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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Bug Reports--DO NOT DELETE!

I would suggest the following:

1. BGbuddy - The mass amount of players that are in BGs, and are botting, tend to follow the same path, have the same reaction to an event, and provide no logical reaction to events. The number one thing I would suggest is multi-pathing. When you start a BG (lets use AB in this instance) every single bot goes for Farm flag. (funny, i actually watched mine play an entire AB with 100% bots, not 1 single authentic human behind the controls. was quite interesting.) Once they take the farm flag they go to the biggest fight. This model is out dated and over utilized. From the beginning of AB there should be at LEAST 10 different places to stand where we are not clumped into a "bot-ball". Once it starts the bots should split up and go to LM, Farm, Mine, and BS. Essentially you can put the place where a bot stands as their starting point, determining which direction they will go. If there is more then 2 players/bots in the starting (standing) location then it moves to the next one to check for proximity of others. Once it finds (lets say spot 3) then spot 3 is tied to going to Gold Mine. The bot proceeds to GM and fights / takes flag. If there are 3 points taken then the bot should stay and defend. If there are 2 points taken then the bot should leave and take the offensive. This model can be used in nearly all other BG's as well. Priority targeting should be absolute. Healers go down first, then undergeared, then whats left. All of this can be written using simple latter logic of yes/no/if/and/when. (or at least I assume the API will support this)

2. Dungeonbuddy - this all around is worthless at the moment. I stopped using it a few months ago and havent picked it back up yet. It used to be awesome if I was a healer, caster, or ranged to just set this to run then go take a nap or work. Now... your lucky to get one run. A few things I would suggest are: dont always follow the tank - let the bot choose someone after each fight. If that target stops and the group goes on, then the range to tank should tell the bot to switch to a closer group member or the tank. Proximity looting - if there are mobs that are within X distance to loot, dont let it loot.

3. Gatherbuddy - It would be nice to see all the node points in the world mapped. Once they are mapped you can tell the system what ore/herb you are looking for (or multiples) and the bot takes off and gets them. Currently each person relies on a "profile" to get their rout. Why not map out the entire continent, then randomize? That would throw off blizz's x,y,z tracker completely. You can go one step further and include AH options, mailing, and toon switching into this to allow a rotation. An "idle" timer would be amazing! (yes, i realize some of this can be done using multiprofile, reloggers, etc. I'm talking about developing a HB branded all in one that is simple, intuitive, boxed and ready to ship.)

4. Anti-Stuck - this has always been a pain. One of the biggest things I think people should realize is that if your getting stuck, set your hearth close by or within reach of your farming area. (farming = xp, herb/ore, skinning, etc.) If the system will hearth, then try again, that would really help. Also, keeping another log SPECIFIC to where you get stuck and sending that information automatically to HB would be amazing!

Overall the bot is amazing, and I have nothing bad to say. It's all constructive, and with saying so I offer my support in any way I can contribute.
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Le Context:
Profile: [H - Quest] Durotar 5-12 [Kick] ($Rev: 2209 $)

Orc Shaman level 8 just turned in Ride to Orgrimmar, and picked up Doras the Wind Rider Master. Both quests are interactions with Doras (the flight master).

Shammy gets stuck trying to "Pick up Flightpoint" rather than turn in the "Doras the Wind Rider Master" quest back to Doras. Neither the flight point update, nor the quest turn in succeed, and the toon just stands at Doras, hung.

"Use Flightpaths" is true. The logic probably needs tweaking. :D

Problem starts at [20:22:15.574 D]. "Clean' Honorbuddy, and not 'partially unhooked' from WoWclient.​

Le Log:


EDIT 15May2013 by chinajade: Silvaman's report of the same issue in Kick's thread w/log
EDIT 24Jun2013 by chinajade: Scarlettey's report of the same issue
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Which Bot? Gatherbuddy2
Character Information - Tauren Druid 90, Balance or Resto
What profile were you using? It: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...le-zone-herbalism-mining-re-made-updated.html
Date the bug occured - all the time with this profile
Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. - Bot is not gathering some nodes. Everytime that find a node use mining and show the ores at node, don't get switch to flying form, back mining try to get ores, switch to flying form, and try again and blacklist. I've try other profiles and occurs something. With herbs it doesn't occurs just with nodes. I have to stay in front of machine to pay attention cause I lose a lot of nodes trying to get this.
Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. - Log char, log hb, load profile and start.

