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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Just downloaded this and started it in Jade Forest, but it got stuck on the quests "Prowler Problems" and "Priorities!". It would just stand there at the quest givers.

I've attached logs below.

View attachment 2896 2013-11-01 22.23.txt

It started working again after I completed the quest "Priorities!" myself.
Why are the min levels so low? i'm 41 and its still wanting to do desolace.

You should update it so as soon as you can move to another zone it will.
Hello Chinajade :), thanks for adding the latest changes to the BC profiles.

I do have a suggestion about the profile checkpoint system which has some flaws up till now...

As it works now, if you load the profile, HB checks for the current level and goes to the appropriate checkpoint, but the issue i find is, that the level check is NOT done in real time, which is not the moment you hit a level up that HB does a rechecks which quest to do next. So basically the bot just continues doing the quests sequentially until HB closes or restarts.

The real issue with this is : when the bot crashes while doing for example a chain quest or any regular sequence of quests, if the bot reloads, you can for example have 4 quests complete in log, and the bot will just fly to the next checkpoint and make you loose many XP from those quests that just needed to be turned in + you get some items left in your bag because of the uncompleted quest leftovers.

My Suggestions are this :

1- Either Making the bot recheck the profile on each level up, or better yet at the profile's provided checkpoints, for example at level 62, 65, 67, etc... (i can patch this with a little plugin running in the background to force a profile reload or to just simply shutting down HB by code and letting the relogger take care of reloading HB again). This would work great if the intention is to simply go to another set of new quests quicker at the expense of leaving unfinished quests + items leftovers.

2- Adding a condition system on the checkpoints in the profile or in HB Core, which means : You only go to the next checkpoint when this specific condition is met, which is "Not having any quest ID from previous checkpoint in the wow quest log", that will make sure someone that wants to start using the profiles and not having any quests from the previous zone to quickly jump to the right checkpoint, and let the others who were questing in the previous zone to keep finishing their quests.

3- The best method but the certainly the most unpredictable and difficult would be : 1- if a level checkpoint is reached, and the bot has completed some quests but not turned them in, the bot goes to do only the turn in quests, and goes to the next checkpoint.

Cheers :)

Edit : An example of why the current system fails at times during questing because of the current checkpoint system :

* HB crashed while leveling in Terokkar Forest.
* HB then restarts with the help of the relogger then find a new checkpoint and goes to the first quest in nagrand which is to get a quest to drop from some mobs.
* The bot goes back and forth for more than an hour, after checking HB, i see that the last Terokkar forest quest had turned off looting mobs...

I'll try to reproduce the exact part again, then i'll send a log file + fix if found for that particular example, seems like HB latest version has some issues with looting mobs in some type of quests, they need some sort of behavior forcing like this (not just simple LootMobs="True" + Hotspots to grind for a quest item drop) : <Objective QuestName="xxx" QuestId="xxx" Type="CollectItem" CollectCount="1" Name="xxx" ItemId="xxx" />
Started few new bots today. All of them have the same issue with "The power of the light quest"
The bot just keeps spamming seal of command near the trainer.
Happend to a bot i started last week aswell, seems like a profile matter.1
Log from 1 of the bots.

Hi, Decks, and thanks for the report and log.

v2847 should have this problem repaired.


[size=-2]Ref: Decks' problem report w/log[/size]
Why are the min levels so low? i'm 41 and its still wanting to do desolace.

You should update it so as soon as you can move to another zone it will.

Hi, Newb1,

The profile pack has a 'completionist' requirement, and your request would be at odds with it. The question is answered more fully in the FAQ, and the following article:

In short, for what you seek, you need to look elsewhere--Kick's profiles will not meet your desires.

While doing some firs Pandas quest i found problem toon is stuck and do nothing with note: "[19:15:02.972 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[19:15:03.678 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
[19:15:13.249 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[19:15:13.973 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'"

Heres log


New Urgent fix please to apply on the file : "Quest Behaviors/Hooks/MountHook.cs"

Change the minimum gold required for "Expert riding skill + the flying mount" from 268 to 278, below are the two places to change:

Expert Riding Skill price = 237g 50s
The flying mount price = 40g
Total = 277g 50s, or better yet 278g

This is important for DK questing, because they start fresh in terms of gold, and the moment they hit 268g and the profile does the train flying check, the bot goes to buy the expert riding skill, and can't buy the flying mount (not enough money at that moment).

private static Composite HellfireComposite
return new Decorator(r => Hellfire && Me.Level >= 60 && Me.Gold >= [U][B]278[/B][/U] && FlightLevel < 2, new Action(r => SetupTrainer()));


private static Composite OldWordComposite
return new Decorator(r => OldWorld && ((Me.Level >= 20 && Me.Gold >= 5 && FlightLevel < 1) || (Me.Level >= 60 && Me.Gold >= [U][B]278[/B][/U] && FlightLevel < 2)), new Action(r => SetupTrainer()));



