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I think it's been detected, i've not used HB for over 2 years on my account, I started using it about a week ago, I had Enyo and bought one of the Gladiator routines for £15, banned within a day, i'm no expert but it just seems to be too widespread to be a mistake on your end, 2 mass bans within the space of a year from what i've read, seems to me whoever even attempted to open it got banned, also how will it ever be determined fit for use again? I honestly think the main issue here is that you have to run in 32-bit and the click to move thing that people have already posted, for one of the most popular botting programs out there it seems to be awfully outdated

Ehhh hard to say, the previous banwave i was actually use RE---BOT and was perma banned so I swapped to HB since they were just 6 months. I have literally (not joking) had HB running on a throw away account nearly every single day for 8-14 hours at a time while I was totally AFK at work or doing stuff. yes I was caught in this wave but not even a suspension during that entire run.
Now the question, does blizz know how to play around your trip wire. You state that the mistake happened after a patch but was that intentional on blizz's part. If they can just take a massive dump on your security measures when ever they feel like it, then what's the point in the end.
Now the question, does blizz know how to play around your trip wire. You state that the mistake happened after a patch but was that intentional on blizz's part. If they can just take a massive dump on your security measures when ever they feel like it, then what's the point in the end.
You need to have faith
Now the question, does blizz know how to play around your trip wire. You state that the mistake happened after a patch but was that intentional on blizz's part. If they can just take a massive dump on your security measures when ever they feel like it, then what's the point in the end.

No it wasn't
I have a question, if Tripwire was not functioning during the Banwave how have some accounts not gotten banned?
as a mythic raider my account is banned for 6 months end of mythic progression for me , did get legion refunded and bought it on other account so i can play , but wont be raiding again till legion ,:( i really do hope this is not the end of honorbuddy , with the recent court action etc blizzard have taken it upon them selves to be really petty with honorbuddy users, 3 or 4 years ago we would of got m aybe a week suspension , not its 6 12 18 months , which ofc ruins the game for the player , maybe an idea to rebrand honorbuddy etc to make it less detectable also i did notice , when i logged in wednesday no notice of trip wire untill to late. by time trip wire was active the damage had already been done , i do hope the honorbuddy team can resolve the troubles , but must admit im very very very worried about using honorbuddy at all at the moment , i logged in killed archie heroic logged out , logged in for 3 mins not on hb logged out again logged back in and banned
I have a question, if Tripwire was not functioning during the Banwave how have some accounts not gotten banned?
Hi, Hired,

Two answers to this:
  • Honorbuddy was not used with those accounts during the three weeks or so in which Tripwire was impaired
  • Bliz may be 'holding back' on some accounts to tag at a later date.
    This adds to the confusion of 'how was I detected'. And, we have seen them do such things in the past.

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Well I want you to trust me because I trust in boss land

I trust Bossland and most of their product as well, but I'm having a hard time believing in Tripwire anymore. That's all I'm saying, and I think it's up to everyone to doubt whatever they want to. As well as it's up to you to believe or trust whatever you want to. :)
i also dont understand how u can configure the tripwire properly to prevent a detection, if u dont know what is causing it, its seems paradox to me

i also appriciate the honesty in saying u dont know, but i would appriciate it even more if u kept looking into it until you find the reason, im pretty sure there should be methods to find out that kind of stuff

i will keep using hb no matter what, but i really feel like they get us with the same little bit of code ever since gatherbuddy....and if we would simply remove that fucking piece of code, we would be as golden as all the other bots who never get software detected

(might be something else then abit of code, but im pretty sure its a small stupid thing, the bot doesnt even rely on to work 100% properly, and we just dont put the work into finding that bad thing and removing it)
i agree all blizz needs to do is look for people using 32 bit wow this is a dead give away in my opinion
LAWL.. too funny... good work guy's really good work..

Just curioust, Anychance all botters get a 30$ store credit ? for this faulty ban due to honorbuddy lazyness (human error) Thats what i tough.. probably not..
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Remember people everything is trial and error who know in the future hb might be the only undetectable bot. Have faith in them and don't bot on account you don't want to lose
So not sure but to me it seems that they saying HB is detectable and that tripwire may be able to prevent mass mass bans if it was working correctly.Dont that mean alot of people will still get banned next time they scann? can tripewire be so fast it stops every scan dectection?
Lol, what a rubbish from raphus ^^
The other bot´s have also protection´s like tripwire and the user from this products are banned.
And on first banwave tripwire wasn´t able to protect us.
Therefore tripwire is useless.
Lol, what a rubbish from raphus ^^
The other bot´s have also protection´s like tripwire and the user from this products are banned.
And on first banwave tripwire wasn´t able to protect us.
Therefore tripwire is useless.

Can you do better ?
Honestly, Your official statement pretty much said we don't know how we got caught. I would rather look for a more safe means to bot that can at least bypass detection.
Im more bitter that you guys let blizzard beat you and i'm astonished that it will take 6 more months for another ban wave to make people realize this is just about money now.

I remember Honorbuddy when it first started totally different people now.

So Long and thanks for all the fish!
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Honestly, Your official statement pretty much said we don't know how we got caught. I would rather look for a more safe means to bot that can at least bypass detection.
Im more bitter that you guys let blizzard beat you and i'm astonished that it will take 6 more months for another ban wave to make people realize this is just about money now.

I remember Honorbuddy when it first started totally different people now.

So Long and thanks for all the fish!

You're saying that now but you will be back because there is no where else to go.
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