Please list all plugins currently enabled - default everything.
Please attach a log for this bug report. No wrong information at log, just blacklist the hotspot when try to get for 3 times.
BGBUDDY & DUNGEONBUDDY are VERY noticeable. in BG's i sat down going through all BG's with different characters and most of players aware of you botting as soon as it starts. It repeats circiling till it finds it's way out or running from 1 hill to the other and stopping at each 1 for a while with at list other 5 other bots positioned all the same and move the same . the movement is not smooth at all as it will move then stop, turn a few sharp turns for no reason that normal players would not do unless in combat. and many many other obvious movement , plus getting stuck in every damn tree, building, rock , etc...etc !
Dungeonbuddy needs allot of work as well as it has the same issues as BGBUDDY, getting stuck around corners, stops reacting for no reason, sudden sharp movements for no reason, And when he dies and runs back looking for the tank he pulls the whole dungeon instead of following the way the tank went initially, plus many many other issues. from the most simple dungeons of the BC to the latest of MOP(I actually done them ALL), all pretty damn obvious and too risky using our main accounts.
to cut this short, we need better character movements,more REALISTIC, cover All black spots to avoid getting stuck, a wider variety of navigations instead of the current repeating ones.
Questing also needs allot of work as 99% it will stop for no reason, meaning it is not an AFK
bot as you nned to babysit it all the time, which means may as well PLAY your damn toon...LMFAO
well, keep on the hard work you might get it right 1 day :)
I would really appreciate evertime you patch HB you give a little consideration to people who use it for questing and not break quest pickup/handin behaviour. I don't see why we have to wait for profiles to be updated to fix this behaviour when it was not broken prior to patching especially for existing npc's that have not been moved or had their quest lists altered.

Also the bot attemping to pickup quests for 30 mins without success does not look very legitimatem this behaviour could be greatly improved.
[EDIT 16May2013 by chinajade]: Tumbum originally posted this in the profile thread. I've moved it here, and this post explains the thought processes behind the move.

Toon cant move to the Repair Vendor if in a Cave. If its more a Mesh Issue, please move this to the right Thread. Thank you

If i restart HB after i moved the Toon outside the Cave, he always go back inside to the Place on the Picture.
Did Repairing by Hand.

[11:28:40.171 D] Could not generate full path from {1863.954, -454.2454, 180.8485} to {1091.19, 436.332, -45.96808} (time used: 238 milliseconds)
[11:28:40.484 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Rixi "The Digger" Bombdigger


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hb ideas

i thank we we can make where we can make setting on gathering buddy where we can tell it to stop after like a time we set on it where it will stop farming for like 12 min then move a few feet and wait for about 10 more then go back to farming to help threw off the gm seeing us botting now i farm 3 hours in the morin and 3 at night and i got banned 2 times so far and a pet battel addon be great i would love to get that so i can lvl my pets

I think BGBuddy is important, one because its a nice leveling alternative, and two because a lot of people use it get their ilvl up to heroics point. It's no secret how full of botters BG's are currently, having the bot a bit smarter to ninja cap flags, move to logical points and not "biggest fight" would be very beneficial.
Gatherbuddy2 could use a little bit of help, it works well enough, but has a lot of trouble with landings, trees, buildings, ect. A stuck helper there would be brilliant.
Questing, I understand is being worked on again, but still is littered with issues (granted many are being reported and fixed up)
Pet battles... interesting, but I'd put them low in que.
Honestly, the main thing I would really love to be improved is Dungeon buddy. It's a brilliant idea, great leveling, and gets nice gear. I have a 5-man team I run (usually with me as tank) and lately I can't even use it. Constant stops, not moving, and the bots are extremely hesitant to attack. Not to mention they have great trouble navigating certain instances like Wailing Caverns, All the Blackrocks, and such. Mists support would be beautiful, and the few dungeons that are heroics only. I don't expect my bot to be perfect, but moving out of bad stuff and jumping to avoid firewalls and such is kind of obvious to not looking like a bot (or getting kicked for being partially retarded.)

I think a lot of what people want is for their bot to do it's job without constant supervision. (And fear... paranoia is rampant with BGBuddy right now)
[EDIT 17May2013 by chinajade]: Tumbum, I'm moving your report to the Honorbuddy Bug Reports thread, because I know you know to check for corrupted caches.

BC - Horde

After turning in the Quest - When the Cows Come Home
Toon trys to interact endless with the same NPC, but there is no other Quest.


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"Average length of repeating waypoint subsequences (LCP). Bot movement patterns contain many and often long repeating subsequences, resulting in a high LCP.
In contrast, humans hardly manage to repeat sequences of several waypoints in a row, thus their
LCP stays at a stable low level."

