Any new news regarding a new build ? When we can expect the build notes ?
Is the opener getting worked on? It's a good 10k behind a similarly geared lock in my raid group. But 50% of the time I pull ahead of him throughout the fight, so I feel the opener would be a massive improvment.
Any new news regarding a new build ? When we can expect the build notes ?
Well simcraft uses this: service_pet,if=talent.grimoire_of_service.enabled&(target.time_to_die>120|target.time_to_die<20|(buff.dark_soul.remains&<20))
and I know why they use it like this in the sim, because of bloodlust + all the trinket, weapon enchant and legendary ring that proc on pull, even without bloodlust and darksoul, you have atleast 1 trinket proc, legendary ring and weapon enchant, wich I think is even better than dark soul especially if trinket is haste. But I will take a look at it if it's possible to boost it a bit more.
I agree with you on the opener, losing a second or two ( even 5 ) is of it with dark soul isn't that big of a loss. The problem is after the opener it gets de-synced and at that point you won't have lust / ring proc / trinket procs all at the same time unless you are praying hard to the RNG gods. I guess my request is simply after the opener make it so that GoServ waits on dark soul to have <5 seconds left on its CD. Open to hearing why this would be a bad thing though since I am still learning / adapting to a no demonbolt world![]()
Thanks for the good work guys. Will test it in Mythic today. Btw on fights like beastlord i am fiddling between DS befor Cata or Chaos Wave. What do you think is best?We have finished testing and new build should be up soon. If you find any problems please remember we NEED LOGS, to fix it asap.![]()
Thanks for the good work guys. Will test it in Mythic today. Btw on fights like beastlord i am fiddling between DS befor Cata or Chaos Wave. What do you think is best?
No major change to destro and it was pretty solid before 6.1. Your talents may change now though instead of always using servitude. Read someplace charred remains pretty awsome on majority of fights in brf after 6.1.
For destro, do you go Charred remains + sac, or Charred remains + supremacy?
Also, I assume wrathguard as pet, correct?