[05:27:43.132 D] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10140) && IsQuestCompleted(10140)' @ line 2043
[05:27:43.132 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:43.132 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[05:27:43.133 N] MountHook:True  - zxbca
[05:27:43.133 N] MountHook:Inserting hook - zxbca
[05:27:43.135 D] Inserted new hook [Questbot_Main @0] 9f273971-0ff8-44b6-9158-e72f8b21954a
[05:27:43.135 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[05:27:43.135 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:43.135 D] Compiling expression 'Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Riding).CurrentValue < 225 && (Me.Gold >= 268) && (Me.Level >= 60)' @ line 2055
[05:27:43.627 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:43.627 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:43.627 D] Compiling expression 'Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Riding).CurrentValue < 225 && (Me.Level >= 60)' @ line 2074
[05:27:44.133 D] Compiling expression 'Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Riding).CurrentValue < 225 && (Me.Level < 60)' @ line 2076
[05:27:44.597 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[05:27:44.597 N] [Profile Message]: You are not level 60 yet; defaulting to non-flying protocols
[05:27:44.597 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[05:27:44.597 D] StyxWoW.AreaManager.CurrentGrindArea is null
[05:27:44.635 N] [Singular] attention: Pull Distance set to 45 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User 
[05:27:44.635 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[05:27:44.658 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.658 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.658 D] Compiling expression '!HasQuest(10254) && !IsQuestCompleted(10254)' @ line 2081
[05:27:44.658 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.658 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.658 D] Compiling expression '!HasQuest(10055) && !IsQuestCompleted(10055)' @ line 2088
[05:27:44.658 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.658 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.658 D] Compiling expression '!HasQuest(10482) && !IsQuestCompleted(10482)' @ line 2095
[05:27:44.659 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.659 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.659 D] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10141) && IsQuestCompleted(10141)' @ line 2099
[05:27:44.659 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.659 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[05:27:44.659 D] Compiling expression 'HasQuest(10055) && !IsQuestCompleted(10055)' @ line 2106

Last Issue is that the training check is too early in the profile for DK characters, and below is a fix for both factions, at that precise moment DK already should have enough gold like 300g or more:

*For The Horde Part (TESTED AND WORKING CORRECTLY, the only little issue is with the MountHook.cs which tries to avoid mob when travelling to the trainer on ground mount, whenever a mob goes in combat with the bot, he runs back until the combat is left, this makes the bot zigzag for a few minutes with each mob encountered during the travel route)

ProfileName="[Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml"
<TurnIn Nav="Fly" QuestName="Blessings of the Ancients" QuestId="9785" 

TurnInName="Windcaller Blackhoof" TurnInId="18070" X="-234.2691" Y="5434.766" Z="22.42206" />

[U][B]<If Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Riding).CurrentValue &lt; 225" >[/B]
[B]                <CustomBehavior File="Hooks\MountHook" state="true"/>[/B]
[B]            </If>[/B][/U]

            <PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Watcher Leesa'oh" QuestId="9697" GiverName="Lethyn 

Moonfire" GiverId="17834" X="-218.2539" Y="5495.695" Z="22.28442" />

*For The Alliance Part (NOT YET TESTED, will confirm on the next DK character to level, another issue is why in the alliance profile, there is additional checks and behaviors for the minimum gold amount of 268g + the behavior to go buy the skill and mount beside the "MountHook.cs" call ? This also needs to be fixed, or totally removed and replaced by this)

ProfileName="[Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml"
<If Condition="HasQuest(9802) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(9802)">
            <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Cenarion Refuge Landing Spot" X="-216.1101" Y="5498.881" Z="21.79396" />
            <TurnIn QuestName="Plants of Zangarmarsh" QuestId="9802" TurnInName="Lauranna Thar'well" TurnInId="17909" X="-215.5434" 

Y="5437.267" Z="21.4277" />

    [U][B]<If Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Riding).CurrentValue &lt; 225" >[/B]
[B]                <CustomBehavior File="Hooks\MountHook" state="true"/>[/B]
[B]            </If>[/B][/U]

        <PickUp QuestName="Watcher Leesa'oh" QuestId="9697" GiverName="Lethyn Moonfire" GiverId="17834" X="-181.3797" Y="5527.087" 

Z="29.40768" />
Just downloaded this and started it in Jade Forest, but it got stuck on the quests "Prowler Problems" and "Priorities!". It would just stand there at the quest givers.
I've attached logs below.
View attachment 109264
It started working again after I completed the quest "Priorities!" myself.
While doing some firs Pandas quest i found problem toon is stuck and do nothing with note: "[19:15:02.972 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[19:15:03.678 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
[19:15:13.249 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[19:15:13.973 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'"
Heres log

Hi, Shaak and Kasia. Thank you for the problem reports with logs!