GB2 needs a new method to avoid detection.
The defined route method is no longer viable.

The area method have been mentioned, defining outer boundary points thus defining an area to farm.
With a mesh of the area it should be possible to navigate and avoid getting stuck.

Until that gets fixed it is only a matter of time before your farming account gets closed.
Like you have only so much farming time with one route. Then you have to change the route. Having to change the route all the time directly counters the idea of bot farming.
As feedback goes I (and a lot of others) would like a Lightweight version with only the ability to run our Combat rotations. I personally use a custom build CC with lazYraider or Tyrel and would be nice to have the bot available even after a patch that is always up. I do use the other functions of HB but they are just as convenient. Im always happy to wait but its just a little thing that would be nice.

Cheers guys :)
BGBuddy needs work. It's obvious in some BG's like SM and TP who the botters are before it begins because they are all facing the same direction away from the gate. Also, as someone stated, it would be a HUGE improvement to ditch the "move to largest fight" at the beginning and instead go to specific points (Isle of Conquest......). It would also be nice to have the ability to return flags or cap bases instead of relying on plugins.

Here are some things I have noticed while using BGBuddy, no plugins.

AV: Probably 2/5 times gets stuck in the opening cave (horde). Gets hung up at Balinda even after she's dead. If you stop the bot during AV you are SoL for some reason (it refuses to work properly after restarting for the remainder of the BG).

AB: Fights in the roads too often. Terrible mechanic. Should be able to sit and defend (for the entire BG if you want...way more helpful than fighting in roads).

EotS: Same as AB. Fights in the roads too often which helps no one. It's also obvious who the bots are because the bots run to a base and when it sees that no enemies are present, it pulls a sharp 180 instantly and runs to another base just scanning for someone to attack. This will happen continuously (running back and forth, back and forth) until interrupted by an enemy. Could benefit from the ability to sit and defend for as long as needed. 3 bases > flag!

IoC: The start needs to be fixed. When the gates go down, it likes to hang out for a few seconds, run through the gate, run back into the base, and then take the teleport out?? Also, fixed points at the start could benefit IoC (alliance heads straight to docks, horde heads straight to hangar), rather than following the largest group or biggest fight.

SotA: It gets stuck at the beach after the gates have been destroyed if it's in the middle of attacking someone, rather than just run away (by gates I mean they will be on Yellow and you're still on the beach). It takes the portals back at the start sometimes when on defense. It always picks Green, but if the fight is bigger at Blue, it immediately ditches everyone at Green to join in "the biggest fight." Doesn't focus on demos. If you allow the bot to use mounts, it will never dismount throughout the fight. To fix this, you can disable mounts, but it's easy to tell who's botting because who runs from start to beach? When defending, if the next gate to be destroyed is Yellow or Relic Chamber, the bot will send you to a fixed point in front of the gate and sit there waiting for trouble. As a healer, my team can be 50 yards away killing demos, but the bot sits right there and does nothing until enemy players are in range. This is probably the ONLY time I would rather run to the "biggest fight," as long as it is reasonably close to the gate we are trying to defend.

TP and WSG: Defends from the beginning? Only the bots do this in random BGs so it's pretty obvious. It also loves to leave an enemy base by running through their GY, which most often results in a pretty quick death. Could benefit from returning flags.

Mines: Doesn't ever want to defend carts. Just runs to the middle looking for trouble. Also victim of the random stare into a dark corner as I mentioned above (before it begins). Paths are a little screwy (dropping down from spawn as alliance, it will turn and run toward the cliff before turning back and running to the middle).

Temple: Not much here except that it should be able to run off the ledge down into the middle. If you're fighting someone and they run off the ledge to drop down, the bot will take the long way and run all the way around and down the stairs.
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I'll try to be more accurate in my descriptions of how the BGBot in "my" opinion should be laid out. All these modifications need to be weighted in the bot config page.

Alterec Valley
Prior to starting the bot in "BGBuddy" you would open the bot config screen. (see PDF attachment) This will allow the logic of the BG to be controlled more intuitively vs. a rigid "run to here and wait" goal.

Based upon the PDF I attached you can adjust settings for each and every BG. This means setting your role as tank, dps, or healer, and actually performing your role. In AV tanks can go take towers and dps can go assault flags. Healers should still go to their assigned bases / hotspots but should actually sit off a bit by default and try to heal.

ToK - Attack orb carriers, Stay in middle or stay out, pickup orbs and get to middle ASAP and wait.

