it will not move around and it will not switch target it will only play the routine by the parameters you have set it in the config
since your name suggests it i will try to explain it in german too
es wird deinen char nicht bewegen oder targets wechseln sondern nur die "rota" fahren je nachdem wie du es in den einstellungen einstellst.
Hi ok danke,
Ehm wird eigentlich als Tank automatisch gespottet? Bei den Bossen oder ist dies nicht möglich und muss ma es manuel machen?
Because there is no Chinese version, i do not know why it not start work. What is the problem is not my settings, or the program environment is not correct. For help! use MM hunter。I hope I will have a good talent recommendation, the corresponding sample set
Hi all,
Firstly thanks a lot for this cd. as a whole it's working as intended. Now I've started raiding and reading up on rotations and dmg more I've noticed it's not casting certain abilities. Defile, I've selected it in the blood option and even set to aoe to be used after 1 mob. All it does is use blood boil > defile. Is there another setting I've missed?
Doesn't cast sacred shield or WoG even with settings on for them for ret pally.View attachment 160257
Broken for rogue
No Death from Above and Marked for Death (Tier 6 = Always in options) support. Routine never uses these spells.
Routine ignores Rupture as sub rogue.. Even if glyphed with Hemorrhaging Veins Rupture still should be a part of rotation. Glyph allows to perform better pull and saves from DPS loss if Rupture fades for some reason.
Never tries to benefit from clipping buffs and debuffs. Suppose the same for all classes![]()
Xcesius Btw im still able to Destroy your Hunters Rotation in dps just want to tell you that you should look more into theroycrafting WoD Hunter Theorycrafting Thread
everything he says in this Thread is CORRECT ive personaly Tested it so if you ever need help with hunters ive offered before but yah denyed me just sayin
I have Recommend fixes to him and offered to test and help but he said sorry full on hunters because the options avilble are not all that are needed like for instance it dosent use Focusing shot (best SIngle target stand still or Beast CLeave atm for Hunters) also beast master some times in prioitzes Kill command over 5 stack focus fire NOTHING is better then 5 stack focus fire dosent implement Beast Cleave Multi shot over Killcommand when Beast cleave down in fact it never multishots unless like 5 targets and dosent have option for NO lvl 90 talent when Single Targeting and barrage at the proper times there are many things i could help with i enjoy the product im just saying to be able to make it better if he needs help with it i can help im to tired to fix mistakes on spelling and stuff no grammer nazis