While I too am on the agreeable band wagon that waiting 30 min wasn't the brightest thing a light bulb ever did. I also agree with those that think talk back programs/addons are a joke, unless there is one where it can generate more than one simple come back to a whisper. IE: "I'm full-time roleplayer, you can't whisper me unless you are at my friend-list." All someone has to do, is place a few more whispers to you in succession and get that same response every time to know you're a botter. No one responds exactly the same way to a whisper. No one! So in this sense, I don't' think any addon would be worth it. Besides! I've yet to find one totally Afkable questing profile yet! So that means, you best be close if you're questing with the bot. If you aren't staying close and watching, then hay! it's on you if you get banned.
And yes, a great many people do care if you're botting. The very idea that they don't care, boggles the mind! Of course they care, especially when they see one toon in the same area for days on end, grinding the same spot and making it hard for them to get whatever it is they need. An example, is grinding the area by the Anvil for fire elementals in Stormpeaks . Most everyone knew that was a good place to get fire in LK. You bet you're very existance that you'll be turned in, if someone sees that! And no, not everyone bots either, but they sure can spot a bot. Have quite a few RL friends that play wow in my area, that have never botted in 4 years, but are real quick at spotting one.