It appears that Bliz has once again changed the mechanics of using Gi-Oh to complete this quest. Our hypthoesis is that Gi-Oh no longer must be gossiped with to have him follow you around for the quest. We need to get a toon in the area to check it out.

In the meantime, I've captured the issue to the Known Bugs List: MoP 85-90.

Your work-around is to do the quest manually in the while.

Thank you both for the problem report.


[size=-2]Ref: Shaak's problem report w/log
Ref: Kasia's problem report w/log[/size]
New bug and fix for a quest in terrokar zone for :

ProfileName = "[Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick].xml"
QuestName = "Missing Friends"

I had to change CollectItemCount="4" to "1", and NumOfTimes="4" to "1" also.

Because the CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" is buggy, it gets stuck in a loop as long as you have a key quest item left in the bag, which will make it never check the : <While Condition="HasQuest(10852) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted (10852)">

By changing the value from 4 back to 1 as a temporary fix, it should pick only one key from mobs and try to open only one cage, and this should help loop through the xml while condition.

Below the changes made to the profile:

<While Condition="HasQuest(10852) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(10852)">

     <CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" MobId1="18452" MobId2="18453" CollectItemId="31655" CollectItemCount="[B][U]1[/U][/B]" HuntingGroundRadius="200" NonCompeteDistance="10" >
        <Hotspot X="-2439.534" Y="5366.974" Z="2.13563" />
        <Hotspot X="-2529.827" Y="5447.823" Z="0.4364949" />

    <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" MobId1="185202" MobId2="185203" MobId3="185204" MobId4="185205" NumOfTimes="[U][B]1[/B][/U]" Range="7" NonCompeteDistance="10" X="-2521.825" Y="5444.137" Z="0.0509126" />


The quest part of the log file attached.

Edit : Alright! Now i'm more sure that i'm right about the fact that collectThings behavior is indeed buggy :)

Please take a look at the code below from the alliance profile with the same quest (Someone from the quest dev team already found it buggy and corrected it there, as you see the part has been commented. It would be nice maybe to just copy and paste this part to the horde side) :

<While Condition="HasQuest(10852) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(10852)">
            <If Condition="HasQuest(10852) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(10852)">
                <Objective QuestName="Missing Friends" QuestId="10852" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="31655" CollectCount="4" />
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="10852" ObjectType="GameObject" MobId="185202" NumOfTimes="1" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" WaitTime="6000" CollectionDistance="500" X="-2521.643" Y="5439.058" Z="0.04680837" />
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="10852" ObjectType="GameObject" MobId="185203" NumOfTimes="1" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" WaitTime="6000" CollectionDistance="500" X="-2521.643" Y="5439.058" Z="0.04680837" />
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="10852" ObjectType="GameObject" MobId="185204" NumOfTimes="1" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" WaitTime="6000" CollectionDistance="500" X="-2521.643" Y="5439.058" Z="0.04680837" />
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="10852" ObjectType="GameObject" MobId="185205" NumOfTimes="1" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" WaitTime="6000" CollectionDistance="500" X="-2521.643" Y="5439.058" Z="0.04680837" />

        <While Condition="HasQuest(10852) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(10852)">
            <If Condition="HasQuest(10852) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(10852)">
                <Objective QuestName="Missing Friends" QuestId="10852" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="31655" CollectCount="4" />
            <CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" MobId1="18452" MobId2="18453" CollectItemId="31655"
                CollectItemCount="4" HuntingGroundRadius="200" NonCompeteDistance="10" >
                <Hotspot X="-2439.534" Y="5366.974" Z="2.13563" />
                <Hotspot X="-2529.827" Y="5447.823" Z="0.4364949" />
            </CustomBehavior> -->
            <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" MobId1="185202" MobId2="185203" MobId3="185204" MobId4="185205" NumOfTimes="4" Range="7" NonCompeteDistance="10" X="-2521.825" Y="5444.137" Z="0.0509126" />


Stuck @ Mailbox.

The toon goes to the vendor, sell all he need to sell then he moves to the mailbox and stands there forever.
Twilight Highlands [H]
Quest: Everything but the Kitchen Sink

After Toon use the Vehicle the complete WoW Client freeze.

And ... please rerun this Profile, toon has so many problems with the Profile till this Quest.

