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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Does this CR have a Chain CC for Focus or healers? (mesmorize,fear) Specially helpful in twos VS a healer. I chain CC healer

It does, and it monitors diminishing returns for all spells cast against the target for each category, meaning it'll never cast an immune fear :)
Anyone else experiencing a FPS Drop when AOEing? Or is it only me? :) (Destruction Specced)
(Premium version)
Also, the movement is weird. it targets something then it just keeps running towards it until it gets into melee range and when it enters combat THEN it starts to do the rotation.
I have no FPS drops at all, also if you're considering serious raiding I'd recommend you use Tyrael and do the movement yourself.
I have no FPS drops at all, also if you're considering serious raiding I'd recommend you use Tyrael and do the movement yourself.
Was botting bgs that's why I'm talking about the movement, before that I used Tyrael with 50 TPS. My FPS drops from 140 to 14-30 depending on how many mobs there are.
Was botting bgs that's why I'm talking about the movement, before that I used Tyrael with 50 TPS. My FPS drops from 140 to 14-30 depending on how many mobs there are.

I assume u mean insane lag? that's not the bot/routine thats actually wow all my guildys are lagging in this bg
Was botting bgs that's why I'm talking about the movement, before that I used Tyrael with 50 TPS. My FPS drops from 140 to 14-30 depending on how many mobs there are.
That's normal, from my perspective. I'm talking LFR-wise though. With 25 man and all that's happening on the screen, no CR with HB has given me more than 30fps. In Flex or 10-man (or dungeon 5), I get 45+ with Millz.
It's heavily CR dependant though, with YourRaidningBuddy my fps drops to 10 sometimes, in LFR heavy scenes. Nothing to do about it... (and no, my pc can handle it :))
Anyone else experiencing a FPS Drop when AOEing? Or is it only me? :) (Destruction Specced)
(Premium version)
Also, the movement is weird. it targets something then it just keeps running towards it until it gets into melee range and when it enters combat THEN it starts to do the rotation.

I have noticed the movement as well. almost acts as though the CR says where is target? target is x100 y100 and click right on where target is walk to it and starts rocking. If the target has moved from where the CR originally targeted it doesn't look so bad because he walks to where target WAS standing. Also noticed it wandering off into walls on movement enabled it dismounts and just keeps running like he wants to a marathon.
I have noticed the movement as well. almost acts as though the CR says where is target? target is x100 y100 and click right on where target is walk to it and starts rocking. If the target has moved from where the CR originally targeted it doesn't look so bad because he walks to where target WAS standing. Also noticed it wandering off into walls on movement enabled it dismounts and just keeps running like he wants to a marathon.

millz said it was a honorbuddy issue, so i made a support thread about it and was told "use singular" >.>
Millz anychance to have the CC place soulwells at random? this isn't an issue for me but could be for random mounters that mount big mounts on there honorbuddy random mounted mount. haha but in all seriousness if u mount a tundra after placeing a soul well ppl will bitch at u for blocking said soulwell. Also the cc places the well on entering in a bg, Could it be set to place x seconds after entering so honorbuddy has time to use bg buddy logic to move to the start point instead of placing it where u spawn (looks bottish big time) especially in gorge and AB where u leave it in the house and ppl qq that they went a well placed and focus on talking to you.
Anyway to turn off ROF, I know you can, but for some reason even with all those boxes unchecked under the destruction tab, my lock was still casting it. I have paid version and I was running it with dungeon buddy.
Anyway to turn off ROF, I know you can, but for some reason even with all those boxes unchecked under the destruction tab, my lock was still casting it. I have paid version and I was running it with dungeon buddy.

i solo LK and RoF = death there. it isn't cast when u turn AoE off and uncheck all the rof points.
Anyway to turn off ROF, I know you can, but for some reason even with all those boxes unchecked under the destruction tab, my lock was still casting it. I have paid version and I was running it with dungeon buddy.

Take it out of the aura list in adv tab
Can you post a log file please? That's different to what I'm seeing.

i fixed it. somehow it doesnt use sb:ss when the soul swap threshold is too high (had it set to to stop multidotting raid dummies).

works great now! thanks!
Mill, Hey again!

There was a post few days(week mb) about Shadowburn Blacklisting some mobs in Siege of Orgrimmar(especially monks on Spoils of Pandaria). Were they added? If yes then its kinda bugged, cuz last time i was there on Thursday my demonic wasted all Embers(2-3 dont remember) on burning them...I think there's no point to describe why it's a huge lose in DPS