Works amazing.
Some input: Beye dumps process names, maybe try hiding that a little bit rather than just running unknownBuddy, will likely get sig'd pretty quickly.
UI - Looks great and works well. Box UI with more info such as HP / distance to target would be helpful.
Distance - Possible to increase the draw distance? Had a few people within a few hundred meters not drawing.
Items - Unusable for the most part, need to filter out worthless junk and let the text stack, possibly color coding specific things like Painkillers, Lv3 vest / helpmet, silencers?
Super happy with it so far, hope it doesn't get detected too fast.
The second I saw Bossland's name on a PUBG hack, I bought it. You kept my WoW account safe for many, many years without a snag, so definitely starting off of a good foot, haha.