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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

In both instances, at the start of black temple and the end. The bot does not engage with conversation with akuma both times
I must ask a few questions to you all who uses those profiles.

Which Profile gives you the most GPH?

Bag Slots?

It would be really good to make some statistic round this since alot of ppl wonder about it.

Am i thinking totaly wrong now? (sorry for my topnotch english)

Oh and Echo, Your work is amazing, keep up the good work your doing! really nice of you!

Bags, no clue. The bigger the better I guess, I am running with all 16 slots on all my bots.
I've tested: Paladin (Ret) Warrior (Prot/Fury) Hunter (All) Druid (Feral) and so far I think Feral druids are the best, nice speed boost from cat form and add the dash glyph!
for deathcharger reins there is a problem, it loot the boss only at the first run, after all other runs it don't loot it, so have to babysit the bot and loot manually all other runs

Edit : another problem with deatchcharger reign, when the army of skel incoming outside boss house, 1/2 the bot don't kill them all, and go wait the Guard spawn inside the house so guard never spawn as the skeleton are not all killed

pff blizzard nerfed dungeon? i just made 4 runs for deathcharger, boss loot nothing, just after i made the run for blue proto drake boss loot nothing
loot nothing i mean no drops

with my other account when i farmed blue proto drake boss loot everytime, does a 30 days trial account cause no loot in dungeon??? coz bought wow+wod game, but don't setup any subscription yet, i'm on my 30 day trial

EDIT 2 : problem with the Ravenlord mount nav route
i started the avenlord profil at ogrimar, bot took boat at rachet and go blasted land, to go outland BUT, the blastedland portal don't go outland, it go warspear in ashran
The Deathcharger Issue issues haven't been reported before, and weren't emulatable by testers.
On average, it took about 35-45 runs for the Deathcharger to drop - its always been like that.

None of these mounts will drop on the first few runs unless you're extremely lucky.
Even the Blue Proto Drake, it would take about 35+ runs.

The issues with Ravenlord is an issue with any Azyul profile that's farmed within Outlands.
I haven't had time to modify the universal navigation code to suit the WoD expansion.


I have a prob with the profil for Drake of the North Wind - Endless Farm end. The bot can not pass the Howling Gale falls systematically in a vacuum. After if I stop the bot and that I raise in the proceedings it happens more rine I require out to stay the proceedings.
Post an unedited log please.

Just an update Echo, the switch target behavior is working great! Thanks for the help. I'm not very good at understanding the included documentation :P.
Good to hear.

Another question Echo, kind of irrelevant, what program do you use to write your profiles? It looks awesome.
Sublime Text 3.
I have problem with botanica, when it finishes instance and leaves it ,it wont pop up mamooth for a repair/selling. He pop random mount and run toward the edge of that platform and says that next spot isnt reachable. he also dont want to pop flying mount only ground. i have tried to set as default ground mount Mamooth but doesnt work...
Post a log.

Any ETA when tol'vir will be fixed?
Not currently.

In both instances, at the start of black temple and the end. The bot does not engage with conversation with akuma both times
Known issue.
I origionally didn't make the profile, and at the time of "re-building" it, my character wasn't strong enough to pass the council boss(es) - so I was never able to fix the Akama section.
Are the Lost city of Tol'Vir runs supposed to be pulling like half of the instance or more ? even the lite profile pulls way too many mobs for my bot to handle
Some bots have issues activating the combat routine between pulls.
One easy solution would be adding a wait timer between each pull so that the bot lags itself.

Could you tell me which Tol'vir profile you'd prefer using the most? I'll edit it for you.
Cannot load profile!
The 'QuestOrder' start tag on line 64 position 2 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 1005, position 4.

I get this error when trying to load the Instance Grinds/ Outlands/ Karazhan profile :(
Running the Black Temple the bot gets stucked in a closed door. Sanctuary of the shadows, left of the "Den of mortal delights" name in the map.

It seems that he skipped the shadow of akama fight.
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Here is the right thread! :p

I must ask a few questions to you all who uses those profiles.

Which Profile gives you the most GPH?

Bag Slots?

It would be really good to make some statistic round this since alot of ppl wonder about it.

Am i thinking totaly wrong now? (sorry for my topnotch english)

Oh and Echo, Your work is amazing, keep up the good work your doing! really nice of you!
Cannot load profile!
The 'QuestOrder' start tag on line 64 position 2 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 1005, position 4.

