Monk Broken - Major DPS Loss
There is still a fairly major issue with Monks. I've noticed that quite frequently (especially if your not standing behind the enemy) that Demolish will not refresh when its suppose to and instead a snap punch is used and demolish is allowed to fall off. I've also aggravatingly seen 3 or 4 snap punches go off before Demolish is even reapplied. This results in anywhere from 6 to 18 seconds of no Demolish ticks. Demolish should be coded to reapply when there is less than 4 to 5 seconds left regardless of position. In one test even while standing behind the enemy the whole time I watched demolish fall off and then 6 rotations of snap punches occurred before demolish was reapplied.
In another test I approached the enemy from behind and remained behind for the entire test. I watched the first 6 combo finishes be snap punch. Not a single demolish was even applied until the 7th combo finisher. this was almost 50 seconds into the encounter. This is a MASSIVE dps loss.
After multiple tests from either the side or back or following the proper positional pattern demolish is not consistently or dependably reapplied when it should be. On average every 2nd or 3rd time demolish is supposed to be reapplied there is a roughly 18 second gap between demolish applications while snap punch finishers are used 4 to 5 times in a row and most severely I've seen 8 snap punch finishes used before demolish was reapplied. All in all this issue represents a frequently occurring significant dps loss. As stated previously Demolish should be coded to reapply when there is less than 4 to 5 seconds left of its duration regardless of any extenuating circumstances.
There is still a fairly major issue with Monks. I've noticed that quite frequently (especially if your not standing behind the enemy) that Demolish will not refresh when its suppose to and instead a snap punch is used and demolish is allowed to fall off. I've also aggravatingly seen 3 or 4 snap punches go off before Demolish is even reapplied. This results in anywhere from 6 to 18 seconds of no Demolish ticks. Demolish should be coded to reapply when there is less than 4 to 5 seconds left regardless of position. In one test even while standing behind the enemy the whole time I watched demolish fall off and then 6 rotations of snap punches occurred before demolish was reapplied.
In another test I approached the enemy from behind and remained behind for the entire test. I watched the first 6 combo finishes be snap punch. Not a single demolish was even applied until the 7th combo finisher. this was almost 50 seconds into the encounter. This is a MASSIVE dps loss.
After multiple tests from either the side or back or following the proper positional pattern demolish is not consistently or dependably reapplied when it should be. On average every 2nd or 3rd time demolish is supposed to be reapplied there is a roughly 18 second gap between demolish applications while snap punch finishers are used 4 to 5 times in a row and most severely I've seen 8 snap punch finishes used before demolish was reapplied. All in all this issue represents a frequently occurring significant dps loss. As stated previously Demolish should be coded to reapply when there is less than 4 to 5 seconds left of its duration regardless of any extenuating circumstances.