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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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Good to see you continue to do great work with this CC.

Only issue I have with it, is that it recalls totems. I know the issue has been mentioned before, but is there any way to set it to only recall totems if you go outside of their range? I just hate that when it uses one of my Elementals, as soon as it kills the spawn I was working on and my guy is about to walk 5feet, it recalls totems. =/
Only issue I have with it, is that it recalls totems. I know the issue has been mentioned before, but is there any way to set it to only recall totems if you go outside of their range? I just hate that when it uses one of my Elementals, as soon as it kills the spawn I was working on and my guy is about to walk 5feet, it recalls totems. =/
w00tsauce, My apologies for your issue, however there isn't enough detail in your description and no log file is attached. Please see Post #2 Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for details on posting an issue or criticism. There also isn't an open issue with totems that has been reported as far as I am aware.

Recalling totems is under your control. Go to CC Configuration for ShamWOW and look on the General tab for the Totemic Recall Distance setting. After a Combat sequence has completed and it enters an Leaving Combat (out of combat state), ShamWOW will use the Totemic Recall Distance to check for mobs. For Enhancement Shaman, it looks for mobs within that range since it will fight at melee range. For Elemental and Resto, it will use TotemicRecallDisantce + (0.75 * RangedPullDistance) as the range to check for mobs. Note that mob in this case includes an opposing player, a hostile mob, or a neutral mob listed in the current grinding profile. If it does not see mobs in the appropriate range (so nothing indicating it will need to fight) the totems are recalled. If it does see potential enemies as described, it leaves the totems up. If at any point it determines however the Shaman is standing outside of the Totemic Recall Distance from the point the totems were set, it will recall them.

Hope that clears it up. If you still feel you have an issue, please post the details needed and I'll look into it. Bobby53
I noticed today that it was targeting another players (Troll Shaman) totems and was spamming invalid target, im not sure if this was HB bug or CC.
I noticed today that it was targeting another players (Troll Shaman) totems and was spamming invalid target, im not sure if this was HB bug or CC.
blacklisted, My apologies, however I am not obtaining the results you describe during my testing. You will need to visit Post #2 in this thread. Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] has details on the information needed when posting an issue. There is a template there you can copy and paste if needed. Once the requested information is available, I will look into this further for you and if the problem is identifiable will provide a fix in an upcoming release. Thanks for your help, Bobby53
blacklisted, My apologies, however I am not obtaining the results you describe during my testing. You will need to visit Post #2 in this thread. Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] has details on the information needed when posting an issue. There is a template there you can copy and paste if needed. Once the requested information is available, I will look into this further for you and if the problem is identifiable will provide a fix in an upcoming release. Thanks for your help, Bobby53

np thanks ill try to recreate it aswell when i see another troll shammy :)
bobby do you need more data concerning the mana issue? i
No, thank you Kirewade. It was a little more to go through than I had time for last night, so should be wrapping it up tonight and have a follow up for you guys by tomorrow morning. Thanks for the data and your patience.
One minor thing bobby:

ShamWOW tears through mobs like no other available cc but I've had a hard time against a combination of at least two mobs (or more if spawned instantly).

Uldum - Ruins of Ammon (Southwest on the map).

There are Furious Specter - NPC - World of Warcraft which can cast a 75% healing debuff on you (Veil of Shadow - Spell - World of Warcraft).

Ghostwolfes on CD, heroism on CD... Lvl 80 shaman (with good LK gear) vs. 2 Lvl 83 mobs (one of them a Furious Specter).

Do you think it's possible to decurse healing reducing debuffs with a higher priority (even over other combat events)?

+rep for this state of the art cc.

