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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Am i missing something or is there not a way to disable soulstone on people. Maybe its not using it and my eyes just deceived me. If it does not auto soulstone please someone inform me because i do not want it to if it does
Am i missing something or is there not a way to disable soulstone on people. Maybe its not using it and my eyes just deceived me. If it does not auto soulstone please someone inform me because i do not want it to if it does

It only Soulstones on a Hotkey. It does not auto-cast SoulStone. This is if you are using Enyo/LazyRaider. For solo bots like Questing I believe the Bot may Soulstone yourself.
hei milliz,
found a lil problem last night with demo and cata. prob is, if im far away from the mobs/boos, say max range, than it trys sometimes to cast cata, but i only get the green circle under my mous and thats it, it like if im too far away to ccast it or something... i dont know really, but it stops the cr for some secondes, and doing nothing until im near enough at the boss...

having no log at the moment, but will bring one on saturday after raid.

hei milliz,
found a lil problem last night with demo and cata. prob is, if im far away from the mobs/boos, say max range, than it trys sometimes to cast cata, but i only get the green circle under my mous and thats it, it like if im too far away to ccast it or something... i dont know really, but it stops the cr for some secondes, and doing nothing until im near enough at the boss...

having no log at the moment, but will bring one on saturday after raid.


That sounds to me like range probs. You was too far away from the enemy to cast so the cr stops because nothing to do.
That sounds to me like range probs. You was too far away from the enemy to cast so the cr stops because nothing to do.

I have had it as well. If I have my mouse under the boss and click it will go off. I think either it is calculating wrong or it's trying to always get dead centre of the boss. The latter being my pick of the two.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before. but as Destruction the bot attempts to cast havoc on the adds in the arena Kargath fight. This is a problem as they are out of LOS so the bot just spams and glitches resulting in no DPS.
This does not occur for the full fight just after then second chain hurl.

edit: let me attach after editing
***For some reason there is no option to attach a log.. so... gulp... ill just paste it here***

View attachment 167284

It's a known issue for all specs and hard to disable those mobs :D
hey guys how do you play Kromog? i am not satisfied with DB or Cataclysm on 4-5 grasps. :(((
Hey Mills I have a question about the opener. It always casts 1 demonbolt before it activates the on use trinkets.
my warlock on pve or pvp fight when he switch on metamorphosis he stop casting and only refresh dots!! nothing not a cast! after combat is ended then i start a new one he start again but at the first metamorph he stop again!
Hello guys, how are you?

Could you please sent me a tutorial or even upload your settings? I'm playing pvp atm, and some help would be really appreciated!

Thanks a lot!
Would anyone mind helping me making a nice profile for Demonology? I have always been going destruction and my DPS is 20-22k ish. While trying out Demonology I end up with 14-15k. I got little to no experience with Demonology, so I would be happy if anyone could help me out.

Been searching the forum and this thread for an answear, but can't find any.

Found the post by Kink now. Looks like it is going a bit better now.
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Just getting back into my warlock, went back a few pages and did not see my issue posted.

Whether force combat is enabled or disabled it is constantly trying to cast a spell at a target. Is this normal or has there been a fix that I am overlooking? Each boss I have to pause the routine and manually start opener, which is fine, just a bit annoying. If a log is necessary for your purpose Millz I can run a dungeon or something.
Today I had the problem which Kevin explained. On the iron maidens (3 enemy fight) the cr used to much chaoswaves instead of HoG. This resulted in less Demonbolts. Maybe its better to adjust this to 4+ enemys or to blacklist cw on the iron maiden fight ? Possible ?

At the Kromog fight the cr don´t uses the pet aoe ability maybe a out of range problem ? I have also experienced some problems with the opener. Sometimes it uses DS and sometimes not. I have also tried to restart pc and so on but it doesn´t helped. And also when I put the option for DS "on Meta" than the cr casts DS randomly you can see it on the log. Also a problem actually the cr goes to 850 fury and when DS is on CD it nukes 4 Demonbolts out instead of dumping to the cancel meta value of 750. Is this inteanded to work so ?

Here is the log:


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