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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Working with dsl1 and healzzz to try and get affliction on track (and thanks to Stormchasing for pointing out Haunt's up time issue).

Current change list for today..

- Minor change to kill totem logic to improve performance.
- Killing totems with fel flame will stop at < 20% mana.
- No longer attempt to cast Burning Rush if we're already casting.
- Added minimum HP value setting to Unbound Will.
- Change to targeting to help determine when a new target is required, and which target should be checked as valid first.
- Change to targeting in PvP to select any available player that's in range, rather than ones which are already in combat.
- [Affliction] Added multi-dotting for players under level 79 (i.e. do not have Soul Swap yet).
- [Affliction] Delay between Soulburn: Soul Swap reduced from 5 seconds to 3.
- [Affliction] Removed a lot of conditions for SB:SS to allow more shards for Haunt.
- [Affliction] Shards will now only be pooled for 10 seconds before Dark Soul becomes active, rather than 20 seconds.

.. will push it to SVN once I get home and test it all.

Look...look at this.. it's so bad.

Not only does he give you a upcoming changelog, but he did all that not being home.
99.8% sure he was coding for Honorbuddy at work, that bad boy!
Look...look at this.. it's so bad.

Not only does he give you a upcoming changelog, but he did all that not being home.
99.8% sure he was coding for Honorbuddy at work, that bad boy!

Im glad too see you have spare tiem to troll millz, Now stfu and go get Stars done allready 8P
Someones in Shadowburn (even in an immunity effect use them too get SBs on there partner) range quickly havoc there partner and burn some embers into there faces ect

THIS! palabubble >> havok spam all embers into the pala hitting partner for execute dps @ whatever hp they are in (might also work with cycloned targets etc)
Hey man, Did some arena and RBG, a good long session, Got some suggestions as usual xD

* In RBGs as destro, theres a point where turning Fire&Brimestone on is optimal, i set high AoE count too 6 for this, Seems too hold Good ember regen there and ofc Up the pressure, While this is happening targets still need too be killed Aka Chaosbolted in the back of the face, So i press my Burst mode bind on the Target, CR turns on dark soul, but then continues the high AoE rotation instead of launching lovely Chaosbolts of doom, possible too have the Burst mode overide high AoE count?

*CR doesnt seem too cope well with Glyph of Havoc, Gives you 3 extra charges of Havoc, wich = Another Chaosbolts worth, The CR will ignore the extra 3 charges and go about its business, Possible too have it recognise this and not waste the extra 3 charges?

*Could you add an option for Symbiosis, Currently it only casts on our self, Moonkins are extremly strong partners for Wlocks atm, Symbiosis on a lock is OP as hell, Could we have it cast The Rejuv we gain on our partners?

*Any chance for the addition of some of those pvp tricks we discussed, Havoc Deathcoil CC/peels, Someones in Shadowburn (even in an immunity effect use them too get SBs on there partner) range quickly havoc there partner and burn some embers into there faces ect

Will add disable high AoE on burst to destro.

It has code in to handle Glyph of Havoc, but I'll add an extra check.

Symbiosis -> Not sure about this one. Would need to start scanning all party members every tick to check their HP, distance, LoS etc. It's a large overhead.

Mortal Coil + Havoc -> 99% of the time we use Havoc with CB for the huge damage, seems a waste to use it with MC. Shadowburning an immunity effect would require huge, huge amount of code changes, since the whole routine is coded to not cast on specific auras. Just mash the SB button manually :P

Look...look at this.. it's so bad.

Not only does he give you a upcoming changelog, but he did all that not being home.
99.8% sure he was coding for Honorbuddy at work, that bad boy!

Biiiiiiiiig change list. Interested to hear feedback on affliction.

- Minor change to kill totem logic to improve performance.
- Killing totems with fel flame will stop at < 20% mana.
- No longer attempt to cast Burning Rush if we're already casting.
- Added minimum HP value setting to Unbound Will.
- Change to targeting to help determine when a new target is required, and which target should be checked as valid first.
- Change to targeting in PvP to select any available player thats in range, rather than ones which are already in combat.
- [Affliction] Added multi-dotting for players under level 79 (i.e. do not have Soul Swap yet).
- [Affliction] Delay between Soulburn: Soul Swap reduced from 5 seconds to 3.
- [Affliction] Removed a lot of conditions for SB:SS to allow more shards for Haunt.
- [Affliction] Shards will now only be pooled for 10 seconds before Dark Soul becomes active, rather than 20 seconds.
- [Affliction] Will no longer life tap when we have an aura proc active.
- [Affliction] Will no longer Soulburn: Soul Swap as Dark Soul is expiring, to prevent wasting shards.
- [Affliction] Aura List debug logging will no longer spam.
- [Affliction] Agony now has a higher priority.
- [Destruction] Burst mode now disables high AoE (Fire and Brimstone).
- [Destruction] Havoc now has a list of preferred units in SoO. Blame Healzzz.
Biiiiiiiiig change list. Interested to hear feedback on affliction.

