkin to use cat form while pulling the instance and then go moonkin when he's got to the killspot?
Use a DoWhen hook.
<CustomBehavior File="Hook\DoWhen" ActivityName="TravelForm" UseWhen="Me.IsMoving &amp;&amp; Me.IsInInstance &amp;&amp; Me.Combat &amp;&amp; !HasAura(783)" >
	<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CancelShapeshiftForm();CastSpellByID(783)" />

Paste this under the first <QuestOrder> in the profile.

Good day, and Merry Cristmas!)

First of all, thank you for answear, and im very grateful for video, it was very good for me to understand.:)

I was used the replacement of <RunTo, then <MoveTo as well, no effect was, absolytley nothing, he standet where he was stand. Then i started to play with coordinates, and... nothing happens, really, after 5-7 tries, i started to put coordinates at 20-30 meters from entrance, bot still go's to the old hotspot.. When i use my coordinates, HB says that im using wrong hotspot. I belive that here i needet to do somethig with Lua Code... but sorry i dont understand what it is and where i need to find it.. Just to insert it after coordinates?..

I really hope you will have good hollidays, and will not come here at last some days, coz you will have fun with friends!)
I will just leave here the post and will check sometimes.
Happy holidays!:)
Thanks for all the kind regards. :3

Hm, when it dies - is there a confirmation from [Azyul] on Honorbuddy that you died?
If not, then the custom death logic isn't activating for whatever reason.

Is there a way to set the bot for Stone core to also loot trash mobs? Know its not many pulls but itd be nice to atleast cover cost of running it?
I have it on quest and also set to loot mobs but it seems to not do it?
What Stonecore profile?
There's a Optimized Gold Farm version that isn't on the SVN/ZIP which can be found here:
Azyul Cloud

It's an experimental profile, so it hasn't really been cleaned up that much.

View attachment 161041Hello, I have an issue with the profile, first run went fine but on second run bot stucked at this end showing "moving to hunting ground waypont" and sticking to where the final boss stands. I attached a log.
I could only assume the boss is dead, and the bot is trying to find it.
This version should continue if the boss isn't found at the location:
Azyul Cloud

Unedited logs are attachments to my previous message. Thank you for your help.
There is no load information on the logs you posted which prevent me from seeing technical information such as the profile revision numbers or hardware capabilities.

Just want to report in, Beware in running this on main chars. The bot sold many of my blue items, including the rewards from WOD content... Items that I farmed in instances are gone too.
My intent was to run each wing in auchindoun for transmog gear, but somehow I forgot to leave the bot running.
Don't double post.
just want to ask,if im lvl91+ can used your gold optimized profile? and what profile do you recommend?
I have noticed also that he uses potion of luck every time he enters the instance..even if there is 85 mins left on previous...Isnt there some code that he checks first if potion is on then not use it...like it works for bags and selling? Grim Batols, also with 100lvl he doesnt pull some mobs as well as first boss most of the time...He come close to them but oviesly not close enough...Same happens with dragon boss 3rd one, on High pulls he skips it while on medium it works ok.
just want to ask,if im lvl91+ can used your gold optimized profile? and what profile do you recommend?
You may have aggro issues level 91+ since the pulls were fine-tuned for a level 90's aggro tolerance.
That aside, you shouldn't have any other issues.

I don't really have a recommendation, but The Botanica and Gundrak are the 'go-tos' right now.

I have noticed also that he uses potion of luck every time he enters the instance..even if there is 85 mins left on previous...Isnt there some code that he checks first if potion is on then not use it...like it works for bags and selling? Grim Batols, also with 100lvl he doesnt pull some mobs as well as first boss most of the time...He come close to them but oviesly not close enough...Same happens with dragon boss 3rd one, on High pulls he skips it while on medium it works ok.
As stated in my reply above to to Rojenejor, these pulls were fine-tuned for level 90s because WoD didn't exist when they were created.
I've not logged into WoW in nearly 6 months, let alone have had time to re-optimize the pulls. I'll have to level to 100 first before I can test 'new' aggro tolerance.

