I have a big problem with small raids. I usually do lfg for events to maximize what the group is doing, but I was on a server where the q was really long... the problems are as follows.
1) When I do lfg, I turn on the bot. Ashran pops and the bot leaves the raid.
2) when I manually lfg again I didnt start the bot until I was inside ashran. When inside, there was more than half the raid of maybe a size less than 16. only 4 or 5 were in ashran not including myself, meaning the bulk majority was waiting outside in stormshield. The bot will always run out of ashran to join the "bulk" of the group. This means that my huge wait to join a premade failed. I dont know what servers you are on, but alliance usually don't do events, or struggle at them unless you are in a premade.. very rare to get in on a good event group.
The reason I want events after the main raid is obviously for conquest points... In a post I mentioned your plugin, you replied right after me saying you get full conquest points in 10 hrs... Again, I have no idea what server you are on, but I bought this bot a week or two ago and have ran for waaaaaaaay more than 10 hrs and im not even close to capped in conquest points. I woke up in the ocean again this morning after running this and had gained 0 honor and 0 conquest points when going to bed. I think this was because of the bot running out of ashran like I described above, except for it was the problem that I mentioned in an earlier thread where it just runs out in the ocean. I honestly haven't seen it do that in a while, but it did it last night.
I really want to love this plugin, especially for the cost, and it hurts me to say that it's not worth the cost, but.... ouch.. I know this will get better in the future, it just hurts really bad right now.
Hopefully the new update will fix all of this!