dsl do you play shadow and have a ver good gear like your lock ?
Shadow? No, no priest.
Elements is working for me now after restarting honorbuddy.
dsl do you play shadow and have a ver good gear like your lock ?
You have 4 piece? It's always going to be rng on when you get procs / crits but at 2 embers you are guaranteed to have dark soul / 4 piece proc always. Depends on how you're reforged too. Like Sparkuggz goes for haste / crit and has a lot of haste compared to most locks, so 4 incinerates makes sense for him as he isn't going to generate enough embers with only 2-3 but then he can catch up a bit on the chaos because of his cast speed.
So much changes in only 4 days =) gj Millz! Excellent work!
I'll test changes with Thok's logic this sunday and soonly after reply about it.
I haven't yet seen updated bot itself. did u only made 1s=>0.3s ? or even added "the switcher" for turn logic off?
Good thing about new rotation is to make Demonic use Troll's berserk with those 2CB.That's what pro's do due to the WOL.com
ie Berserk must start with first CB
Nah I'm a scrub. Tier gear never drops for me
Berserking doesn't increase the power/damage of CB's - but should still be active when the CB's are cast (with enough haste).
Haven't added logic to disable thok's stop casting completely, but the new change will only stop the routine for 0.5s max - so should be reacting faster than a human can - and it only pauses casting if you don't have an immunity aura (like unending resolve / devotion aura).
I don't see any real reason to use berserking later. You can have it for both the Immolate dot + both chaos bolts unless something goes majorly wrong. Remember that just because something may be min / maxing in a certain situation (an opener with lust berserking might be better a few seconds later) doesn't mean it's better in most situations. Especially considering we only open with lust on 5/14 heroic bosses this tier.
For Thok: If you really want to do it right.
If Acceleration >7 Stacks + Blood Frenzy is NOT active do not attempt to cast spell with cast time > 1.5 seconds. If no spells are available (conflag on cd / incinerate are above 1.5 seconds, cast fel flame)
How early is the routine cancelling right now? Basically once Acceleration is >7 stacks he casts a Deafening Screech every 1 second + a 0.7 second cast time. So we have a screech every 1.7 seconds from 8 to 30 stacks of acceleration. Right now the routine will try to cast chaos around 12-13 stacks as we are ember capped + devotion / unending resolve has been used, but just always cancels it because the chaos cast time is greater then the window we have open. Should be able to get incinerates with backdraft off fine between.
Would be nice for all your routines to have something like this.
trying as leveling profile - destruction - it dont cast ROF under any settings - aura / singe aoe etc - even settings high multi target to 2 not helpsahy conditions when ROF can be cast ? nothing important as i can go with manual cast in low level instances but still want to know
54that explain all ;p its possible to modify it to use on lower levels too ? ;p
Millz, you're a genius. I went demo for 5 fights tonight, ranked on 4 of them. Very good man. I'm excited to try the new casting logic you added.
- Stop casting logic (for bosses like Thok) now takes into account the cast times on our spells before casting them.
Should be working. Haven't had a chance to test it though. If anyone gets a chance to see how it's working now, let me know and I'll push it into the other routines.
Trying to find a flex group. Not sure how many stacks we will get in flex though. Can confirm for sure in heroic later.
Nope, still trying to chaos bolt when there isn't enough time to cast it.
Are you just calculating if time of interrupt cast (0.7 sec is greater then the cast time of our spell?) Or are you calculating time since last deafening screech?
Acceration Stacks:
[TABLE="width: 100"]
[TD]Acceleration Stacks[/TD]
[TD]Time Between Def Screech Cast[/TD]
Plus the cast is always .7 seconds.
So if Thok has 1 stack we have 10.7 seconds to free cast. If Thok has 14 stacks we have 1.7 seconds to free cast.
Ah I see. So I can just disable Chaos Bolt completely at 8+ stacks of acceleration then on Thok?
Thanks mills for the constant updates for the routine, i worry that at some point though the configs will be overcrowded and too complex(whenever i reinstall hb it takes me quite a while to set my settings again since i like to start completely fresh without settings)
I'm trying to do a all-in-one settings file so i dont have to switch settings so often, and the biggest problem so far is changing demons for demonology(always felguard) and destro(depending on talent) is it possible to have auto choose demon option? felguard as demonology, as destro vw if you have grimoire of sacrifice and observer if grimoire of supremacy. Only vw for solo tanking would be hard to choose(though i usually play as demo when soloing)
I've accidentally saved my grind profile on top of my raid profile a few times and i'm trying to find a way to make it so that i just have one profile.
thanks again
Also another problem i noticed last raid, i don't know if it's just problem or my side but it seems to ignore the minimum value of hp to dot value as on last nights raid on garrosh it dotted the mindcontrolled players(who dont have 10mil hp i think) and might have killed some of them, so i had to pause the rotation whenever mind control phase came and dps manually.