I didn't wanna say it like this but I'm a lvl 60 PLD and the PLD routine seems shitty
All Classes/Jobs 1-50 Single Target DPS
DPS Classes/Jobs 1-50 Multi Target DPS
Currently In Development
50-60 Leveling For All Classes/Jobs
Hello everyone, I have 2 questions. 1 i can't get my summon chocobo to ever work. and 2 what routines are you guys using for drg and smn. the one that comes with a bot or is there a better one out there. I've been trying to read through all 115 pages but either i'm missing them or i'm just retarded. If you could please help me along. Thanks^^
If you have the setting to "always use this mount" on for a different mount then it won't summon chocobo.summon chocobo isnt working anymore since a few updates ago.
yeah thanks that was the problemIf you have the setting to "always use this mount" on for a different mount then it won't summon chocobo.
Swapped to my level 1 THM, started RB using the Ultima routine then came back 3 weeks later and am still level 1.
Hypothetical example. The routine tries to cast fire at level 1 which isn't unlocked until lv2.
private async Task<bool> Blizzard()
if (UmbralAura &&
Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent < 90)
return await MySpells.Blizzard.Cast();
if (!UmbralAura &&
LowMP &&
return await MySpells.Blizzard.Cast();
return false;
private async Task<bool> Blizzard()
if [B]([/B](UmbralAura &&
Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent < 90)[B] || Core.Me.ClassLevel < 2)[/B]
return await MySpells.Blizzard.Cast();
if (!UmbralAura &&
LowMP &&
return await MySpells.Blizzard.Cast();
return false;
I didnt really want to release this until Ninjutsu was working properly but I will anyways. Iam not really playing ninja anymore as it has issues that are beyond my knowledge of fixing, but with that being said...
This is a level 60 only version of the routine.
Smart Target = I changed to do a single target version of the routine with no cds
Single Target = rotation with cds
Multi Target = no changes
Smarter use of Armor Crush - Armor Crush will be used only if Debuffs and Dots are applied to the target and Huton has less than 25 seconds.
Armor Crush will also be a priority no matter what if Huton has less than 15 seconds. For example...
If Dancing edge, shadow fang, mutilate are on the target, Huton has less than 25 seconds, Armor Crush will be used.
If Dancing edge, shadow fang, mutilate are on the target, Huton has more than 25 seconds, Aeolian Edge will be used.
If Dancing edge Has less than 6 seconds or
shadow fang has less than 4 seconds or
mutilate has less than 4 seconds are on the target, Huton has LESS than 25 seconds. Those dot's and debuffs will take priority.
Sounds confusing I know. Just play around with it and you will see what I mean
With that being said. Dots and debuffs stay on the target 100% of the time and should rarely fall off.
I optimized the opener to make better use of cds. Higher dps off the start.
It's still a work in progress, If anyone wants to make changes feel free to do so yourself. This was something I started but I am probably not going to support, because of certain issues with ninjutsu,
but i will be happy to answer any questions about the routine
Edit: Thanks to Endus, Ninjutsu is working as intended. The routine should perform a lot better with the newest update
Edit 2: Changed some things with Behaviors.cs file
When Dancing Edge is unchecked in the UI, the routine will go from spinning slash > gust slash then return back to gust slash, when it should be following through with aeolian edge.
Did you restart RB after putting it in the Routines folder? What class are you using? I've been running Ultima all day.Hi sorry to bother but how do you get this to run? I set it up under routines and its right under my kupo folder and I have also updated it with the svn many times but I do not have the options to switch from kupo to it. Can anyone help me please?