I must be blind. i cannot find that and neither can my roomies.
Is that an option only available in the paid version?
I don´t know if this is a paid only option but in the paid version you can manage this via hotkeys.
I must be blind. i cannot find that and neither can my roomies.
Is that an option only available in the paid version?
I must be blind. i cannot find that and neither can my roomies.
Is that an option only available in the paid version?
Am i missing something or is there not a way to disable soulstone on people. Maybe its not using it and my eyes just deceived me. If it does not auto soulstone please someone inform me because i do not want it to if it does
hei milliz,
found a lil problem last night with demo and cata. prob is, if im far away from the mobs/boos, say max range, than it trys sometimes to cast cata, but i only get the green circle under my mous and thats it, it like if im too far away to ccast it or something... i dont know really, but it stops the cr for some secondes, and doing nothing until im near enough at the boss...
having no log at the moment, but will bring one on saturday after raid.
That sounds to me like range probs. You was too far away from the enemy to cast so the cr stops because nothing to do.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before. but as Destruction the bot attempts to cast havoc on the adds in the arena Kargath fight. This is a problem as they are out of LOS so the bot just spams and glitches resulting in no DPS.
This does not occur for the full fight just after then second chain hurl.
edit: let me attach after editing
***For some reason there is no option to attach a log.. so... gulp... ill just paste it here***
View attachment 167284