are you using my version or the base version, I have a co-routine setup to avoid this issue, tested this morning again with the new tweaks to ultima, seems to be working fine, got two more tweaks to make on bane,but I've identified the logic issues on smart target, and have just manually added the helpers logic within smart. will have hopefully a complete version ready to go tonight
Within the Ultima/Rotations/Methods/ folder update the blood of the dragon line in the dragon.cs file to this ; should work but not home to test it
private async Task<bool> BloodOfTheDragon()
if (Ultima.LastSpell.Name == MySpells.Disembowel.Name &&
!Core.Player.HasAura(736) ||
Ultima.LastSpell.Name == MySpells.VorpalThrust.Name &&
return await MySpells.BloodOfTheDragon.Cast();
return false;
is it possible to make the spell queuing toggle able?