I just use badboy addon and edited it, instead of it saying you must be level 86 (what i set it to) to whisper this person, it tells them they cant whisper me unless they are in my guild or on my friends list.
Same exact thing here. I got whispered the other day while I was watching the bot and the guy whispered me like 3 times in a row. So I asked him what the hell he wanted. He said "it was just a test". I said for what? He said "to see if you were a bot". I said yes I am, a very advanced one. He laughed then said something about how many people are bots in the zone and that he whispers all of them and reports any that don't answer. I asked him how that was working out for him. He told me how he had gotten like 5 people banned that week. I'm calling bullshit but who knows. People are just dicks sometimes but I guess with all the bots it drives the prices down for the idiots that actually farm shit.