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the best way to give yourself a heart attack from blocked arteries, the guy uses way too much salt and the amount of butter... one of the best way is to grill, 7 minutes each side (medium rare) and put garlic and herb (sometimes comes with it) ontop; If I could I'd stonebake it or use a Lava rock, the best way is by flame/gas/barb not electric.

I agree with you about what he's doing to the steak. No need to add extra fats or salt to ruin the flavour. I want to eat steak not sauce or flavourings.

I prefer to sous vide my steaks to medium rare. A quick pre-seer in a really hot griddle pan before and after it's cooked to get that maillard flavour, and I'm good to go (before and after works best, for me at least, but it has to be done at very high temps and very fast so you don't overcook and ruin the steak).

Best part is you can use a cheap (but quality, always quality) cut and still end up with a juicy, perfect steak.
I agree with you about what he's doing to the steak. No need to add extra fats or salt to ruin the flavour. I want to eat steak not sauce or flavourings.

I prefer to sous vide my steaks to medium rare. A quick pre-seer in a really hot griddle pan before and after it's cooked to get that maillard flavour, and I'm good to go (before and after works best, for me at least, but it has to be done at very high temps and very fast so you don't overcook and ruin the steak).

Best part is you can use a cheap (but quality, always quality) cut and still end up with a juicy, perfect steak.

I've never really done steak. I have some really thin ones in the freezer right now. Lately, Its just been eggs, bacon, chicken and spinach for me. Thats literally been it.. I read it in this body of a spartan book. Im gonna try some different meats this week. Steak is gonna be one of them :)
I've never really done steak. I have some really thin ones in the freezer right now. Lately, Its just been eggs, bacon, chicken and spinach for me. Thats literally been it.. I read it in this body of a spartan book. Im gonna try some different meats this week. Steak is gonna be one of them :)

Chicken can come out really nice and moist like nothing you can accomplish in an oven or pan - but again, you should really seer/fry it after for maximum flavour.

Put some oil in a pan (grapeseed or other high burning point oil like coconut or palm), get it damn hot, toss in the chicken (you did sous vide it with skin on, right?) and tip the pan so the chicken and oil are in the curve of the pan so it gets maximum coverage. It doesn't take long. The skin will turn crispy and golden and amazingly delicious as the rendered fat under it drips away. Normally I hate chicken skin, but like this .. oh man. I could eat a bucket of it. It's like thin crispy chicken flavoured bacon chips.

What you do to your meal after you've given it a sous vide bath makes all the difference. There's so much more to do than just cook it :)

My next experiment will be a roast. It's going to be a tough one to get right. Sous vide bath for a damn long time to get it fall-apart-perfect, then carefully stick it in the woodfire oven (packed to the brim with fuel to get it extra hot) to get the outside crispy really quick without losing any moisture. If you don't have a woodfire oven, you could try stick it on your bbq grill with the gas turned to max. You want to char that motherfucker good, real quick.

For vege, some asparagus always goes well with almost everything, but it's not something everyone likes the taste of. It's a great contrasting flavour to compliment juicy, fatty red meats.
Check out the topic to see what's up with Wildstar... now I'm friggin hungry and want steak.

You guys suck.
Ok i didnt followed this thread for like a week or so, but how the hell did this turned from wildstar bot development to culinary talk ???
i GUESS(!) apoc has to look for blizzards waren updates before he can continue the development of the wildstar bot.
Well considering they have a working version of the WoD Honorbuddy - I would imagine a great deal of work has went into the production of that version of Honorbuddy, yea. Gotta remember where the bread and butter stuff is, here ~ Wildstar probably isnt totally on the back burner though.
different people work on different products, so the development of HearthBuddy and the Wildstar bot are not affected by work on hb.
Most of the work is still done on live realms to improve your experience
WS is far from the back burner.

Unfortunately, random bugs caused me to lose more than a week of time. (Turns out there were a few odd bugs in Recast & Detour [the navigation lib we use]) Those have been sorted out, and we've been pushing things quickly the last 2 or 3 days.

As a design choice, we're basically making this bot "script what you want" via profiles.

Incoming test profile+docs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Profile Name="MoveTo Test" Author="Apoc" Version="1.0 TEST">
  <!-- The Reference tag is basically a "do not execute" tag. It is meant to be used to hold tags only meant for references within the profile
        No tags within this tag will be executed directly. Only when used via the RefTag="Name" semantic.
    Common Map IDs:
    Western - 22
    Eastern - 465

    MoveTo Argument Reference:
      RefName (optional)              - Available for all profile tags. Allows you to reference back to another element, and use it's arguments.
                                          Currently no way to "overwrite" specific arguments. This may be added later.
      X/Y/Z (required)                - The location of where the player should move to.
      MapId (optional)                - The ID of the map that this tag is valid for. If this
      CreatureId (optional)           - The Creature ID of a creature in the game that we should move towards (if it exists)
                                          This is useful for running up to NPCs and other interactable objects.
                                          The closest creature in range from the XYZ, matching the CreatureId defined is used.
      Range (optional) [Default: 5]   - When within a specific range, the character should stop moving. 
                                          If a matched CreatureId-based creature is found, this value is used as distance from creature
    <!-- This will get within 6 yards of Agent Lex on Western -->
    <MoveTo RefName="MoveTo Agent Lex" X="-5600" Y="-980" Z="-640" MapId="22" CreatureId="26446" Range="6" />
  <!-- Reference the MoveTo Agent Lex tag's arguments -->
  <MoveTo RefTag="MoveTo Agent Lex" />
WS is far from the back burner.