AB - Defend flag, respond to assault at a certain flag, healers respond to battle in different areas.

IoC - Set an option for Docks, Siege Building, or Aircraft. RUN OUT OF THE DAMN BUILDING WHEN GAME STARTS! Defend bases, use launchers, jump from airship, run bombs... too many to mention that can be done better.

WSG - Defend / Attack option. In depth defend FC or attack EFC. Return the flag here please!

Anyhow, wifes got dinner ready so I'm out. Thanks!


Add some random BG behavior to keep all bots different a little. Like start dancing when just guarding, or /silly /fart on someone or other junk like that. Plus let them path off a ledge in an area that you need to follow someone off a ledge. Sometimes you need to path to an area that is not the largest group and ninja cap something. Sorry if this has been mentioned before. Thanks
A button to 'switch' between character classes: so I don't need to Stop, Close, Login, Choose CC, Start HonorBuddy everytime I switch characters in WoW.

That would be great!
What about a "sense" movement type control. (or a pause button, yes I know there are plugins but Id rather have built-ins)

A few times during questing using Kicks I find my toon running into a fence over and over or the unstuck just running back into it. I try to click away from the spot but the bot is trying to move it back at the same time so it stutters. Or, for example, the disarm the traps quest in panderia the bot is TERRIBLE at disarming them and takes atleast 40-50 tries to complete it. Ill usually just pause it and move my toon to the traps to dismantle. FYI the bot runs on TOP of the traps and than tries to disarm them causing them to explode.

Something like that would be cool.

An ah bot that scans the AH websites current prices and listings so it can post at YOUR servers current price and/or undercut it with what you choose. I see a few AH botbases but they all need configured. This would scan your servers ah prices first by what current or similar gear is selling for and post yours around that amount. Seems pretty tough to do I would think... like this website WoWuction - Choose Your Realm (hope i can add outside links, sorry if its against the rules)

Make a setting to beep when IM'd. Easy to fix with a plugin but a built-in would be nicer. I'd rather have built-ins since loading a lot of plugins can sometimes take a long time. Maybe that's just me..IDK

A hot key to record a blackspot/hotspot using the current profile instead of having to stop and go into the developer settings. Make it easier to make a hotspot but making a radius option as well. Like here is where an elite sits, bot won't go near it 30 yards in a complete 360 degree radius even if there is a gathering hotspot close by them. I found my bot dying to the king crabs in pandara over and over due to the bot trying to kill the little craps for a blue shell. To the point where it needed repaired so it was dying even faster with a rez timer.

A way to switch a routine with stopping and shutting the bot completely off.

Built in re-logging, hearthing to town and signing out. ETC Like Ive stated before, I don't like using external programs just to play. Call me lazy :)

Hopefully the BGbuddy updates will keep track of Honor Points Gained PER BG instead of adding it completely. I like to know detailed stats. Also hope it has randomized paths and options to capture flags/destroy glavies,demos. Ignore main dps and go for healers etc. Or not run ten yards, mount, run ten yards dismount, run ten yards mount. Follow tank would be good. I think thats built into many routines though. Im not real keen on BGbuddy as I used it for an hour and had to such it off because it was so obvious. Plus, there is nothing like actually playing pvp. I'm not sure I'd even use it much other than to level.
As a healer, whenever I'm running dungeon buddy my toon will automatically go to the path points and pull aggro.

What I think can improve is another "movement" setting.

A new ideal movement setting would be to follow the tank when in range. If the tank is not in range, it will use the path points to get to the party. This way it will always be in range of fights, and not pull aggro and follow the tanks path.

Just a suggestion
i've been searching on the forums - i think that bgbuddy logic when you cap a flag (AB/gilneas/EOTS/?) the bot should stay and defend it until it caps (1min)
otherwise the bot caps the flag and the logic searches for the biggest battle, thats okay for Hk's but it doesnt win games which nets more honor. don't know if this suggestion has been made before, but I think just having the bot defend a little bit or at least wait till it caps (just sit and defend flag for 1 min ) before moving on would be a great addition and hopefully not too hard to implement.

hopefully a helpful suggestion, thanks!
I would like the option to switch CRs without having to restart HB because I use different CRs for DPS, Tanking and PVP :)
I would really like to see the BGbuddy updated.
Its the main reason i bought HB, until i realised, it was far too easy to spot a bot and be reported :( i just wanna grind full PvP gear and characters through pvp.

Second would also be questing. Sort something out where we are not all using the same paths to be detected and banned. e.g all us using kicks profiles.