well i've done about 20 toons to 100 now with kicks questing profiles over six months and haven't been banned. i've been using them for years on other accs but they got banned for botting bgs
May I ask which profile are you using?
And is it possible to set up 5 bots to run dungeons together?
honorbuddy is not 100% afk and never will be
bot gets stuck while questing
bot dc's
doesnt matter what option.. it will never be 100% afk
hi all
Well, up until the last update.. my 30 bots where up to 17days uptime.. I had not so much as looked at them..
They are with the correct setup 100% affable.. if you know what your doing
I actually use KICKS from 1 to 100 and it takes about 3 or 4 days, maybe 2 or 3. I think its actually pretty safe and effective.
I just don't know what I am going to do for Honor now because it seems like you can get easily banned that way now.
Whats the best way to BOT honor points non stop?
Ya I use kicks for 1-100 with HBrelog makes it 100% afkable, and for making gold, I farm Northrend dungeons on feral druids on battle chest accounts that I buy for really cheap because battle chest only caps out at level 90 and that's all you need to farm these dungeons, and the dungeon profiles are Echotiger's scripted dungeons, with HBrelog they are set up to be 100% afk farming.
WoW! So that is probably a great idea because if that account gets banned you have nothing to worry about on your main.
Would they BAN your main account if you don't use a VPN while botting?