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Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

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i think what bossland is saying is that blizzard owns the account and any fie attached tot hat account. now im no legal expert but malware not only infiltrates your wow files but doesnt it look into everything you are doing so blizz is getting all files from your pc if you download or except there user agreements?
i am another one that has lost a long held account, i never pvp i never grind. all i used was garasonboss. somthing i have learned here though. it is fun to start again. ok i need to buy a new account but hell it has turned into fun. the wife and 5 kids are missing me. my eldest is wondering how mom is pregnant again. thanks blizz for the ban. more bloody expence with another baby. just wondering how many others where using garason boss when it all went tits up
Da fuck you smoking? This is HIGHLY illegal.
Yes, it is illegal. Bossland wasn't saying it was okay, just that Blizztard prolly did it.
i think what bossland is saying is that blizzard owns the account and any fie attached tot hat account. now im no legal expert but malware not only infiltrates your wow files but doesnt it look into everything you are doing so blizz is getting all files from your pc if you download or except there user agreements?
Malware looks for what the programmer designs it to look for.
i am another one that has lost a long held account, i never pvp i never grind. all i used was garasonboss. somthing i have learned here though. it is fun to start again. ok i need to buy a new account but hell it has turned into fun. the wife and 5 kids are missing me. my eldest is wondering how mom is pregnant again. thanks blizz for the ban. more bloody expence with another baby. just wondering how many others where using garason boss when it all went tits up
I used GB. I also used CRs, QB, and several other random profiles.
That make sense that the detection pgm may have been temporary by design where the client downloaded it allowed it to run and made it's report back to blizzard then self deleted upon successful execution, leaving no finger prints to harden the tripwire with, you will need to catch it in action to know what its doing and what it's reporting.
Malware looks for what the programmer designs it to look for.

so what if blizzard created a malware to look further into your files maybe beyond just wow files wouldnt that be violating our privacy? I came across this while searching and wanted to share it with you all

Privacy concerns[edit]

Legal actions have been taken up against Blizzard's RAM scanning, for privacy reasons, as far back as its first implementation - in the World of Warcraft alpha test, to watch if users were breaking their confidentiality contract. Within days of the beta test

new lines were added to World of Warcraft's EULA.[citation needed]

The Electronic Frontier Foundation and other groups have labeled Warden as spyware.[3

]Blizzard has said that Warden does not gather any personally identifiable information about players other than the account being used.

It also states that the data collected is only used for finding evidence of malicious programs and cheating.[citation needed]

I read this and asked myself what if blizzard says it doesnt go beyond certain wow .exe files but what if they did to find HB running? How else could they find us all if they didnt go above and beyond suggested measures? I really wish i was smart in law id be looking into how they retrieved all the information so fast even if they looked for just a brief moment its still breaking the law. I would be sueing them for damages well beyond the what it cost them to ban all of us.
My 2 cents (Not that they mean much.)

1. 32 bit client is easily detected since you have to manually change it to make it 32 bit.

2. Being that I only use Enyo and Custom CRs, I believe the overlay's are a major issue and should be removed. This is something recently added and its also how the PR ban hammer happened.

3. I'd like to see 2 different versions of HB. One that is like an Enyo stand alone, only used for rotation botting, and a second version for questing, pvp, farm ect. This way if another ban happens, if people choose to only use one or the other, you can narrow it down to which is being hunted if only 1 of the 2 get banned. If both get banned, then its because they are using HB source to detect it.

4. They banned by IP. Once confirmed 1 account was using, they just banned all of the accounts linked to that address. My GF and my Roommate both got their accounts banned (they don't have HB on their computers) along with 4 other of my accounts (2 that I haven't used in over 3 months).

4. In order to remove all doubt, if you have already been banned, you will have to wipe your computer and change your static IP to make sure that whatever was on your computer is gone and you aren't linked to your banned account. Personally there are plenty of ways to detect someone using HB since an employee of blizzard could easily be on the forums and get access to all the code they need to do a "search and destroy" action on any code being run identically to what is coded in HB.

