I really hope my comment doesn't get lost but I recently purchased the 3 session key, I was wondering if honorbuddy doesn't get back on it's feet is it possible to ask for a refund or must I do it within a certain amount of time?
Should of been done before no ? Why now?
If you can't expect to be banned or lose your account then I suggest that you don't bot. Simple as that!
I was waiting to hear what the new excuse for keeping HB running was gonna be, i gotta say, this excuse is probably pretty good and will sit well with a lot of fanboy customers.
However, i hope people realise how incredibly stupid it is to say "We do not know what caused the banwave" yet "We are confident tripwire would have caught it".
Tripwire has proven useless so far, every single time it actually triggers you call it a false positive, and yet people still get banned, surely one must assume that the shit doesnt work, why would any have any faith in you saying itll work now? Of course it wont.
Ill wait and listen in on the next excuse about 6-7 months from now!
For me Tripwire was always the biggest marketing gag of Bossland. It is in my eye just the message when Authservers are taken down. Nothing more and nothing less. People laughed at me when I told them that. Your message just proves to me that this is indeed the case. Come on, a failure in your config? It is obvious that you won't say you got caught again, you want to sell your product - fair enough. But tell us it was a config mistake is a poor joke and a lie in my eye.
Maybe you did not even change something since may - milking the cashcow of your business. Blizzard will just wait, ban again next time and you are gonna tell us "Blizzard changed something / improved warden/ the new patch was the reason of..." and one day blizzard will win and you finally go out of business. Until then you will tell us stories to find people that pay your salary.
Still thank you for your bot - I enjoyed HB but it has come to an end already in may.
Sorry if this may sound harsh, but it is my opinion.
Btw: I got banned in may and did not bot anymore with HB and my account is untouched... HB is detected that is a fact for me...
Furthermore, your "open trusty communication" is for my none. Bossland did open a thread about SB and the leaked source and said he will answer questions. Well my question is still there if other products are at risk.
Just my 2 cent.
to all the haters out there get a life you chose to use HB fully knowing there is that chance u could be banned so suck it up and live out your ban by eather setting up a new account like most of us and wait out the ban and have another wow account you can use HB with we all make mistakes and even with HB working right you could still be banned so deal with it and support HB guys for there hard work
I bought WoW 20 days ago, made a "comeback" with a brand new account since 3 years back.
I boosted my character to level 100, purchased a WoW token and got my gold. Manually made my gear in PvP.
The only thing I was bored of was doing dailys, so I purchased Honorbuddy and downloaded Kicks & Tomten2s profiles. Two days later I got my ban.
I had 1 character on the account so I never made any gold trades or AH posts.
Edit; Botting is always a risk you have to take. All of you should know that nothing is 100% undetectable.
Where?the idea that 64 bit is safer its a placebo,its already discussed and explained in details
Was it ever used in a pvp?the only thing i use honorbuddy for is enyo nothing else what so ever , and still got banned nothing to do with what your doing it can be anything