Few questions on writing CC's:
1) Is there a way to give a general priority of one ability over another, when the CastWhen requirements for both abilities are met? A way to specify when the bot has the requirements do two abilities it knows which one is more important. For example, I have:
castWhen for both Cauterize and Master Strike are both met, yet it chooses to Master Strike first, when I'd like it to Cauterize first.
2) Stack checking on buffs like Centering. I pulled the stack code from Immortal, but it doesnt seem to actually allow the ability to trigger:
Am I doing it correctly? Not entirely sure if FirstOrDefault is having an affect or even what it refers to, but there isnt much detail on the API right now.
3) Is there an api call to check if an ability is currently on cooldown?
1) Is there a way to give a general priority of one ability over another, when the CastWhen requirements for both abilities are met? A way to specify when the bot has the requirements do two abilities it knows which one is more important. For example, I have:
Spell.Cast("Cauterize", castWhen => !BuddyTor.Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("Bleeding") && BuddyTor.Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent >= 80 && BuddyTor.Me.ResourceStat >= 2),
Spell.Cast("Merciless Slash", castWhen => BuddyTor.Me.ResourceStat >= 5),
Spell.Cast("Master Strike"),//30s CD
2) Stack checking on buffs like Centering. I pulled the stack code from Immortal, but it doesnt seem to actually allow the ability to trigger:
BuddyTor.Me.CurrentTarget.Debuffs.FirstOrDefault(B => B.Name == "Centering").Stacks == 30
3) Is there an api call to check if an ability is currently on cooldown?