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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Is there any way to blacklist Immerseus for the shadowburn when he is not low energy? When he goes down he doesn't refund the embers and we should be saving them for the AoE.

Also how do most heroic raiding warlocks deal with havoc? Do you let the routine handle, do it manually or use the focus only? I am finding that when leaving it to the CR (automatic) I am missing out on a lot of 3 x shadowburn opportunities - just wondering what ways people are finding optimal to manage it.
I have noticed the movement as well. almost acts as though the CR says where is target? target is x100 y100 and click right on where target is walk to it and starts rocking. If the target has moved from where the CR originally targeted it doesn't look so bad because he walks to where target WAS standing. Also noticed it wandering off into walls on movement enabled it dismounts and just keeps running like he wants to a marathon.

Need a log file.

How do I turn off fear in the free version?

In the GUI :)

Millz anychance to have the CC place soulwells at random? this isn't an issue for me but could be for random mounters that mount big mounts on there honorbuddy random mounted mount. haha but in all seriousness if u mount a tundra after placeing a soul well ppl will bitch at u for blocking said soulwell. Also the cc places the well on entering in a bg, Could it be set to place x seconds after entering so honorbuddy has time to use bg buddy logic to move to the start point instead of placing it where u spawn (looks bottish big time) especially in gorge and AB where u leave it in the house and ppl qq that they went a well placed and focus on talking to you.

It just casts it directly in front of you - that's handled by the game though, not by where the routine wants it. Just use a different mount other than a tundra.

As for BGBuddy casting it as you enter the BG, that's down to how BGBuddy handles the buffing logic. My new BGFarmer doesn't do this :P It's a bot base issue.

what tab is it to turn off aoe, i already have all the other stuff unchecked, must be going blind.

AoE is on each of the specializations tabs. Top left.

Mill, Hey again!

There was a post few days(week mb) about Shadowburn Blacklisting some mobs in Siege of Orgrimmar(especially monks on Spoils of Pandaria). Were they added? If yes then its kinda bugged, cuz last time i was there on Thursday my demonic wasted all Embers(2-3 dont remember) on burning them...I think there's no point to describe why it's a huge lose in DPS

Yeah I blacklisted some units;

// SoO - Spoils of Pandaria
71427, // Ancient Brewmaster Spirit
71428, // Wise Mistweaver Spirit
71430, // Nameless Windwalker Spirit

// SoO - Fallen Protectors
71476, // Embodied Misery
71481, // Embodied Sorrow
71477, // Embodied Gloom
71474, // Embodied Despair
71482, // Embodied Desperation
71712, // Despair Spawn
71993, // Desperation Spawn
71478, // Embodied Anguish

Need a log file if it's still casting on these.
Would it be possible to be able to control in affliction which mob gets the second set of dots, like for protectors and all, have it send extra dots to the focused mob. Yes, I'm a premium member, just sorta of an idea otherwise affliction is rather worthless on my end as the destro spec is just better imo.
Can you describe in detail how the affliction-portion of the routine is "rather worthless", and how to improve it? Its pretty tiresome seeing people complaining about things but not giving any proper feedback on improvements.
Need a log file.

In the GUI :)

It just casts it directly in front of you - that's handled by the game though, not by where the routine wants it. Just use a different mount other than a tundra.

As for BGBuddy casting it as you enter the BG, that's down to how BGBuddy handles the buffing logic. My new BGFarmer doesn't do this :P It's a bot base issue.

AoE is on each of the specializations tabs. Top left.

Yeah I blacklisted some units;

// SoO - Spoils of Pandaria
71427, // Ancient Brewmaster Spirit
71428, // Wise Mistweaver Spirit
71430, // Nameless Windwalker Spirit

// SoO - Fallen Protectors
71476, // Embodied Misery
71481, // Embodied Sorrow
71477, // Embodied Gloom
71474, // Embodied Despair
71482, // Embodied Desperation
71712, // Despair Spawn
71993, // Desperation Spawn
71478, // Embodied Anguish

Need a log file if it's still casting on these.

