Hey again,
With the new release of HB and demonic i decided to take a test run on a dummy. I encoutnered some small problems.
- The Sparkuggz opener seems off. The CR casts CB as fast as it's a ember up. It ignores 1xConflag to cast CB. Therefor instead of casting 1xInc+Prepot(manual), Immolate, 2xConflag (for backdraft) and 4x Incinerate AND then CB. It uses the backdraft from one of the confalgs for a CB.
- The Cr doesnt use DS in opener either. It Seems to cast on weird moments. I noticed it casted DS when I had 1/2 embers pooled.
+ The aura recognizion seems pretty spot on after the last release!!! Thank god
Adding a log from my short testrun:
View attachment 149617