Thanks xergz. In general, ShamWOW won't support casting totems when Out of Combat presently, but it will attack and kill whatever you setup in your profile. Your character will follow whatever profile you load, so you have a couple choices to achieve the Critter killing behavior you described:bobby,great cc, was wondering,with the advent of the critter kill achieve,is it possible to just stand there and drop searing (the ae fire totem) all the time?
Yes. If Maelstrom Weapon is at 5 stacks, will cast Lightning Bolt for single target, Chain Lightning for multiple. General question or an issue? If you have an Enhancement Shaman that doesn't appear to be casting at 5 stacks, please be sure to attach a complete debug log file so I can look into it for you.Does bot cast when it hits 5 stacks of Maelstrom?
Yes, absolutely. Take a look at my response to another member wanting to do the same and let me know if you have any additional questions:Question, is it possible to say have 4 shamans (3dps, 1 healer) in my group while I tank manually in instances (random dungeon) with this, so the 3 dps shamans dps and the 1 healer heals? I'm thinking about buying GB lifetime for this reason.
kirewade, My apologies, however I am not obtaining the results you describe during my testing. You will need to visit Post #2 in this thread. Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] has details on the information needed when posting an issue. There is a template there you can copy and paste if needed. Once the requested information is available, I will look into this further for you and if the problem is identifiable will provide a fix in an upcoming release. Thanks for your help, Bobby53i dont know if anyone else is having this problem but the shaman go through mana really really fast in a 5 man run after every pull
durro, My apologies, however I am not obtaining the results you describe during my testing. You will need to visit Post #2 in this thread. Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] has details on the information needed when posting an issue. There is a template there you can copy and paste if needed. Once the requested information is available, I will look into this further for you and if the problem is identifiable will provide a fix in an upcoming release. Thanks for your help, Bobby53im having some issues with it in instancebuddy since updating today (lastest ib and hb) its spamming earth shield then watershield on himself rarther than the tank. is this an ib issue?
Brutus, My apologies, however I am not obtaining the results you describe during my testing. You will need to visit Post #2 in this thread. Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ [CLICK HERE] has details on the information needed when posting an issue. There is a template there you can copy and paste if needed. Once the requested information is available, I will look into this further for you and if the problem is identifiable will provide a fix in an upcoming release. Thanks for your help, Bobby53anyone else experciencing crashes whenn using IB with shamwow as healer?
mostly at the end of the dungeons it crashes for me while the dps char(shaman too) doesn't crash.
titanlock, My apologies for the issue. When you get the HonorBuddy error, please click the button to submit the information to the HonorBuddy team. It will contain details they can use to assist me in troubleshooting your issue. If you have any further issues, please Attach the log file when posting rather than Copy/Paste. It is an extra step or two but keeps the size of the posts manageable. Thanks for reporting your issue, Bobby53HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/PVP/Mixed/Quest/RaF: Grind ( Great Profile i usually run great with it )
Shamans Location: Twighlight
What should have happened (be specific): usually reads spell book and starts right up after i learned my last skill it wont load says..((.this profile does not contain any profiles fitting the characture)
What did happen (be specific):says error and stops Hb below is debug log thanks for help..
System time of issue (log time stamp): -- wall of text deleted for space --
dshiizznitt, Sorry to hear that. You are the second to mention mana today. I will be happy to post recommended talent builds and stat choices for leveling and end game use, but given that there are now fewer options than pre-Cata I don't think that alone would resolve them. I am focused on some other items at the moment, but will put that together and post soon. For now, it would help me a great deal to get log files from anyone saying they are running low on Mana so I can do the detailed analysis required to determine the source of the issues and resolve going forward. Thanks, Bobby53Bobby. I am also experiencing mana issues while playing as resto. Could you possibly post what spec you are using and maybe how you are gemming/reforging