I'm not good at this but i think it's it.
Is there any way to blacklist Immerseus for the shadowburn when he is not low energy? When he goes down he doesn't refund the embers and we should be saving them for the AoE.

Also how do most heroic raiding warlocks deal with havoc? Do you let the routine handle, do it manually or use the focus only? I am finding that when leaving it to the CR (automatic) I am missing out on a lot of 3 x shadowburn opportunities - just wondering what ways people are finding optimal to manage it.

Another question also - how is the affliction full AoE mode working? Is it looking to get SB:SoC and a regular SoC up and SS them around (correct afaik) or simply keep SoC up on the targeted mob?
Its dismissing pets in pvp and summoning them again over and over. It never casts chaos bolt, it just sits at 4 embers. Whats going on? It also walks way past any pvp targets and never engages them or itll dismount and just keep walking past all the action.
Can you describe in detail how the affliction-portion of the routine is "rather worthless", and how to improve it? Its pretty tiresome seeing people complaining about things but not giving any proper feedback on improvements.
I'm not saying it's worthless, I'm just saying it doesn't compare to that of the destruction tree. I'm a 571 lock and my destruction dps just destroys when I attempt to go into affliction for Heroic Protectors. Honestly no comparison to the two and while certain fights are supposedly better as affliction for Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar, my destruction spec just leaves it completely behind. Which is why I was asking if there were ways we could have it choose the second mob I want dots on instead of just what appears as random.
I'm not saying it's worthless, I'm just saying it doesn't compare to that of the destruction tree..

That would be cause destro is the top spec for SoO :-p
Anyway,smartass aside, I dont know how ppl are having problems with the cr, I just load and go , and if theres a enemy or 4 that needs dots on it, it dots them.. with a good 97% uptime off dots on 99.9% of fights.
Would it be possible to be able to control in affliction which mob gets the second set of dots, like for protectors and all, have it send extra dots to the focused mob. Yes, I'm a premium member, just sorta of an idea otherwise affliction is rather worthless on my end as the destro spec is just better imo.
I'm not saying it's worthless, I'm just saying it doesn't compare to that of the destruction tree. I'm a 571 lock and my destruction dps just destroys when I attempt to go into affliction for Heroic Protectors. Honestly no comparison to the two and while certain fights are supposedly better as affliction for Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar, my destruction spec just leaves it completely behind. Which is why I was asking if there were ways we could have it choose the second mob I want dots on instead of just what appears as random.

Not without re-writing vast amounts of code. It calculates which target needs the DoTs to be cast on it first (using lots of conditions). It's still not perfect, but affliction has come a long way in the past couple of weeks. Soul Swap Inhale/Exhale is the next area of focus.

I'm not good at this but i think it's it.

Hmm I'm going to have to change the logging output, because that's not showing what I need it to show. It's not too critical of an issue, but I'll add it in sometime this week.

Another question also - how is the affliction full AoE mode working? Is it looking to get SB:SoC and a regular SoC up and SS them around (correct afaik) or simply keep SoC up on the targeted mob?

It tries to cast both SoC's and then inhale/exhale that around to other mobs, but it will accept just the 1x SoC.

Its dismissing pets in pvp and summoning them again over and over. It never casts chaos bolt, it just sits at 4 embers. Whats going on? It also walks way past any pvp targets and never engages them or itll dismount and just keep walking past all the action.

Need a log file for this.
hmm is the cc soulswaping without full dots ? in pvp when you have to move a lot its soulswaping without full dots sometimes
I'm not saying it's worthless, I'm just saying it doesn't compare to that of the destruction tree. I'm a 571 lock and my destruction dps just destroys when I attempt to go into affliction for Heroic Protectors. Honestly no comparison to the two and while certain fights are supposedly better as affliction for Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar, my destruction spec just leaves it completely behind. Which is why I was asking if there were ways we could have it choose the second mob I want dots on instead of just what appears as random.

unless you are regemming and reforging then you are right ...aff sux in destro specced gear
unless you are regemming and reforging then you are right ...aff sux in destro specced gear

thats just a really stupid and extremely generalizing statement. If you can hit haste BP's in Destro gear, why would it suck? Please explain.
I'm not saying it's worthless, I'm just saying it doesn't compare to that of the destruction tree. I'm a 571 lock and my destruction dps just destroys when I attempt to go into affliction for Heroic Protectors. Honestly no comparison to the two and while certain fights are supposedly better as affliction for Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar, my destruction spec just leaves it completely behind. Which is why I was asking if there were ways we could have it choose the second mob I want dots on instead of just what appears as random.
thats just a really stupid and extremely generalizing statement. If you can hit haste BP's in Destro gear, why would it suck? Please explain.