Unfortunately, random bugs caused me to lose more than a week of time. (Turns out there were a few odd bugs in Recast & Detour [the navigation lib we use]) Those have been sorted out, and we've been pushing things quickly the last 2 or 3 days.

As a design choice, we're basically making this bot "script what you want" via profiles.

Incoming test profile+docs:

Not sure what this has to do with Steaks..
But thank you for the update :)
WS is far from the back burner.

Unfortunately, random bugs caused me to lose more than a week of time. (Turns out there were a few odd bugs in Recast & Detour [the navigation lib we use]) Those have been sorted out, and we've been pushing things quickly the last 2 or 3 days.

As a design choice, we're basically making this bot "script what you want" via profiles.

holy shift Apoc, take my money please.
WS is far from the back burner.

Unfortunately, random bugs caused me to lose more than a week of time. (Turns out there were a few odd bugs in Recast & Detour [the navigation lib we use]) Those have been sorted out, and we've been pushing things quickly the last 2 or 3 days.

As a design choice, we're basically making this bot "script what you want" via profiles.

Incoming test profile+docs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Profile Name="MoveTo Test" Author="Apoc" Version="1.0 TEST">
  <!-- The Reference tag is basically a "do not execute" tag. It is meant to be used to hold tags only meant for references within the profile
        No tags within this tag will be executed directly. Only when used via the RefTag="Name" semantic.
    Common Map IDs:
    Western - 22
    Eastern - 465

    MoveTo Argument Reference:
      RefName (optional)              - Available for all profile tags. Allows you to reference back to another element, and use it's arguments.
                                          Currently no way to "overwrite" specific arguments. This may be added later.
      X/Y/Z (required)                - The location of where the player should move to.
      MapId (optional)                - The ID of the map that this tag is valid for. If this
      CreatureId (optional)           - The Creature ID of a creature in the game that we should move towards (if it exists)
                                          This is useful for running up to NPCs and other interactable objects.
                                          The closest creature in range from the XYZ, matching the CreatureId defined is used.
      Range (optional) [Default: 5]   - When within a specific range, the character should stop moving. 
                                          If a matched CreatureId-based creature is found, this value is used as distance from creature
    <!-- This will get within 6 yards of Agent Lex on Western -->
    <MoveTo RefName="MoveTo Agent Lex" X="-5600" Y="-980" Z="-640" MapId="22" CreatureId="26446" Range="6" />
  <!-- Reference the MoveTo Agent Lex tag's arguments -->
  <MoveTo RefTag="MoveTo Agent Lex" />

Thanks for the answer Apoc, im realy looking forward to try it once its done :) Would defently pay/donate you later on :P
I'd just like to say I'm following this post with interest. And I don't usually say much. :-D
Few questions within Profiles:
Will these be supported?

* Pick up missions - Pick up itemID {A} in {B} radius of {X,Y,Z}

* Prime Mobs on Weaker Character - Engage MobID {A} when TargetHP is < 100%

* Wave Missions for Dailies and Soldier - Camp for {X,Y,Z} for {C} waves or time, where # of waves.

* Event variable / Loop(or goto) in Profiles

* UI interaction - Queue for BG of certain types
Few questions within Profiles:
Will these be supported?

* Pick up missions - Pick up itemID {A} in {B} radius of {X,Y,Z}

* Prime Mobs on Weaker Character - Engage MobID {A} when TargetHP is < 100%

* Wave Missions for Dailies and Soldier - Camp for {X,Y,Z} for {C} waves or time, where # of waves.

* Event variable / Loop(or goto) in Profiles

* UI interaction - Queue for BG of certain types

The possibility is there. As Apoc mentioned earlier in this thread, the profile system we have chosen to implement is very flexible in terms of adding functionality.

If your question is whether that will be in on launch - we can't say that for sure yet.
The possibility is there. As Apoc mentioned earlier in this thread, the profile system we have chosen to implement is very flexible in terms of adding functionality.

If your question is whether that will be in on launch - we can't say that for sure yet.

Can't wait to tinker with it.
Will there be some API documentation at launch or will we have to resolve to ILSPY until doc?
I'm wondering if we'll have to implement plugins to do perform some QoL event controls. Such as profile switching per level, etc.
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