I get this error when trying to load the Instance Grinds/ Outlands/ Karazhan profile :(
Could you try with the latest SVN update?
Running the Black Temple the bot gets stucked in a closed door. Sanctuary of the shadows, left of the "Den of mortal delights" name in the map.

It seems that he skipped the shadow of akama fight.
The Shadow of Akama fight has an issue caused by the Combat Routine.
The Combat Routine refuses to attack the Shadow of Akama because it's not attacking the player.

A behavior would be needed to force the bot to attack it - but I haven't got around to fixing it.
Bagnon is known to mess up the Lua selling codes.
I'm not really familiar with any others that may be - but it's always safe to disable all addons.

The Lua is designed to sell by rarity - that's it.
If the item is grey,white,green,blue.

Any other filters would have to be manually added.

Thanks for the help, I truly appreciate the time you take to read and solve everyone's issues and bugs. Smalls gestures like that mean a lot, and I feel as if not enough people take the time you developers put out for granted. So I would like to take a moment to say thank you for the help you give to not only myself, but the entire the HonorBuddy community.

Unedited logs are attachments to my previous message. Thank you for your help.
Just want to report in, Beware in running this on main chars. The bot sold many of my blue items, including the rewards from WOD content... Items that I farmed in instances are gone too.
My intent was to run each wing in auchindoun for transmog gear, but somehow I forgot to leave the bot running. :(
Just want to report in, Beware in running this on main chars. The bot sold many of my blue items, including the rewards from WOD content... Items that I farmed in instances are gone too.
My intent was to run each wing in auchindoun for transmog gear, but somehow I forgot to leave the bot running.
So, my bot is drinking potion of treasure finding everytime it enters the dungeon? That wastes the potion.

How can i stop this? why does it do this? ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;
Some bots have issues activating the combat routine between pulls.
One easy solution would be adding a wait timer between each pull so that the bot lags itself.

Could you tell me which Tol'vir profile you'd prefer using the most? I'll edit it for you.

I've noticed this too with the Heavy pull-sell everything (Tol'vir dungeon) profile. It just continues to pull all the way to the third boss without stopping. I tried adding pauses here and there but to no avail. Also I noticed the very same profile does not (for some reason) kill any of the bosses, it gets to the third boss (if you don't die by then) and gets stuck. I assume you need to add in the code you put up earlier to kill bosses?

<MoveTo X=".." Y=".." Z=".." /> <!-- Area that does not aggro boss but is near it. -->
<CustomBehavior File="SwitchTarget" BossId="1234" AddId1="1234" X=".." Y=".." Z=".." />
i used tol'vir light, medium, heavy gold farming profile, it pulls mobs but doesnt attack them

how can i solve this problem?

here is log

sorry im not good at english


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May not be right place to ask, but how do I make my boomkin to use cat form while pulling the instance and then go moonkin when he's got to the killspot?
There has been known issues regarding this.
I believe at the moment, the GoThruPortal.cs behavior used to re-enter the dungeon after death no longer works while dead for whatever reason.

The only immediate solution I would be able to tell you would be to replace the GoThruPortal line with a regular <MoveTo or <RunTo line (or something else that works more optimally.)

(video as example: http://i.gyazo.com/8c17d7819c21c65ffeb1e183f8f94621.mp4)
CTRL+F for "GoThruPortal", erase the entire line up to the XYZ, replace with <RunTo.

Due to the XYZ placement for GoThruPortal, this *may* not work and may require:
1) A different method. 2) Modified XYZ for the RunTo that's closer to the portal. 3) A Lua to force the player to walk forward into the portal.

Lua Code: <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="MoveForwardStart();" />

Good day, and Merry Cristmas!)

First of all, thank you for answear, and im very grateful for video, it was very good for me to understand.:)

I was used the replacement of <RunTo, then <MoveTo as well, no effect was, absolytley nothing, he standet where he was stand. Then i started to play with coordinates, and... nothing happens, really, after 5-7 tries, i started to put coordinates at 20-30 meters from entrance, bot still go's to the old hotspot.. When i use my coordinates, HB says that im using wrong hotspot. I belive that here i needet to do somethig with Lua Code... but sorry i dont understand what it is and where i need to find it.. Just to insert it after coordinates?..

I really hope you will have good hollidays, and will not come here at last some days, coz you will have fun with friends!)
I will just leave here the post and will check sometimes.
Happy holidays!:)