*edit* Quest: off the Wall ... the same. after Toon use the Vehicle the complete WoW Client freeze.


when trying to level a toon from level 1 it tries to go to the main city and after it does it just sits there doing nothing anyhelp no errors at all
Cleaning House - Quest - World of Warcraft Stuck on Jooga do nothing and idle...
when trying to level a toon from level 1 it tries to go to the main city and after it does it just sits there doing nothing anyhelp no errors at all

These posts have been archived, because no log was attached. Please see the guide for Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance.

Stuck @ Mailbox.

The toon goes to the vendor, sell all he need to sell then he moves to the mailbox and stands there forever.

Hi, Pasterke,

As we've stated on many occasions, the profile is not running at all when a vendor run (e..g, mail/sell/repair) is being made. There is nothing the profile can do to abate this problem.

Also, from the [Test Release] Honorbuddy v2.5.8483.699 release notes:

Known Bugs
* Mailing not working
* Gets stuck at flight masters.

Please use the guide for Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance to determine the appropriate place to report your problem. Also, be sure to attach your log.

My Suggestions are this :

1- Either Making the bot recheck the profile on each level up, or better yet at the profile's provided checkpoints, for example at level 62, 65, 67, etc... (i can patch this with a little plugin running in the background to force a profile reload or to just simply shutting down HB by code and letting the relogger take care of reloading HB again). This would work great if the intention is to simply go to another set of new quests quicker at the expense of leaving unfinished quests + items leftovers.

2- Adding a condition system on the checkpoints in the profile or in HB Core, which means : You only go to the next checkpoint when this specific condition is met, which is "Not having any quest ID from previous checkpoint in the wow quest log", that will make sure someone that wants to start using the profiles and not having any quests from the previous zone to quickly jump to the right checkpoint, and let the others who were questing in the previous zone to keep finishing their quests.

3- The best method but the certainly the most unpredictable and difficult would be : 1- if a level checkpoint is reached, and the bot has completed some quests but not turned them in, the bot goes to do only the turn in quests, and goes to the next checkpoint.

Cheers :)

Edit : An example of why the current system fails at times during questing because of the current checkpoint system :

* HB crashed while leveling in Terokkar Forest.
* HB then restarts with the help of the relogger then find a new checkpoint and goes to the first quest in nagrand which is to get a quest to drop from some mobs.
* The bot goes back and forth for more than an hour, after checking HB, i see that the last Terokkar forest quest had turned off looting mobs...

I'll try to reproduce the exact part again, then i'll send a log file + fix if found for that particular example, seems like HB latest version has some issues with looting mobs in some type of quests, they need some sort of behavior forcing like this (not just simple LootMobs="True" + Hotspots to grind for a quest item drop) : <Objective QuestName="xxx" QuestId="xxx" Type="CollectItem" CollectCount="1" Name="xxx" ItemId="xxx" />

Hello again, Dmyoussef,

To address your points directly:
  1. This is not how the bot machinery currently works. The profile pack currently uses the Honorbuddy Checkpoint mechanisms as they were designed and intended to be used.

    We will not consider adding another plugin to assist the profile pack. Currently, the profile pack requires only plugin "Quest Helper - Item for Aura", and we are working on eliminating that.

    As a design, Hawker and other senior team members feel that profiles should 'just work', without requiring the assistance of configuration or plugins. Many of our users are not technically minded, and history has proven that adding these mechanisms create an unbelievable support burden.

    As proof, we constantly have people reporting 'stuck' issues, pathing issues, mount issues, 'selling/mailing/repair' issues, combat issues, cache issues, installation issues, etc. to this thread, and such things do not belong here. Many of our users do not understand the difference between profiles, quest behaviors, plugins, combat routines, and bots. A good 75% of the traffic through this thread has absolutely nothing to do with the profile. (However, we're glad to help them here anyway. And, we only send them to Support--where they belong--when its obvious it will take several volleys to get their issue straightened out.)

  2. The profile pack alone is already over half-a-million lines are code.
    This is more code than 90% of software developers will ever see in one project in their careers. (And this is only profile code. Throw in quest behaviors, and the bot, and the number gets very large.) We are not willing to increase for such marginal functionality.

    This suggestion could easily double the size of the profiles. Even a 10% increase in the size of the profiles would need to have significant functionality to justify it.
There are simple work-arounds for your issues of crashing. These include:
  • Abandon all quests, then just hit 'start' again.
  • Set the 'IgnoreCheckpoints="true"'' for the profile you want to run, then hit 'start'.

In short, the cost-benefit ratio is too far out-of-whack to implement this suggestion. And, Honorbuddy already provides mechanisms to 'recover' in whichever direction you want to go (finish the zone, or abandon the quests and move on).

Having said all that, please know we appreciate all suggestions for improvement. And this one was appreciated also.
