New version has been approved.
- Will no longer multi-dot mind controlled targets.
- [Affliction] Will no longer single dot target when mind controlled.
- [Affliction] Re-prioritised dotting order.
- [Affliction] Multi-DoTs when moving at higher refresh thresholds.
- [Affliction] Will no longer spam Drain Soul when we still need to apply Cor/Ag/UA/Haunt.
- Fixed an issue that caused the GUI to crash when loading settings.
- Added new time to die function. Replaces minimum HP values. Determines how long until the target will die, and whether or not to cast spells based upon that.
- Printing chat output for toggling hotkeys is now disabled by default. Will be removing this chat output soon once I have a new method. Required due to buddy store rules.
- [Demonology] Added option for farming to DoT everything in range, including units not in combat (mass tagging).
- [Destruction] Will no longer cast Havoc on players in raids.
- [Destruction] Added cast CB when 'Ember Master' active, and >= 3 embers.
- Fixed targeting players in the open world when not PvP flagged, and fixed attempting to multi-dot non-pvp'ed players/pets.