I have now tryed this on my new hunter lvl 100. I will say it can have potential to get good, but for now you need to make in my oppinion more things that we as user can turn on/off as we please.
Auromatic target is one, I dislike the auto targeting, because I like to select wich mob I wanna engange, without fire an arrow the first eye. Example, if doing a ice trap, I wanna be able to cast that, and not shoot the mob, and thereby agrro the entier group of mobs.
And I also feel like the dmg falls alot when turning of AoE rutines. And I also would like to see traps beeing on seperate toogle on/off. And what is the barrage AoE count set for in mobs 4?
I'm not the best for explaining myself, but I know what I like when playing the game, twoards beeing OK, and save, and not kill the entier group just because the program all of sudden fires example Barrage into a group.
And may I ask, what is the Lone wulf Buff, and the different choosing in the list?