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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

estariol this problem exists in grim batol too.there is no fix atm .
As far as the death issue goes, I believe in the current release of the bot - the behavior used to enter the portal no longer works while dead - which I don't understand why that would be added.

Alternatives are already floating around, but I doubt I'll be getting to add them into the profiles soon.
I may tweak Grim Batol since it seems to be more demanded. this is azul answer

Thank you for information.. i thinked i was done something wrong. If you can, please write me a message, when will be some resolve of this problem, or other good script (of any instance). Thank you again for answear.:)
If you're not using a 'Sell All' profile, then you'll need to disable your 'Refreshment Detection' plugin and remove the food/water entries from your 'Settings & Tools' menu.
Still does not sell food and drink. I did like this --> Plusgins and off 'Refreshment Detection', then ---> Settings & Tools and delete food and drink code number, save and close. Not selling :(

Echo, peace and love to your Family. Thx for your job. Happy holidays
I'm having an issue on Gundrak where it kills the last boss but one of the Rhinos with a rider on it doesn't get killed so it runs up to it but targets the rider not the rhino so it can't do anything.

I'm having an issue with this. There is a rider left when my guy is fixing to exit the instance. Then my guy just stands there and the add is throwing stuff at me killing me slowly. Eventually I die and then i stand outside the instance as a ghost until i manually enter the instance to recover my corpse. I'm running 9 bots and its happening on multiple bots on different machines with fresh installs of honorbuddy. I'm also using the singular custom class.
Hi all and merry christmas i love these profiles, i have had one problem since i updated through SVN it has stopped running Tempest Keep :(
Hey, I'm using Grim batol profile ( suicide one ) on lvl 100 and its getting lower gph than lvl 90 because of it doesnt aggro 50% of mob. Could this be somehow fixed please?
Merry christmas btw
Hi, I just made a few test runs of Drak'Tharon where I cleared the whole dungeon including Novoss in under 6:30. I did alot of insane pulls as well (shouldnt be a big prob on any 90). According to my calculations, this say youll do around 8.5 runs per hour but it also bumps up your gph by a cool 150+. It was performed on a feral druid. Im gonna try to do another few test runs later on as well. Is it possible to make an additional clear everything Drak'Tharon? Thanks! :)
I wasn't paying close enough attention to see how it ends up skipping the vendor interaction, the two times I saw it changing out my gear it had already begun doing it so I couldn't see how it even started in the first place.

I am using Addons, do you happen to know of any that affect the bot? Or do you recommend turning off all addons when botting?

I did notice today however, that my farming gear was in my inventory, but this time it wasn't sold. I am assuming that the reason is because I added all of my farming gear onto an Equipment Set, (to easily switch between my farming and raiding gear) do you know off of the top of your head or through experience if the bot ignores gear in your inventory that is attached to an Equipment Set?
Bagnon is known to mess up the Lua selling codes.
I'm not really familiar with any others that may be - but it's always safe to disable all addons.

The Lua is designed to sell by rarity - that's it.
If the item is grey,white,green,blue.

Any other filters would have to be manually added.

check pm :)View attachment 160403 ... mesh error or profile
Technically it's the bot.
The 'Questing' botbase does not have cross-world death support (Northerend -> Forge of Souls.)

Although, pseudo death support can be added to the profile itself - it requires overriding Honorbuddy's native logics.

Hey Azyul, when my character dies , he can not fly into the dungeon , and rise ,just reaches the entrance to the dungeon and costs about him, help to solve this problem. sry for my eng
I need to know which profile you're using.
Not every profile has built-in death support.


I tried running the Gundrak - Guild Bank Money+Frostweave, but on a few of my bots it doesnt kill someone at the end and they slowly kill my guy. Before this i was using the AM-Alpha Gundrak profile and it always worked pretty flawless for me. Is there a way I can make the azyul manager have Sell All, Deposit Gold, and Deposit Cloth checked by default so I dont have to check them everytime the bot restarts? Thanks!
Swap 'Long Arm of the Law' out for another talent (Persuit of Justice).

As far as the AM profile, just open it up with a text/code editor.
There's documentation in there that explains how to set defaults.

Thanks for The Mechanaar, blues selling was set to false! :)

Is there any way to add or remove dungeons from the randomizer profiles ?
Using a code editor, do this:

(Open the profile, CTRL+F for the word "Chance", collapse the <If line, delete the <If .... > </If> lines for the dungeon you want to remove)

Ran the Gun'drak (sell everything) profile for a straight 20h while monitoring every hour or so.

Not a single problem to report, everything went fine and the profit is better than expected. Big kudo's to you Echo
Good to hear.^^

Please help, i really belive that this problem already was here, but... 510 pages without searching is killing me)

I use the Halls of lighting Heavy pull, and some times bot dies, first week, he was resurected by himself, but now, after last update, he just stay in face of instance and spaming "Clicking corpse popup". I have the log of it, but it count 1.50MB in zip, so i cant upload it here.

