Did you use Singular as your CR or a purchased one such as TuanHA or something similar? I find using TuanHA's on my rogue I sometimes get stuck and it just stops and it logs me out due to inactivity.Ive botted probably 25 characters to level 100 1 - 100 with kicks, went 1 to 56 in like 15 hours or something no raf no hierlooms just plain janes.
Same, I'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong of my Combat Routine isn't working correctly or what, but I pretty much have to supervise my bot for lvling which defeats the purpose since I can just level faster myself.not sure how but i've yet to be able to set the bot on quest and not have to go back and check the computer every few hours only to have it be logged out and have to restart.
Same, I'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong of my Combat Routine isn't working correctly or what, but I pretty much have to supervise my bot for lvling which defeats the purpose since I can just level faster myself.
For questing it's usually best to use Singular. TuanHA is generally pretty safe too, but the questing profiles are made for use with Singular.
Agreed; they are made to be used with singular, but tbh I've always used Tuanha's and they're stellar as well.
correct no free TuAhana , only paid on buddy store
May I ask which profile are you using?Lads,
RAF Dungeons with Heirlooms is all you need.
May I ask which profile are you using?
And is it possible to set up 5 bots to run dungeons together?
you can set it up via the standard product functionality of honorbuddy. there are settings for creating groups and requeueing and everything. just click on the dungeonbuddy bot configuration and browse through. you will need 5 different honorbuddy licences though.
That is some seriously leveling and botting. wow.