Thanks for the updates. Tested monk profile in raid and it seems to be working as intended. However, I have a few suggestions for it.
Right now it seems to refresh de/buffs when they're running out, and use the non-de/buff abilities (Bootshine, True Strike, Snap Punch) otherwise. This isn't necessarily optimal, as it ignores what position you're currently at. If you're on the side, even if Dragon Kick debuff still has 9s, you should still use DK because with the positional bonus it is exactly as strong as side-Bootshine, and refreshes the debuff so you have the option of using BS next rotation. The same thing applies to Twin Snakes and True Strike.
Demolish and Snap Punch are a little trickier, since Demo has so little upfront damage. Even if you're in the rear, if Demo has a long time remaining its probably better to use Snap Punch. However if Demo dot only has a few seconds left, its definitely better to refresh if you're in the rear. If you're in the flank, its likely better to not use Demo unless the dot is completely gone.
Since keeping Greased Lightning up should be a priority, non-combo on-gcd spells such as Touch of Death should have a check to make sure that GL is safe. Doesn't matter on dummy parses, but if you're dodging things in an encounter you don't want to get back to the boss with 2s left on GL3 and then use Touch of Death instead of Demolish.
I'm not really a monk main, so if someone else has stuff to add feel free. Those are just some things that I think make sense.