"Paradox" was a really good way to phrase that. And yes, we understand the announcement's description seems like a non-sequitur.
The confusion exists because Bossland will not pubically reveal the details of how Tripwire works, or exactly how powerful it really is. (And, it is really an
amazing and very powerful piece of work.)
Alas, we can't be any more clear about the situation without exposing trade secrets. We very much realize this is a 'trust me' approach. But, such is the nature of the situation.
Bossland makes no claim that Tripwire is infallible. However, it does its job
very well. And has legitimately saved game accounts on a
number of previous occasions.
We don't (and can never) know the specifics of the recent detection...
because the event has passed, and there is no way to repeat it. But, we are confident that had Tripwire been active, it would've seen the issue and reacted to it appropriately. We know this because Tripwire understands the threat vectors, and constantly watches for them.
Its easiest to think of Tripwire in terms of an Antivirus:
- It is frequently updated
- It saves your hiney from some very nasty consequences
- It sometimes generates 'false positives'
- It occasionally will miss something
But on this occasion, the fault was not Tripwire's—but instead, some important things were mishandled. The mishandling prevented Tripwire from operating as it was designed.