Please Tiger, or somebody, help me to fix it, i cant stay near computer all the time.. and it is the only problem now with bot..
There has been known issues regarding this.
I believe at the moment, the GoThruPortal.cs behavior used to re-enter the dungeon after death no longer works while dead for whatever reason.

The only immediate solution I would be able to tell you would be to replace the GoThruPortal line with a regular <MoveTo or <RunTo line (or something else that works more optimally.)

(video as example: http://i.gyazo.com/8c17d7819c21c65ffeb1e183f8f94621.mp4)
CTRL+F for "GoThruPortal", erase the entire line up to the XYZ, replace with <RunTo.

Due to the XYZ placement for GoThruPortal, this *may* not work and may require:
1) A different method. 2) Modified XYZ for the RunTo that's closer to the portal. 3) A Lua to force the player to walk forward into the portal.

Lua Code: <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="MoveForwardStart();" />

[MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <-11908.09, -3208.854, -14.83002> from <-11916.23, -3209.554, -13.89767>

Where i get the profil for the dark portal that the cha can go to outland ?

Atm my cha stop before portal and there are many enemis but i cant use the portal
The "cha" ? You mean "character" ?

Warlords of Draenor changed the entry method for entering 'Outlands.'
Since this profiles existed years before Warlords of Draenor, they (of course) use the Dark Portal.

I've not had time to update the profiles to use the new portal, and since this is just a "profile-feature", it's not really high priority on my fix list.

How can i add items to use banking as i see fit? IM trying to add crystalized water/air/fire to be banked in your halls of lightning profile, but i cant seem to get it work properly, so atm im doing manual depositing :(
This should deposit them, along with Frostweave:
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="
	if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then
		print(&quot;|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing Frostweave Cloth.&quot;)
		for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b)
			do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s)
				if n and strfind(n,&quot;33470&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37705&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37702&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37700&quot;) then
	end" />

Remove: n and strfind(n,&quot;33470&quot;) if you don't want it to deposit Frostweave

Hello everyone.I ran few days Grim Batol with a 90lv dk.My char is dk so i don't have any problems and i play on heavy.My profs are Tailoring/Enchanting and here comes the problem. First i was using the profile for heavy pulls and i saw that the bot was selling the green items.I opened the profile,copied it,made a new notepad doc and changed from mail green items false and made it mail green items true,after that saved the file as unicod.The profile was running.The problem is that the bot is going in Victor's point in twilight highlands and there is no mailbox,so i can not mail the green items and from them i have to make my hypnotic dust.Please if someone knows any solution tell :p
Greetings to all of you :)
If you're using a specialized version of the profile, it will ignore Honorbuddy's vendor rules.
(Sell All, Deposit Frostweave, etc.)

At the steps of the last boss, a "move to error" occurs and honorbuddy stop's the profile. Please fix :D

Merry Christmas btw :)
Log please.

Hey - So I ran the script for couple hours without changing anything, and noticed it doesn't even mail the greens. It will fly above the building where the mailbox is then head back to the instance.
Is <MailGreens></MailGreens> set to 'true' ?

is it posible to change the location of the vendor to other place with a mail box and if this is made will be bot mailing the green items?
Merry Christmas everyone :)
Yes, it's possible.
And yes, it will keep the greens if it's not a specialized profile and <SellGreens></SellGreens> is set to 'false' while <MailGreens></MailGreens> is set to 'true.'

Still does not sell food and drink. I did like this --> Plusgins and off 'Refreshment Detection', then ---> Settings & Tools and delete food and drink code number, save and close. Not selling :(

Echo, peace and love to your Family. Thx for your job. Happy holidays
That's the only thing that will protect the food and water.
Check your ProtectedItems file and make sure the food/water isn't being protected there.

Double check to make sure the plugin is off and the entries are removed.

Also, tell me which profile (exactly) you're using.

I'm having an issue with this. There is a rider left when my guy is fixing to exit the instance. Then my guy just stands there and the add is throwing stuff at me killing me slowly. Eventually I die and then i stand outside the instance as a ghost until i manually enter the instance to recover my corpse. I'm running 9 bots and its happening on multiple bots on different machines with fresh installs of honorbuddy. I'm also using the singular custom class.
Are the bots Paladins?
Perhaps a log?

Hi all and merry christmas i love these profiles, i have had one problem since i updated through SVN it has stopped running Tempest Keep :(
No changes have been made to Tempest Keep.
Since I don't know what's going on, the only thing I could suggest is for you to reinstall your bot.

Hey, I'm using Grim batol profile ( suicide one ) on lvl 100 and its getting lower gph than lvl 90 because of it doesnt aggro 50% of mob. Could this be somehow fixed please?
Merry christmas btw
I doubt anytime soon.
I haven't touched WoW in at least 4 months, let alone sit down and leveled any of my characters to 100.