As far as the potion issue goes - the only thing I could guess is that there's a split second during the loading screen where the game-client doesn't return "Character has potion buff."
The only alternative to fixing this would be having the potion hook disabled outside of the dungeon so that it never happens.

Could you tell me which Grim Batol profile you're using? I'll add in a code for the potion hook so that you may test it.
Hey! I've been using your profile for a while when it was suggested to me by my friends and I would just like to thank you for all the hardwork and effort that you've put in to this!

I really appreciate that you've done this and not expected anything from it in return!

<3 I hope you had a lovely Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful new year.
Sorry for the stupid question. I have never run a profile like this before and just botted for leveling. Which profile should I choose to run as there is so many? Is it best to just random it?

Edit: About to farm Gundrak, I see many people outside as level 90 or 91, should I do it on a level 90 or my 100 main?

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Am i the only one who are having an issue with Botanica?
It runs just fine, until it gets ganked outside - Then it wont remount and go back to the instance.
Instead it keeps ressing then just jumping off the earththingy and die, until it stops??
Hey! I've been using your profile for a while when it was suggested to me by my friends and I would just like to thank you for all the hardwork and effort that you've put in to this!

I really appreciate that you've done this and not expected anything from it in return!

<3 I hope you had a lovely Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful new year.
Glad to see it's working out for it - and you're enjoying it.

Thanks for the feedback!

Sorry for the stupid question. I have never run a profile like this before and just botted for leveling. Which profile should I choose to run as there is so many? Is it best to just random it?

Edit: About to farm Gundrak, I see many people outside as level 90 or 91, should I do it on a level 90 or my 100 main?

90-100 will most-likely have the same results since almost any level 90 class can complete the dungeon in under 6minutes.

Am i the only one who are having an issue with Botanica?
It runs just fine, until it gets ganked outside - Then it wont remount and go back to the instance.
Instead it keeps ressing then just jumping off the earththingy and die, until it stops??
The mesh between ship (The Botanica) and the ground isn't really navigable by the bot's navigation system. So when you die it has troubles calculating a path back.
The reason why when you first start the profile - it has no problems navigation is because I have movement codes that tells the bot to not use the navigation system and instead 'go blindly.'

I created a multi-death (outside dungeon and inside) experimental profile that should fix the issue, but there was some problems caused by the latest bot update so I'm not sure if it still works.

You can try it if you want:
Azyul Cloud
I am having problems starting the Uldaman & other Eastern Kingdom profiles. attached my log
Most of the Instance Grind profiles are extremely old, and relied on QuestBehaviors that no longer exist.
They are in the queue to be re-built, but I haven't had time to do so yet.

I may be looking to get someone else to do it.
my problem is that when bot dies in Grim Batol , he fly from healer to courpse at the entrance ,bot doesnt go into the dungeon just stay at the entrance and :
Clicking corpse popup...
Clicking corpse popup...
Thats happens for some time multiple classes different pcs and operating system.
Hello Azyul.

Could you tell me how i setup that my Bot put the Epics on Guildbank too? :)
Or does it do that automatically on the "Guildbank Money+Netherwave" Profile?

Currently i am using the Sell everything Profile. But i want to change it to use the Gbank.

It would be perfect if he sells everything (Netherwave too) and only put Gold and the Epics on my Bank. Is that possible?

Btw. I farm in the Botanica.

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HELLO echo tiger, firstly wanna say thanks been running 5 bots with your gun drak profile for a long time they are great......i have one thing that is annoying the hell out of me tho, maybe you can fix it. I run it on 5 lvl 100 hunters and because of that on second boss the hunter does not 100% all the time aggro boss means it just stands at the beam with out clicking it and that leaves the bot just sitting there afk

can you help?
Hey Echo

Botanica - Sell everything profile still going down when somebody kills the char, isnt it? You said to me add a reload profile line and i did. If i die in instance, it resets the profile and everything going well. Can't we add another line for kill by a player or if the bot notices recently killed by a player debuff, reloads again the profile?