5. Personally I figured HB was perfectly safe for how I was using it (just as a rotation bot), however I was wrong. I made the decision to use it on my main account and I paid the price. I will be buying another account and will be using HB once it is up and running. If I get banned again oh well. However it is my choice to do so. I will stick by HB as long as it is in production.
Public forums. Bosslands comments being used for headlines and taken out of context. Blizzard possibly watching and waiting. Come on sheepies! HB kicked the shit out of this detection method and will release a fully functional bot. If Blizzard detects HB again its because they implemented new and improved features. Not because of this same detection. Have some faith guys. Bossland is down playing shit for the rest of the world's benefit.

Show them some loyalty and they'll work all the harder to make this shit indestructible.
Right? What sense would it make for Bossland to just tell everyone that they have figured out what happened and solved the issue?
My 2 cents (Not that they mean much.)

1. 32 bit client is easily detected since you have to manually change it to make it 32 bit.

2. Being that I only use Enyo and Custom CRs, I believe the overlay's are a major issue and should be removed. This is something recently added and its also how the PR ban hammer happened.

3. I'd like to see 2 different versions of HB. One that is like an Enyo stand alone, only used for rotation botting, and a second version for questing, pvp, farm ect. This way if another ban happens, if people choose to only use one or the other, you can narrow it down to which is being hunted if only 1 of the 2 get banned. If both get banned, then its because they are using HB source to detect it.

4. They banned by IP. Once confirmed 1 account was using, they just banned all of the accounts linked to that address. My GF and my Roommate both got their accounts banned (they don't have HB on their computers) along with 4 other of my accounts (2 that I haven't used in over 3 months).

4. In order to remove all doubt, if you have already been banned, you will have to wipe your computer and change your static IP to make sure that whatever was on your computer is gone and you aren't linked to your banned account. Personally there are plenty of ways to detect someone using HB since an employee of blizzard could easily be on the forums and get access to all the code they need to do a "search and destroy" action on any code being run identically to what is coded in HB.

5. Personally I figured HB was perfectly safe for how I was using it (just as a rotation bot), however I was wrong. I made the decision to use it on my main account and I paid the price. I will be buying another account and will be using HB once it is up and running. If I get banned again oh well. However it is my choice to do so. I will stick by HB as long as it is in production.

have to disagree with your number 4

i have about 8 WoW accounts under my battlenet username and they only banned the one i had been botting on recently... all account have been botted on at some point 2 or 3 of them in the lead up to WoD releasing... but the only one that got banned was my main account that i had been botting recently on. all played on under the same IP.

2 - the overlay is not why we got banned, there is a very little chance of that happening.. moreso chance of thing printing to your chat box getting detected in log parsing then the overlay.

1 - I agree, 32 bit client should be discontinued... this is already a massive red flag on people with 64bit systems as it is... anyone who is living / gaming in 2015 and still using 32bit, i'm sorry but you need to update.

3 - intersting.. a standalone combat / rotationbot would be nice, light weight
At the time of my 9 year old account getting banned. I put a ticket as they were expecting me to pay my recurring sub for the 6 months. After that issue was sorted, a blizzard employee slipped up and told me "Honorbuddy wouldn't of got detected it it didn't throw out so many errors. These errors include hidden Lua Errors from the WoW client and a shit tonn of Registry Errors." After they told me that, I did a registry test and checked the error entries and I must say that Honorbuddy is all over everything. Not sure how you would tweak this to be invisible to registry and Lua, but it is deffinately something to check out. I am sure if anyone who has windows 7/8 and has been running Honorbuddy, they should search for MSInfo32, save it as a .txt and find honorbuddy listings. This is one of the things blizzard picked up on. However, majority of the banned accounts where because of the battlegrounds/pvp bot base which triggered the banning of people who never pvp'ed with honorbuddy and other botting programs.

Hmmm...Taking this in context with what I posted about LUA errors before this was posted...

