Is it possible to have a hotkey to enable CD please ?
Not a hotkey to instant cast the cooldowns, just a hotkey to tell the rotation to cast the cooldown when it's the best moment for him. I hope you understood me![]()
Hey man, is your entire CR based off of Icey Veins?
Just wondering if you had a read through Cyous's in depth Boomkin guide (based more towards high end raiding/high log rankings).
Check Moonfarespam: The Moonkin Guide (6.0.x) - Forums - World of Warcraft as it may shine some light on things as well as make this CR an even greater routine.
No, as I'm not convinced it is good for raiding with Enyo.hello there
any plans implementing auto target & face?
Thank you!Best Balance CR out, awesome job.
I plan to implement a hotkey for burst. CA/Incarnation will not be used by the routine if you disable CA in the settings.Is there any way to disable/enable automatic cooldown usage? I'd very much like it implemented that I can manually use CD
or Hotkeys Enable/Disable mode
I have added this to my todo list. I don't see this as very high priority. Should it be? If so, why?Doesn't work with Glyph of Solstice. Spams "Casting Starfall" and does nothing in game. Doesn't cast Sunfall at all
I believe I understand what you mean and I will consider it when implementing the burst hotkey.Is it possible to have a hotkey to enable CD please ?
Not a hotkey to instant cast the cooldowns, just a hotkey to tell the rotation to cast the cooldown when it's the best moment for him. I hope you understood me![]()
Are you sure? This is not the case for me. When setting CA to Never in the settings, the routine will not cast Incarnation nor CA.Think hes talking about incarnation. As the bot will always pop this one cd. Would be nice if it had en option like cele align.
Also would like to say that you have made the best CR for balance by far. I have tested them all. I paid for the Star's one and originally it was better but now yours is clearly better. Thank....
With starfall being -16.6% damage. Starfall now wont be viable with less then 4 targets ??
Thank you for your input and link on the Starfall topic, added it to my todo list! About the work/money situation; I don't want to set a price on my routine in the store. Everyone have a different economical situation and I don't want to force those with sparse economy to pay me. If someone feel like they want to help me keep doing this, I prefer the optional donation system. Thank you for your kind words!Hello Cybernisse,
first thing, if your CR would be a paid one, i would buy it. Coz for me it's one of the best, so keep working on this please, even if we have to pay for this.
Secondly i really would like to see a hotkey for "enable cooldown" / "disable cooldown" (i know i asked for this earlier)
last thing, it's about the 6.1 patch, there was a nerf of starfall, and now starfall is not ALL the time the best choice with 2 target. I'll try to explain myself :
Before 6.1 = 2targets only= starfall all the time
After 6.1(now) = 2targets only = starfall during lunar and starsurge during solar
It's a bit more complex than that, so i'll link you some thread who talks about this :
[Balance] Starfall on 2 Targets Post Nerf?
And this was made by lappe which explain when do you need to starfall and when you must NOT:
Sorry for my english, i hope it was clear enough,
thanks for your CR, and also, dont hesitate to make money for your work, coz it's good damn work.
Thanks! First, about the donation...the last donation I recieved was on the 11th of February which was 2 weeks ago. I hope the paypal system isn't broken...anyway, thank you so much for donating regardless! About the routine: Not sure what you mean about the opener. I expect the user to precast a Starfire (on dbm pull or such), but after that the routine should not be casting spells any slower than one could do manually. Is this the case for you? If I recall correctly the routine should try to refresh dots at the end of CA if they are shorter than some fixed value. Would not surprise me if this does not happen in certain situations though, e.g. if there are many targets or such. Will try to investigate.Great work on the routine Cybernisse. I've donated to you on paypal last week... think what you are doing is way better than the alternatives.
Just a few things that I have noticed when testing your routine that might make the routine preform even better in a raiding situation:
1) I have relatively low latency to the server (around 60ms). I find that if I do the opener myself it makes a large deference in overall DPS because I can "pre-cast" the upcoming spell and cast more spells in the same amount of time verses letting the routine do all the work.
2) When in [Celestial Alignment] the routine casts Moonfire/Sunfire on the targets but does not refresh them both on at least the primary (if not secondary) target(s) prior to [Celestial Alignment] ending. This must be done manually at present, at least from what I can tell.
That's it for now.
Thanks! First, about the donation...the last donation I recieved was on the 11th of February which was 2 weeks ago. I hope the paypal system isn't broken...anyway, thank you so much for donating regardless! About the routine: Not sure what you mean about the opener. I expect the user to precast a Starfire (on dbm pull or such), but after that the routine should not be casting spells any slower than one could do manually. Is this the case for you? If I recall correctly the routine should try to refresh dots at the end of CA if they are shorter than some fixed value. Would not surprise me if this does not happen in certain situations though, e.g. if there are many targets or such. Will try to investigate.
How the routine will react when there is alot of mobs in range, but they are too low hp to be dot'd (first example = Beastlord in BFR)?? I'm pretty sure it's a loss dps to dot an enemy who will die in the next few seconds, right ? So how the routine handle it ?
Second question, when will be your next update ?![]()
Hello Cybernisse and everyone who uses this CR. I'm a Boomkin lover and avid Stars user. But after seeing all the praise in this thread for this CR I'm going to try this out this week (682 Boomer). A few questions about the interface and use:
1.) In the "Area Of Effect" option under "Dot Behavior" if I set it to "All Enemies" will the CR automatically apply the dots to all available targets or do I have to manually target for them to be applied. I quickly did heroic Kromog last night and noticed that hands weren't automatically being targeted. I also have "Minimum enermies for Starfall" set to 2. Does this value affect the dot behavior?
2.) Also under "Rotation - Only empower lunar" when would this be of use? Single target? Two, three targets? Unfortunately I haven't put in proper time to know all Boomkin mechanics due to my busy real life schedule.
Really appreciate anyone who puts the time to make a CR specifically for Boomers. I do not hesitate to purchase CRs and if this CR is everything everyone is making it out to be, I'll be looking forward to donating. Appreciate it!!
Hello Cybernisse and everyone who uses this CR. I'm a Boomkin lover and avid Stars user. But after seeing all the praise in this thread for this CR I'm going to try this out this week (682 Boomer). A few questions about the interface and use:
1.) In the "Area Of Effect" option under "Dot Behavior" if I set it to "All Enemies" will the CR automatically apply the dots to all available targets or do I have to manually target for them to be applied. I quickly did heroic Kromog last night and noticed that hands weren't automatically being targeted. I also have "Minimum enermies for Starfall" set to 2. Does this value affect the dot behavior?
2.) Also under "Rotation - Only empower lunar" when would this be of use? Single target? Two, three targets? Unfortunately I haven't put in proper time to know all Boomkin mechanics due to my busy real life schedule.
Really appreciate anyone who puts the time to make a CR specifically for Boomers. I do not hesitate to purchase CRs and if this CR is everything everyone is making it out to be, I'll be looking forward to donating. Appreciate it!!