That, and without knowing which mobs are skipped, I can't make blind edits.

Hi, I just made a few test runs of Drak'Tharon where I cleared the whole dungeon including Novoss in under 6:30. I did alot of insane pulls as well (shouldnt be a big prob on any 90). According to my calculations, this say youll do around 8.5 runs per hour but it also bumps up your gph by a cool 150+. It was performed on a feral druid. Im gonna try to do another few test runs later on as well. Is it possible to make an additional clear everything Drak'Tharon? Thanks! :)
I'm not currently working on this project and won't be for a while - so I doubt I'll be making a new Drak'Tharon anytime soon.
CustomDeathHook is a script for the resurrection at death? should it always work? if so, why does not work
So just out of curiosity, how quickly would you get banned if you used these profiles? Assuming you are running 1 character at a time for about 7-8 hours a day?
Quote Originally Posted by Kniny View Post
Hey - So I ran the script for couple hours without changing anything, and noticed it doesn't even mail the greens. It will fly above the building where the mailbox is then head back to the instance.
Is <MailGreens></MailGreens> set to 'true' ?

Yeah it is. That's the only thing I changed. Put Sell greens to false and mail greens to true. already tried a fresh install of HB and downloaded the script again and still doesn't work. After several runs + trips to sell greys and blues, when the inventory is finally full of greens and cloth it will just get stuck in a loop flying from the instance, to the vendor, to the mail box ( sits right above the building where the mailbox is) then back to the instance. Haven't tested the other versions of the profile yet because I haven't had time.
Hey its selling all my greens. Is there a way to make it save the greens and put them in the gbank as well? The blues are fine to sell since im not farming on my character that has enchanting. Im also using the profile that uses both drak and gun which takes some time to move to the next instance, anyway to stop it from waiting the 6 minutes?
Hey its selling all my greens. Is there a way to make it save the greens and put them in the gbank as well? The blues are fine to sell since im not farming on my character that has enchanting. Im also using the profile that uses both drak and gun which takes some time to move to the next instance, anyway to stop it from waiting the 6 minutes?
open your profile. Find the line "<CustomBehavior File="Misc\InstanceTimer" Timer="Check" WaitTime="369000" />" and delete one zero. that would result were the number 36900
I noticed in your svn you have some quest behaviors. I was wondering if I could get these to work on Tol'Vir on the third boss where he summons the Harbinger of Darkness because as it is right now sometimes it won't kill it and will just continue to try and kill the High Prophet.
CustomDeathHook is a script for the resurrection at death? should it always work? if so, why does not work
As explained before already.
I'm assuming GoThruPortal no longer works while dead. GoThruPortal was the behavior used to make the player enter the dungeon.

Alternatives exist, but I've not had time to work on adding them in.

when the problem will be repaired - after the death does not go into the dungeon?
Since I don't work on this pack anymore, I don't have an estimation.
I'll prioritize more demanding dungeons such as Grim Batol though.

Yeah it is. That's the only thing I changed. Put Sell greens to false and mail greens to true. already tried a fresh install of HB and downloaded the script again and still doesn't work. After several runs + trips to sell greys and blues, when the inventory is finally full of greens and cloth it will just get stuck in a loop flying from the instance, to the vendor, to the mail box ( sits right above the building where the mailbox is) then back to the instance. Haven't tested the other versions of the profile yet because I haven't had time.
During that loop, there's a code to force Honorbuddy to mail.
The only two things I could guess is: 1) The code is broken (which is unlikely) 2) Your characters name was removed from the Mail Recipient box.

I'll need to know the exact profile name to be able to look into it.

Hey its selling all my greens. Is there a way to make it save the greens and put them in the gbank as well? The blues are fine to sell since im not farming on my character that has enchanting. Im also using the profile that uses both drak and gun which takes some time to move to the next instance, anyway to stop it from waiting the 6 minutes?
I need to know exactly which profile you're using - the full name.

As far as the waiting goes, CTRL+F for Timer="Check"
On that line, there may be a code that says WaitTime="360000", if there's not add it.

360000 is milliseconds for 6 minutes.
If you want it to wait 5 minutes, change it to 300000 - etc.

I noticed in your svn you have some quest behaviors. I was wondering if I could get these to work on Tol'Vir on the third boss where he summons the Harbinger of Darkness because as it is right now sometimes it won't kill it and will just continue to try and kill the High Prophet.
You could try, I've not experimented with any of our QuestBehaviors in almost a year.

SwitchTarget.cs would be your solution (if it works.)
I'm really new to this so I would put
<If Condition="(Me.HasAura(82139))" >
<CustomBehavior File="SwitchTarget" Target="43927;" />
or what?
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some1 else has probably asked this question, but 500 pages takes a while to read, at what ammount of gold/cloth will "Gundrak - Guild Bank Money+Frostweave" deposit the gold/cloths? or is it a set time?