Starting to think Bliz figured out a way to bait and switch the opening hook when you pressed the HB start button.


The exact behavior I was seeing was documented in these threads.... I'd load a completely fresh HB... load a fresh wow install, no addons... press start... no movement, no nothing, 10 seconds later, LUA error, wow crash, reload wow.... reload HB... press start... and it acted perfectly normal, zero problems. I'm pro tech, and spend my days diving into software bugs...and have never seen a software bug behave in such a manner without intentions. Question is whether some other type of behavior/pattern lead them to making temporary changes on certain people's accounts, knowing HB hook would throw a LUA error and give itself away... then swap out the fix... letting botters go about their business thinking everything is OK.

If I can reverse engineer and cause 3rd party software to crash with a predictable call... and know for certain the client would only crash if that 3rd party software is running... I'd temporary inject it on the highest probability to test... (heavy time played would be a solid/logical place to start).Zero reason to inject it across all clients -- that would be far too easily detected. My best guess is Bliz has the ability to inject and remove, making it that much harder to track down. Hell, it could be a completely random call that occurs 1 out of every X loads...and once it occurs once, it rollsback -- allowing the botter to proceed thinking all is OK. That would be a solid reason why some people got lucky and others didn't. My other guess, is if you aren't botting with HB -- you wouldn't even know the injection occurred -- the game would play just like normal.

With that said, in hindsight, KICKs profile had more random hiccups than I had ever experienced prior... things being slightly out of the way, requiring intervention... places where multiple bots would be bunched up, because of slight undocumented changes since the profile was written. In the back of my mind, as I was watching it... I was thinking it seemed like some intentional pattern recognition was going on... perhaps to determine who to inject. I literally bot less than a week in April... and got the ban-hammer.
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dearest Bossland team

PLEASE, do not release a new update, unless you are 100% sure how blizztard detected us botting.
i know it's really hard, but i for one can wait...

best regards <3
loads of love <3
I feel as if tripwire should be your guys main focus constantly trying to better it to better protect us from detection i guess i'm just a little salty that a banwave is what's causing you to improve it also blizzard has done this to get more subs in a time when they need them the most i.e ban 100k accounts have say 80k/100k that have already paid a non refundable game(Whether it be the 1/2/6 mo. option) time purchase before the ban resub to wow they win if anyone got rekt it's people using this program that fell victim to the ban. With all do respect we should be your most important asset @ HB by failing to protect us from a secret or hidden upload how can i know i can trust this program in the future to keep us protected tripwire should activate on the slightest change a day before the bans went out when i logged onto the game i had a breif loading patch bar probably about 5 seconds and no info was given so i did see something and was able to log onto HB without a problem
We speculate, that at some point, Blizzard used parts of the World of Warcraft client that acted in a hidden manner like malware. Then they scanned everything they could scan on a given computer and flagged the ones they thought were operating against their TOS/EULA. They are fine to install any such malware-type hidden software at any given time according to their End User Agreement.

They are not fine to do so in any way. It's against the law in Europe and no TOS/EULA is above the law. If you or anyone else finds any proof that this has happened Blizzard is going to be en serious trouble in Europe. And I reckon this is why Blizzard Support refers to their legal department when anyone requests data. They cannot provide that because it has been obtained illegally.
I noticed on one of my accounts the day of the banwave that the bot was throwing messages up on the screen in brackets. This was strange. Something I have never seen before, but the message text was large and covered the screen from left to right. Can't remember the errors.
holy shit i was told the very same thing to talk to the legal department. lol thats so funny you said that i then posted the headquarters address and advise them that i will be putting a petition together to request all information gathered on my account and or database which led them to believe they found botting software on there. To me the only way that i have read that they could completely detect us is one they found a whole through warden or they opened up there malware to dig further into our exe files to find a installed honor buddy there. If they have dug further then they have violated almost everyone's privacy laws and need to be looked into. Please if anyone that knows more about the laws and maybe how to pursue blizzard let me know ill join the fight to kick there ass. Actions like this should not go un punished
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