Hey millz.. i was just perm banned for PQR in that BIG ass banwave haha.. just wondering if its safe to use your CR and honorbuddy itself on my other account?
Well.. yeah but . i mean has anybody who hasn't used PQR , and ONLY used HB, that hasn't gotten suspended or banned yesterday or today?
I only use HB. I don't trust PQR or PE.
PQR -> Honorbuddy is down for a little while after some patches while they get around the new security measures, yet PQR is instantly ready. This always screamed to me that there was little to no protection in it.
PE -> The owner has now decided after all of the bans have happened to put some protection in - for a game like WoW which is very commonly known to have anti bot detection measures (i.e. Warden), a developer should be starting with the protection, not waiting until after a ban wave.
Honorbuddy developers care a lot about security, and it shows. Not a single one of my accounts are banned, and I do not play the game without Honorbuddy.
Is it possible to use 100% AOE rotations and to pull with only AOE spells in order to farm locations even more efficiently?
Yeah, change the high aoe count to 1, but destruction has an option to rain of fire everything in range, regardless of whether they're targeting us or not. It's great for farming low level mobs, just attacks everything it can.
Yeah exactly haha, i heard Vitalic may come over , im excited <3
There's a very, very big difference in code between C# and lua. If Vitalic did move over to Honorbuddy, it would take quite a long time to learn the new coding style before his routine would be back to the standard his PQR one was. Don't expect him to drop a fantastic routine in the next week or 2.
Just had a PM regarding chat output and the addon.. here's my response so everyone can see my plans and thoughts on the matter;
1) We don't know this is how they've banned PQR and PE. There were a lot of lua changes at the last patch which caused Honorbuddy to be offline for quite a few days.
2) Addons are reading from the CHAT_MSG_ADDON channel in game, which triggers a game event upon sending the data from the bot to the addon - if this is what blizzard are doing, this is how they are tracking it. I WILL be removing the addon code from the routine (however at this moment, my addon is NOT detected).
3) Chat output is completely different (i.e. AoE Enabled messages), it doesn't trigger any event in the client, and purely writes out to the screen whatever you type [ /print ('test') ].
If it was because of the addon, we'd have all been hit too by now, but we haven't (or I haven't anyway) - however I'm not willing to take the risk, so the addon code will be removed. Chat messages will be left in.