I play only melee classes so ill start with the things that i noticed so far by doing class - spec. This is all done on latest version of Enyo and YRB2 v1.0.0.1:
Fresh install of latest version.
Enyo settings:
Ticks per second: 90
Enabled HardLock.
YRB2 settings:
All default.
DK - DW Frost:
Mastercomplicated - Rotation looks ok, but i found routine sitting on Death runes far to ofter. in the downtime when all runes are refilling and theres not enough RP for frost strike, rotation frequently sits on one death rune and does nothing until second Death Rune or some other rune comes up.
Mastersimple - exact case as mastercomplicated.
Rotation does not cast Horn of Winter.
Combat - Everything looks ok.
Assassination - Use Vendetta on CD, even so its set to "on boss" (tested on normal lvl90 and lvl100 mobs in MoP and WoD), the rest looks ok.
Rotation does not refresh poisons.
Enhance - Totem placement is still an issue, if totem is out of range, but put down, rotation will not recast new totem in range of the target.
Also It would be nice to add an option like "Cast Lighting Bolt only on 5MW stacks - True/False" or option on how much minimal stacks of Maelstorm Weapon Lighting Bolt will be cast (which is bigger pain in the butt to code). The reason why im asking for this is because i noticed that every single time while im on the move while in combat rotation tries to cast LB on less than 5MW stacks when theres nothing to cast, this results in "glitching" animation and it looks far to botish. Even so this is rotationally correct, it looks realllyyy botish. In old, YRB1 rotation i used to edit this my self for my personal needs, it IS a DPS LOSS, but for leveling/dungeons it doesnt really matter, its more like QoL change and avoiding botish looking behavior.
Rotation does not cast Lighting Shield.
Windwalker - Rotation doesnt cast FoF as much as it should, FoF should be kept on constant cooldown, even when TeB buff is up priority for FoF is quite low. Reducing "Tigereye Brew Stacks (FoF)" to 1/2 solves this issue, but still FoF should have really high priority as majority of our DPS comes from it.
Brewmaster - While using serenity as t7 talent rotation uses "guard" back-to-back, using it when i dont actually need it that much and leaving me locked on CD for cases when i actually need it via manual cast.
Rotation does not cast Monk buffs.
Thats it for now.