The best way is, in my experience, to wash black gold with white intentions.
This is it:
You start farming minerals and getting some gold. With 1k you can start to create a guild, offering 100g per sign. When you have it, you just fire them, and this is the moment when you start to fill your guild vaults and the guild account of gold.
Some days after the founding you start recluting players. You are nice, you are vibrant, and you place a rotative weekly system that fills 1 tab of the guild bank with items for a specific weekly profession. That way, everybody gets its own posibility to grow in its profession. The result of what they produce you can ask to be donated to the guild to be disenchanted for enchanting profession.
If you keep this, you eventually in 2 or 3 months will have all the black gold washed, ppl making guild achievements and generating 250g per achievment, and a free farm of items that you can sell in the AH, depositing the gold in the Guild Bank.
Never leave a sticky black coin glued to even a finger of you. That way you can have a group of players for raids (trained by you and another high end players), a walking social group, and you dont have to pay your bills with your own gold. You just do what every bank does: use the bank gold for bussiness, and stay yourself clean.
Eventually you will be rich and with no need of botting. The players, in the faith of the guild and the "everybody helps for everybody goodness" concept, will farm for you.
And this is how the story of the goblins reachs our pressent
P.D.: And with this you actually contribute to the server quality and to the health of the in-game market too. Black gold, white results, and richness.