I think its more like 4 people in group including myself.. 2 are in stormshild the other is in the field, then it just runs out into the ocean.. I don't know, it doesn't even run into stormshield. So im not sure if mathmatically it is trying to find the common waypoint between the other 3 people or what... I have both botbases set to combat bot, because I just want it to stay in ashran. My server is a med-high pop (swings back and forth), I haven't tried it yet on my toon that is on high population server. Also, I noticed that it started looting again.. forced combat still isn't really working though. I know there are options to make it assist, but it's not really working for me. Is it possible to make it assist a dps or tank in a cluster of people?
Thanks again,
Noticed you added a few more options on assist. I will try closest, maybe it will just work with that option, will report back.
Edit on report: seems to kindof work, it's hard to tell. I think it is, it's just that when you are mounted it doesn't dismount. Not sure how target assist is set but maybe a check if they are assist and in combat then dismount? I don't know, just spit balling here.
Oh and one last thing, is it possible to tell us when we stop the bot how much conquest points we gained?