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[PAID] [Warlock] Demonic - An Advanced Honorbuddy Warlock Routine [PvE/PvP]

Edit 1: Ok, so I see a lot of other threads about this issue, and I understand HB does not "officially" support arena, but I guess the easy fix is to start HB only after entering the preparation area? Maybe that's what I did differently the times it didn't crash. I'll try that....:D

Hey all. Thanks for the support so far. This CR is beast. The bot is dismounting now and seems to work better with Affliction, as opposed to Destro...not sure what that's all about but eh, I like Affliction so who cares. :)) I do have one issue though.

So the issue is that when queueing for arena (2v2), I click the box to enter the arena and my WoW crashes. I did 4 arena matches and 2 out of the 4 crashed on me as I was entering. Of course, by the time I can restart WoW, login to buddyauth and kill the session, login to WoW, login to HB....the other guy is dead and I'm back where I was before I entered the match. The second time this happened, I said screw it and decided to call it a night. I'm not sure what the deal is, but I'm about out of ideas.

The first thing I thought was that it was my settings. I had some settings that made us lose bad a couple of times. One such setting was summon doomguard....come on. Lol. I thought it disabled it automatically for PvP, but I was wrong. So I had to go in there and turn it off. I also turned off all Destro/Demon stuff and any talents that weren't in my build. Then the second match I was in that actually worked...it tried to create a healthstone while getting pummeled by a warrior. :/ Come on....lol. So I had to turn that off and make sure I created them while in preparation area. That's when I decided to try one more match, and WoW errored out and crashed on me when loading the arena area.

I have posted a log, but it's big...most relevant stuff would be in the bottom 25% I would presume. Any thoughts? Has this happened to anyone else using this CR? Is it even related to the CR?


yes had those issue but it crash only honorbuddy not my wow anyway wait on something big coming from Raphus Core HB developer and I hope it will fix things
Hi Millz!

Do you have any idea when they will launch a release of HB?

Any information? Raphus said that the Beta version was fixed about the stuck handler, but I tested it and the issue is still there.

Thank you!

There's a new build that the devs have been given which runs significantly quicker - but they've changed a huge chunk of Honorbuddy's core to get that speed, so there's lots of new bugs which people are working through. Raphus and Aevitas are putting a lot of time and effort into trying to resolve the problems though.

As for an ETA, no idea - sorry. It's a while away I'd imagine.

Edit 1: Ok, so I see a lot of other threads about this issue, and I understand HB does not "officially" support arena, but I guess the easy fix is to start HB only after entering the preparation area? Maybe that's what I did differently the times it didn't crash. I'll try that....:D

Hey all. Thanks for the support so far. This CR is beast. The bot is dismounting now and seems to work better with Affliction, as opposed to Destro...not sure what that's all about but eh, I like Affliction so who cares. :)) I do have one issue though.

So the issue is that when queueing for arena (2v2), I click the box to enter the arena and my WoW crashes. I did 4 arena matches and 2 out of the 4 crashed on me as I was entering. Of course, by the time I can restart WoW, login to buddyauth and kill the session, login to WoW, login to HB....the other guy is dead and I'm back where I was before I entered the match. The second time this happened, I said screw it and decided to call it a night. I'm not sure what the deal is, but I'm about out of ideas.

The first thing I thought was that it was my settings. I had some settings that made us lose bad a couple of times. One such setting was summon doomguard....come on. Lol. I thought it disabled it automatically for PvP, but I was wrong. So I had to go in there and turn it off. I also turned off all Destro/Demon stuff and any talents that weren't in my build. Then the second match I was in that actually worked...it tried to create a healthstone while getting pummeled by a warrior. :/ Come on....lol. So I had to turn that off and make sure I created them while in preparation area. That's when I decided to try one more match, and WoW errored out and crashed on me when loading the arena area.

I have posted a log, but it's big...most relevant stuff would be in the bottom 25% I would presume. Any thoughts? Has this happened to anyone else using this CR? Is it even related to the CR?

That's odd. I tend to load up HB when I'm standing in the town, click start, then join the arena - and it works.. or at least it did when I last tried it.

When you enter the arena, target someone (or yourself) and it'll do all of it's pre-setup activities itself. I'm still trying to work out why you need a target, but not having much luck. Stormchasing suggested something last night to attempt to resolve it, so I'll give that a go. It's incredibly frustrating !

Doomguard / Infernal - I'll add a check to ensure you aren't in an arena.
Healthstone - It does actually have a combat check in it, so no idea why it's done that.


I'll try changing some stuff around today to prevent it happening.

As for the crashing..

- System.Exception: Error while writing Memory!
- Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 01F2D3FE, Size: 1
- Exception in Pulse: System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
- System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: 0208BE18, Size: 4

These are all memory read/write errors which are handled by Honorbuddy. Nothing I can do to help with that, sorry. Only suggestion I have is to pause the bot base (like pause Tyrael) when zoning? May help.
New release? Have I missed something?

There's no new Honorbuddy release if that's what you mean.