There is no possible way in destro gear that you are anywhere near 45%+ ( 16500) haste if you are running a proper destro
There is no possible way in destro gear that you are anywhere near 45%+ ( 16500) haste if you are running a proper destro

You don't need the 16.5 breakpoint. Most ppl go for he 13k one and that is very achievable with destro gear and a few off pieces (jugg pants I.e)
Really great, but i have 1 problem, for 2 weeks it has not asked me to login at all, but now it asks me all the time to login, can this be avoided?

also trying to do Proving Grounds 30 endless waves, is there any easy way to make it burst certain mobs?
You don't need the 16.5 breakpoint. Most ppl go for he 13k one and that is very achievable with destro gear and a few off pieces (jugg pants I.e)

Just to quote Sparkuggz - whos not always right but considered to be probably the best Warlock out there for some time now:
>560 item level ~

# Int > 15% Hit (5100) > Haste (13737) > Mastery > Haste > Crit

As you may notice, there isn?t many caps in between our current gears Haste values. If we aim for more than 13,7k+ haste we often times sacrifice a lot of Mastery to get it.
so tonite on malk I used drums of rage and the cc just stopped until they ran out and then continued on, does the cc know what drums of rage are?
I can reproduce this at will .....
pop drums and it summons the doomguard pops a pot there is exactly 1 minute that it does nothing and then says combat ended but then goes on like nothing happened ...its weird

does not do this with hysteria/BL or time warp btw

[09:41:13.085 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1] [Casting: Summon Voidwalker] [On: Me @ 100.0%]
[09:41:18.082 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 76.6] [Embers: 1] [Casting: Grimoire of Sacrifice] [On: Me @ 100.0%]
[09:41:23.884 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1] [Casting: Curse of the Elements] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m]
[09:41:24.060 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Entered Combat
[09:41:24.399 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 96.4] [Embers: 1] [Casting: Immolate] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m]
[09:41:24.402 V] [Demonic] [DoTManager Added - Immolate] [Int:24814] [SP:41406] [Crit:26.14372] [Haste:0.9179266] [Mast:39.86]
[09:41:25.865 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1] [Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m]
[09:41:26.055 V] [Demonic] [DoTManager Added - Immolate] [Int:38118] [SP:41406] [Crit:31.39462] [Haste:0.9179266] [Mast:39.86]
[09:41:26.982 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 85.2] [Embers: 1.1] [Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.7m]
[09:41:27.998 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 97.8] [Embers: 1.3] [Casting: Incinerate] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 99.9% - 750.3m]
[09:41:29.025 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1.3] [Using Item: 76093] [Reason: PotJS -> Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp]
[09:41:29.035 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1.3] [Casting: Summon Doomguard] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 99.9% - 750.1m]
[09:41:32.316 V] [Demonic] [DoTManager] [Pandemic] Current stats are 27.63652% stronger than applied Immolate on Raider's Training Dummy.
[09:42:32.657 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Combat ended after 68.594966 seconds

[09:42:35.919 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1.5] [Casting: Immolate] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m]
[09:42:35.919 V] [Demonic] [DoTManager Added - Immolate] [Int:24814] [SP:41406] [Crit:26.14372] [Haste:0.9179266] [Mast:39.86]
[09:42:37.355 N] [Demonic] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] [Embers: 1.5] [Casting: Conflagrate] [On: Raider's Training Dummy @ 100.0% - 750.9m]
[09:42:37.473 D] [Demonic ~ Debug] Entered Combat
[09:42:38.063 N] Stopping the bot!
[09:42:38.064 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button