Just a question..
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My Lock at Dungeons is attacking NPCs before the Tank, or if NPCs its on our way (on my focus) its attacking also.
Damage dealers should wait a second or two before attacking, right?
I tried turn off force attack both enyo and CRF itself... Is there any place to turn off that?
Hey millz! I'm loving the profile as always! But the destruction spec doesn't work for me, since it only casts immolate, havoc and chaos bolt. But demonology is amazing!
Here's my log:
If you have purchased any of Millz premium routines follow this:
Migrate old SVN accounts to the buddy store here: www.millz.biz/claim/
Millz, I feel you need to put this and that the free version is not working in big letters in the first post.
excellent info
Hey again,
With the new release of HB and demonic i decided to take a test run on a dummy. I encoutnered some small problems.
- The Sparkuggz opener seems off. The CR casts CB as fast as it's a ember up. It ignores 1xConflag to cast CB. Therefor instead of casting 1xInc+Prepot(manual), Immolate, 2xConflag (for backdraft) and 4x Incinerate AND then CB. It uses the backdraft from one of the confalgs for a CB.
- The Cr doesnt use DS in opener either. It Seems to cast on weird moments. I noticed it casted DS when I had 1/2 embers pooled.
+ The aura recognizion seems pretty spot on after the last release!!! Thank god
Adding a log from my short testrun:
View attachment 149617
huhu milz here is the log what we talked about it , when i pull many npcs at low leveling it seems the CR try to cast soulburn to heal my self with drainlife etc (all those options for soulburn was checked) so when i pull many adds the CR just stoped and dont do anything more specc affli level 30+ , btw if you can add thte same option like demologie specc which is dot all units in range (including out of combat) -farming like it combine with my pause key to pull and dot everything whole leveling with combat CR so not with quest bot if that be possible . View attachment 149765 thank you for your always help and support <3
mmm ok it seems it might just be the game for the
[Demonic] [HP: 83] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1] PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED Event Fired! [TTD: 999]
Looked into it and they now appear when you enter a bg - I guess that makes sense since people are locked now to the spec they queue as. Seems to trigger even if you dont actually change spec from what you queued as though.
Wee bit annoying in that have to remember to start and stop HB to get it auto attacking again after entering...unless you think of a way around that millz?![]()
Why are you removing the sparky setting? It seems to be the best opener at this moment, had to manually do my opener last night
[Enyo] Enyo (Buddystore) has been started.
[Enyo] Demonic Premium [Millz] is loaded.
[Enyo] Supported World of Warcraft version: 6.0.2 (WoD PrePatch).
[Enyo] Special thanks to the following persons:
[Enyo] Honorbuddy Team.
[Enyo] Awesome Coding Minds.
[Enyo] Author of Enyo: nomnomnom.
[Enyo] -------------------------------------------
[Demonic] Bot Started - Reloading Talents!
stops and does not work what should I do, my friend?
and sorry i'am a new forum member![]()
edited my last post