Im portal user, and now I decided to test Demonic, I use it for Full PvP, but I have some troubles, I loaded PvP Quick setup, set trinket 1 to loosecontrol, and 2 for burst, and I set my own key burst toggle, but there is something there failing, I mean, When I enter arena, I target someone and dont start the rotation, dont use hearthstone (Its default use it at 20%), dont use the trinket on CC, dont use defensive/offensive CD's, is kinda weird, sometimes it cast a inmolate or whatever, but nothing more. On dummy leaving stopped the character is doing the full rotation.
I just want to use manual the two teleports and the burst toggle, the rest (until I have enough skill with lock) I want to demonic do it for me, the rotation, the fears on healers or incoming melee, just all auto mode. How can do this?