the best way to give yourself a heart attack from blocked arteries, the guy uses way too much salt and the amount of butter... one of the best way is to grill, 7 minutes each side (medium rare) and put garlic and herb (sometimes comes with it) ontop; If I could I'd stonebake it or use a Lava rock, the best way is by flame/gas/barb not electric.
I agree with you about what he's doing to the steak. No need to add extra fats or salt to ruin the flavour. I want to eat steak not sauce or flavourings.
I prefer to sous vide my steaks to medium rare. A quick pre-seer in a really hot griddle pan before and after it's cooked to get that maillard flavour, and I'm good to go (before and after works best, for me at least, but it has to be done at very high temps and very fast so you don't overcook and ruin the steak).
Best part is you can use a cheap (but quality, always quality) cut and still end up with a juicy, perfect steak.