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One minor thing bobby:
ShamWOW tears through mobs like no other available cc but I've had a hard time against a combination of at least two mobs (or more if spawned instantly).
Uldum - Ruins of Ammon (Southwest on the map).
There are Furious Specter - NPC - World of Warcraft which can cast a 75% healing debuff on you (Veil of Shadow - Spell - World of Warcraft).
Ghostwolfes on CD, heroism on CD... Lvl 80 shaman (with good LK gear) vs. 2 Lvl 83 mobs (one of them a Furious Specter).
Do you think it's possible to decurse healing reducing debuffs with a higher priority (even over other combat events)?
+rep for this state of the art cc.--
Highend, Thanks for the feedback. I can definitely check for the specific debuff you mentioned, but will need to check whether I can test for heal reduction in general. Also, good LK gear < green starter Cata gear. Unless Good LK = Heroic LK, you'll want to look at upgrading soon, especially weapons. The +sta alone is worth it.Bobby53
but will need to check whether I can test for heal reduction in general

That would be even better :)

Regarding updating the current equip... I'll do that but it hurts a bit to see all those hard earned items getting disenchanted *g*
Cant wait on the unleashed elements usage, would speed things up lol.

/flex great cc btw
Hi Bobby, Could you rise the priority to cast Earth shock when Fulmination are up to 9 charges? Should have second highest priority after healing surge.

I can post a log when I get home showing that my toon does cast lightening bolt, Chain lightening etc instead of fireing of this atombomb :)
Also, good LK gear < green starter Cata gear. Unless Good LK = Heroic LK, you'll want to look at upgrading soon, especially weapons. The +sta alone is worth it.

You aren't lying there. My shaman is 81 now, wearing almost all Cata quest reward greens and blues and my hp is about 38k and my mana is at 35k. My guild mates, decked in the same thing but at level 85, they have over 100k health, and I'm unsure of the mana, but I know it's high up there too. None of them have done any heroic Cata dungeons yet, but again if I'm not mistaken they have all done the regular versions. So, it's possible that they have some dungeon gear on. The stats are completely insane on some of these items.
Does this CC support the Tauren Racial Warstomp, to a) stun the enemy and heal itself up on low health and b) interrupt enemy casts?
Does this CC support the Tauren Racial Warstomp, to a) stun the enemy and heal itself up on low health and b) interrupt enemy casts?
All racials are supported in the current release except Goblin and Dwarf. Those are added in next release.

For Taurens, if you are in combat and need a heal and mobs within 8 yds then Warstomp is cast. It is also cast as an Interrupt if Wind Shear is not trained or is on Cooldown.
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Hey bobby --

I don't want to be an annoyance with this question as I'm sure you've heard it many, many times already, but I'm going to chance it and ask if you have an ETA on the release of your CC? The current one is working fine, but I'm itching to check out the new things you've put in the rework for healing. Anyhow, sir, I'm still a devoted user of ShamWoW and will still continue to use what works. I just wanted to know if you had something narrowed down as far as an ETA.

Keep up the good work!
Hey bobby -- I don't want to be an annoyance with this question as I'm sure you've heard it many, many times already, but I'm going to chance it and ask if you have an ETA on the release of your CC? The current one is working fine, but I'm itching to check out the new things you've put in the rework for healing. Anyhow, sir, I'm still a devoted user of ShamWoW and will still continue to use what works. I just wanted to know if you had something narrowed down as far as an ETA. Keep up the good work!
Testing uncovered a couple issues with the revised healing. Since that was a strength of the prior release, I am holding off on posting the new release until I know it performs at least as well. Year end is a busy time for me professionally and personally. I thought it would already be posted, but I underestimated the test-fix-retest cycles needed due to the number of changes in this release and overestimated how much time I would have to work on them. So I'll hold off on an ETA but it should hopefully be soon. Thanks for the post, Bobby53
Sorry to be a nusiance if this has been asked already but the thread is 118 pages long and doing a search on feral spirits brings up the thread in search not the post.

Im currently finding feral spirits really arent used all that often when im watching my toon. he sits at half health and wont pull out his dogs unless he gets adds and even then he doesnt do that till he is nearly dead.

What setting is used to determine at what health % the pups get called, and how do i make him call them on single pulls, becos my own profiles i dont mind him killing elites (which your cc does well except for the down timedue to no pups being called).
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