- Minor change to kill totem logic to improve performance.
- Killing totems with fel flame will stop at < 20% mana.
- No longer attempt to cast Burning Rush if we're already casting.
- Added minimum HP value setting to Unbound Will.
- Change to targeting to help determine when a new target is required, and which target should be checked as valid first.
- Change to targeting in PvP to select any available player thats in range, rather than ones which are already in combat.
- [Affliction] Added multi-dotting for players under level 79 (i.e. do not have Soul Swap yet).
- [Affliction] Delay between Soulburn: Soul Swap reduced from 5 seconds to 3.
- [Affliction] Removed a lot of conditions for SB:SS to allow more shards for Haunt.
- [Affliction] Shards will now only be pooled for 10 seconds before Dark Soul becomes active, rather than 20 seconds.
- [Affliction] Will no longer life tap when we have an aura proc active.
- [Affliction] Will no longer Soulburn: Soul Swap as Dark Soul is expiring, to prevent wasting shards.
- [Affliction] Aura List debug logging will no longer spam.
- [Affliction] Agony now has a higher priority.
- [Destruction] Burst mode now disables high AoE (Fire and Brimstone).
- [Destruction] Havoc now has a list of preferred units in SoO. Blame Healzzz.

damn :DD i need to level a new lock ^^...^^
Is it possible to use 100% AOE rotations and to pull with only AOE spells in order to farm locations even more efficiently?
Well.. yeah but . i mean has anybody who hasn't used PQR , and ONLY used HB, that hasn't gotten suspended or banned yesterday or today?
i bot right now with HB and my main account was perma banned yesterday(PQR) , it seems fine with HB :P
cool cool :) thanks bruh' .. gonna try and level my ass back up

np hope Vitalic cokx and co well start here too :D because Xpler is done with PQR now so no choice we have now and after the big wave to play with a bot dont have any kind of protection is like you put your hands every time in fire , at least HB have some stuff of protection trripewire etc :D
Hey millz.. i was just perm banned for PQR in that BIG ass banwave haha.. just wondering if its safe to use your CR and honorbuddy itself on my other account?
Well.. yeah but . i mean has anybody who hasn't used PQR , and ONLY used HB, that hasn't gotten suspended or banned yesterday or today?

I only use HB. I don't trust PQR or PE.

PQR -> Honorbuddy is down for a little while after some patches while they get around the new security measures, yet PQR is instantly ready. This always screamed to me that there was little to no protection in it.

PE -> The owner has now decided after all of the bans have happened to put some protection in - for a game like WoW which is very commonly known to have anti bot detection measures (i.e. Warden), a developer should be starting with the protection, not waiting until after a ban wave.

Honorbuddy developers care a lot about security, and it shows. Not a single one of my accounts are banned, and I do not play the game without Honorbuddy.

Is it possible to use 100% AOE rotations and to pull with only AOE spells in order to farm locations even more efficiently?

Yeah, change the high aoe count to 1, but destruction has an option to rain of fire everything in range, regardless of whether they're targeting us or not. It's great for farming low level mobs, just attacks everything it can.

Yeah exactly haha, i heard Vitalic may come over , im excited <3

There's a very, very big difference in code between C# and lua. If Vitalic did move over to Honorbuddy, it would take quite a long time to learn the new coding style before his routine would be back to the standard his PQR one was. Don't expect him to drop a fantastic routine in the next week or 2.


Just had a PM regarding chat output and the addon.. here's my response so everyone can see my plans and thoughts on the matter;

1) We don't know this is how they've banned PQR and PE. There were a lot of lua changes at the last patch which caused Honorbuddy to be offline for quite a few days.
2) Addons are reading from the CHAT_MSG_ADDON channel in game, which triggers a game event upon sending the data from the bot to the addon - if this is what blizzard are doing, this is how they are tracking it. I WILL be removing the addon code from the routine (however at this moment, my addon is NOT detected).
3) Chat output is completely different (i.e. AoE Enabled messages), it doesn't trigger any event in the client, and purely writes out to the screen whatever you type [ /print ('test') ].

If it was because of the addon, we'd have all been hit too by now, but we haven't (or I haven't anyway) - however I'm not willing to take the risk, so the addon code will be removed. Chat messages will be left in.
@Millz.. one last question.. So when i was using Vitalic's profile, i had cr of 2100 in 3s.. Do you think its possible to get that again with Tuanha's Rogue profile? How good is it?

Better off asking that question in the TuanHA Rogue thread - however (and without wanting to cause offense here - TuanHA is my friend!), Vitalic's profile was much better.
Hello! i just bought your Warlock routine :D
wanna check it out !
Can you plz send me the mail with the SVN?
Haha yeah , i feel you :) I was lookin at the rogue thread, doesn't seem to do that great Arena wise .. So im guessing i have to re-roll.. I already got your mage & lock one. But my 3s partner are a mage and Priest.. l0l .. So , Thanks for your honesty <3 .. Which one of Tuanha's CR profiles would you say is his BEST one, for pvp/arena .. ? above 2k

No idea - I only use my own routines :P

Hello! i just bought your Warlock routine :D
wanna check it out !
Can you plz send me the mail with the SVN?

Haha yeah , i feel you :) I was lookin at the rogue thread, doesn't seem to do that great Arena wise .. So im guessing i have to re-roll.. I already got your mage & lock one. But my 3s partner are a mage and Priest.. l0l .. So , Thanks for your honesty <3 .. Which one of Tuanha's CR profiles would you say is his BEST one, for pvp/arena .. ? above 2k

from where i know ist the hunter and DK
I made a grind profile and am using this routine.

It stays too near the target.

How would I goabout changing the pull distance and distance while in combat?
I made a grind profile and am using this routine.

It stays too near the target.

How would I goabout changing the pull distance and distance while in combat?

Hey - Just to check - the free version doesn't support AFK bot bases (i.e. grind bot, GB2, BGBuddy etc). It'll have very weird behaviour.

Pull distances can be handled by either the combat routine, or the profile (I believe).
Hey - Just to check - the free version doesn't support AFK bot bases (i.e. grind bot, GB2, BGBuddy etc). It'll have very weird behaviour.

Pull distances can be handled by either the combat routine, or the profile (I believe).

Oh, I see. I was trying with the free version. Thanks.