There's a closed beta version which a couple of us 3rd party devs get access too so that we can find bugs before they go public, but the new version which they're working on is changing the internals significantly, so there's lots and lots of issues. Won't be released for a while I'd imagine.
This is a great CC in PVP wow.

Anyone care 2 share their best arena configs? what specc? how 2 use cds? what settings?

At work so don't have a full list.. but some settings I use..

- Affliction
- Dark Soul on boss/player (to nuke ASAP)
- Sacrificial Pact on 95% HP (so that we use the absorb and get the CD back quicker).
- Twilight Ward on CD
- Blood Horror on CD
- Healthstone with Dark Regeneration @ 40%
- Curse on PvP setting
- Fear - 'Any which use Cooldowns' + 'Any casting healing spell' + Allow fear half duration
- Shadowfury / MC on hotkeys
- High AoE count @ 99 (but AoE enabled to allow multi-dotting/soul swap)
View attachment 106924


My Warlock in Destro run the every Target and than he do nothing

Wenn iam click a cast he do the rest but if i do nothing he do nothing only runs around :(

Hey - The free version doesn't support movement/targeting/facing - it's designed to be used with manual control bot bases (Tyrael / Lazy Raider etc)
At work so don't have a full list.. but some settings I use..

- Affliction
- Dark Soul on boss/player (to nuke ASAP)
- Sacrificial Pact on 95% HP (so that we use the absorb and get the CD back quicker).
- Twilight Ward on CD
- Blood Horror on CD
- Healthstone with Dark Regeneration @ 40%
- Curse on PvP setting
- Fear - 'Any which use Cooldowns' + 'Any casting healing spell' + Allow fear half duration
- Shadowfury / MC on hotkeys
- High AoE count @ 99 (but AoE enabled to allow multi-dotting/soul swap)

Twilight ward and Blood horror on cd will spam it outside combat as well aka outside arena / rbg

So if you are using Tyrael with standard hotkey alt-x to shut it off outside arena/ rbg or you will be spamming it there giving you away.

Question about aoe count at 99, you set this so it wont spam seed of corrupt? But still does multiswap?
Since i noticed today that it kept spamming seed over a multiswap when set to 5 ( standard ) whch is a terrible dps loss.
So with it set to 99, its still aoeing, but wont meet the criteria to go seed over swap?

Also another question, destroyed them in rbg's today, but how can you explain not using haunt on a 14.5 mil dmg done. Not even once.

Is it settings dependable or?

Also saw it summon pet twice in combat today even when its ticked to only summon it on instant cast which shoudnt be possible then?

Edit: few more battles where it is summoning in combat without instant cast. Just in combat, mass swapping and then it summons a pet the long way.
Anyone else haveting the problem that the CC is sometimes doing nothing for 1-2 seconds, beside standing there? This results in lower dps then possible. Noticed this in Raid, Questing and Dungeons... even on raid dummys.. Only do about 60k in Raid... but i would assume that my char should do about 30-40k more... If the CC would run properly.
Twilight ward and Blood horror on cd will spam it outside combat as well aka outside arena / rbg

So if you are using Tyrael with standard hotkey alt-x to shut it off outside arena/ rbg or you will be spamming it there giving you away.

Question about aoe count at 99, you set this so it wont spam seed of corrupt? But still does multiswap?
Since i noticed today that it kept spamming seed over a multiswap when set to 5 ( standard ) whch is a terrible dps loss.
So with it set to 99, its still aoeing, but wont meet the criteria to go seed over swap?

Also another question, destroyed them in rbg's today, but how can you explain not using haunt on a 14.5 mil dmg done. Not even once.

Is it settings dependable or?

Also saw it summon pet twice in combat today even when its ticked to only summon it on instant cast which shoudnt be possible then?

Edit: few more battles where it is summoning in combat without instant cast. Just in combat, mass swapping and then it summons a pet the long way.

No idea with Haunt. Hasn't blown all shards on other stuff like Soulburn + Soul Swap etc has it ? Or Soulburn + Drain Life.. or Soulburn + Curse...

As for the pet - I dont think the combat check always returns the correct value.

This CR is absolutely great! Wish to have it also on my Shadowpriest :)

There's a poll up on my website at the moment - shadow priest is winning so far :P

Anyone else haveting the problem that the CC is sometimes doing nothing for 1-2 seconds, beside standing there? This results in lower dps then possible. Noticed this in Raid, Questing and Dungeons... even on raid dummys.. Only do about 60k in Raid... but i would assume that my char should do about 30-40k more... If the CC would run properly.

It's a known issue with Honorbuddy.
- Change to help prevent Healthstone's being created during combat.
- No longer need a target before casting pre combat abilities.
- No longer attempt to summon Doomguard / Infernal in an arena.
- Added Potion of the Jade Serpent support.
- Summon Doomguard with SimulationCraft setting will now wait until <30s remaining on the Hero/BL/TW aura, to prevent it instantly activating once the haste buff procs (and being able to spot the bot from a mile off).
- Added a check to prevent casting fear and silence together.