This thread should be closed. The poll is from Cataclysm.
Alchemy - but only in higher levels.
Question: Which way makes the most profit out of Ghost Iron Ore? atm im selling it for 30g stack to a private buyer, is there a more efficent way , like make shoulder enchants of herbalism/inscription? Craft something of them or whatever.
IMO prospect it, make rings/necks, DE rings and necks, then make enchants or sell mats. Basic shuffle for them.
I see thats what i was used to do, but enchanting mats dont go very well on my server, same for enchants I guess. But doing it is a lot of time sink and work, like 1 hour time only prospecting and make rings + 1 hour dischant
Invest in a 2nd account, multibox then use prospector and liquiddisenchant to do the rest for you. (no need for a plugin to craft, just get Advanced Trade Skill Window and queue what to make. Done!Pretty much just automated the shuffle. It can be done much more automated with PB but I think this has that tiny bit of human interaction to give us that extra safety net.
If you have three accounts do the ore and herb shuffle at the same time.
Acc 1 > Ore to Acc 2 > Prospect/Smelt > JC/BS > Disenchant > Make enchants/Sell raw mats.
Acc 1 > Herbs to Acc 3 > Mill/Alch > Make Pots/Glyphs/Darkmoon Cards/Transmute
Are you just asking this question to find a bot-free method to make gold?
Question, how much can I let the bot autobuy Herbs MAX to have a profit , when i make shoulder Enchants to vendor them? (Its a little bit random cause you dont know how much you get out by miing them, but lets say worst case always , because Inks are not in my auctionhouse at all