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Honorbuddy was recently hit with another banwave.

We have spent the last two days trying to figure out how Honorbuddy was detected.
After the May banwave the Tripwire service was made a lot more aggressive to catch
any detection methods that it might have missed. However, having reviewed the server
logs, it was discovered that Tripwire service was not running properly after an update
that took place about a month ago which nullified all the new heuristics.

We do NOT know for sure what caused the banwave, but we strongly believe the tripwire
service would have been able to catch the detection that took place if it was working

Words cannot express how sorry we are for this mistake, but we are truly sorry. We
take your account security very seriously and strive to do everything possible so
that this exact situation does not occur.

We now plan for the service to run for a while with these checks configured correctly
and see what it shows. In the meantime we will update you when we are ready to re-open
auth and to do a test release. Please be aware that this release will still be considered
'unsafe' to use and, like always, should not be used on accounts you cannot afford to lose.

Again, we sincerely apologize for this massive mistake.

This thread will remain open for discussions.

However, I must say, that since it is your mistake as you call it. That people have lost money, through HB errors. Then something should be done to have it reconciled. Where if it was as you should have put it. Not your fault, you would have been safe. But, as i quoted. People paid money for this product, and the product was not kept up on this end. It would be like buying a vehicle, If the Manufacture messes it up, they have to recall the vehicle and fix the damage done out of pocket. So henceforth, are these people going to get a reverb from you to fix things from your Mistake?
if that was the problem we would already have a 64bit version,its not tho
64bit wont add more security
i cant share more info about this in public

Will you agree to give us some discount from store to replace this mistake :) This is pretty funny but this is my serious talk.
Hi Fellas, how are you? I have been using Honorbuddy for the past 3 years. I love Honorbuddy and it's the only thing that kept me playing WOW at all. I have recently stopped playing WOW entirley because I think Blizzard does not put enough into the game for the amount they are paid. It's boring to me now, I just wanted to let everyone here know something.....I haven't played WOW in the last 3 months and my account has also been banned. They are recording and accumulating data like the Star Trek enterprise studying the Borg and its weaknesses....just because you are playing every day and using Honorbuddy and your not being banned, does not mean they do not know you are using it, and they wont kill your account in the future....my ban was for 6 months and I just started that account after the last ban wave. I havent played WOW since end of August so how could they possibly detect HB??? Unless they are scanning my drives which MUST BE HIGHLY ILLEGAL.
Omg guys... even if the team did a mistake not to watch tripwire close enough, you all knew that you where breaking the rules and that the punishment is account closure.. dont expect them to pay you back for fucking around with something against the rules. It's all on you. I got a 6 month ban on my main account for using enyo for 1 hr, and i think it was me double clicking the program and connected the program to my wow.. hmm i guess i shuld hate on hb team for my own mistake and demand a refund on all my buddystore products and my 11 sessions, and maybe i shuld demand cash for the wow keys and gametime aswell.. lol dont blame them for ur own mistakes. U need to be lucky everytime you boot the bot blizzrd only needs to be lucky once to shutt ur accounts down.
I havent played WOW since end of August so how could they possibly detect HB??? Unless they are scanning my drives which MUST BE HIGHLY ILLEGAL.

Would you mind submitting a ticket telling them this? I'd like to see what they have to say.

Simply having HB on your hard drive is not grounds for banning, obviously.
Play manually people - it does work - stop asking when the bots will be back online - enjoy PvP while its skill based.
But I was on WOW for a good PVE System and is started on a Server, which ist still marked as PVE. Blizzard made the Changes, but not me. Is there any good Reason for you to run that boring Quest again and again?
Play manually people - it does work - stop asking when the bots will be back online - enjoy PvP while its skill based.

haha, pvp hasn't been skill based since they purged half the spellbook and dumbed down most of the abilities.
Honorbuddy was recently hit with another banwave.

We have spent the last two days trying to figure out how Honorbuddy was detected.
After the May banwave the Tripwire service was made a lot more aggressive to catch
any detection methods that it might have missed. However, having reviewed the server
logs, it was discovered that Tripwire service was not running properly after an update
that took place about a month ago which nullified all the new heuristics.

We do NOT know for sure what caused the banwave, but we strongly believe the tripwire
service would have been able to catch the detection that took place if it was working

Words cannot express how sorry we are for this mistake, but we are truly sorry. We
take your account security very seriously and strive to do everything possible so
that this exact situation does not occur.

We now plan for the service to run for a while with these checks configured correctly
and see what it shows. In the meantime we will update you when we are ready to re-open
auth and to do a test release. Please be aware that this release will still be considered
'unsafe' to use and, like always, should not be used on accounts you cannot afford to lose.

Again, we sincerely apologize for this massive mistake.

This thread will remain open for discussions.

Thank you for explaining and at least saying it might have been an error on the HB side, i respect that and always love your products. Shit happens and i accept the bans i recently have gotten (mind you i have been botting since WoWSharp days) multiple account and this time was the first time i have actually been banned from WoW. Only 2 account and 900k gold but hey it comes with the territory. Thanks for the post raphus and team and keep up the good and honest work i will always support it.
Play manually people - it does work - stop asking when the bots will be back online - enjoy PvP while its skill based.

Can you explain this manually please?
What's it's Gold Per Hour like?
Can I download it as a botbase for HB?
I think that your admission will serve little purpose because every time wow applied an update you have ever taken the time needed to make sure hb, and this was all written in your post announcing a new test relase.
Surely the blizzard began to have the best of your developers.
It seems to me that a good time was thinking more to gain with the profiles that the safety of your program.
I started to usrae hb when the program was light and there were almost all free profile and functioning as well as the cr.
Now you are at a point where everything goes automatically on line for your server with the result of burdening the user's Internet traffic with problems of lag and fps.
I'm not at all happy with the direction we have taken, but so that matter .......
Can you explain this manually please?
What's it's Gold Per Hour like?
Can I download it as a botbase for HB?

Haha ! A least you could be sure that uptime is 100% :D
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I spoke with a support representative at Blizzard and they gave me the answer that they do in fact Monitor your RAM and the CPUID to see what is being run in tandum with WoW's client. They must have a way to check RAM cells and the unique ID of applications running next to their WoW client. If we are to figure out where the detection is we need to go back to our basic understanding of Computer Science.....and look specifically at RAM architecture. How does the WoW client get stored into our RAM for 1. and How does HB also get stored into the RAM. What methods can be used to scan the specific IDS store in each RAM cell. What is HBs unique identifier within a RAM cell? What is WoWs? We need to start exploring these type of things to figure out how HB was detected. Bring it back to BASIC COMPUTER SCIENCE 101....and we will get the answers we need.

So... If ever the Buddy blocks the attemps of WoW to scan the RAM, wouldnt you think that the block itself would be considered like a sign of something thats trying to stop the scan by WoW, and then like a proof of bottinging?

After all, its just like if the police comes and knocks your door, and they ask you about a murder, and they notice that you are actively trying to avoid them inspecting your backyard´s garden, as if something is buried there.
That all said from the point of view of someone who is not versed at all in computer science (beyond the common skills for those who grew up in the early 90´s).
Then again, why not to "camouflate" HB with some other kind of program? After all, what other programs hook the game? There should be something out there. Otherwise, Blizzard is not just scanning the hooking, but also the frecuency of the orders being sent to WoW.
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